Reports + Writing
FCCP Reports + Writing is a platform for sharing high-level reports on forest, carbon, and climate topics. Work from the FCCP, as well as key partners and collaborators is highlighted below. Click each thumbnail to download a full PDF document.
- FCCP Reports
- FCCP White Papers
- Topical Overviews
Forest Preferential Property Tax Programs and Carbon Project Compatibility
An assessment of program compatibilities across nine states
Impact of Forest Management and Wood Utilization on Carbon Sequestration and Storage in Pennsylvania and Maryland
Results for the State of Maryland
Forest Carbon Inventorying, Modeling, and Policy Linkages: An Assessment of State-level Readiness, Motivations, and Needs in USFS Region 9
An assessment of State-level Readiness in USFS Region 9.
Predictors of Family Forest Harvest Behavior in US Forest Service Ecoregion 212
Predictors of Family Forest Harvest Likelihood and Intensity in USFS Ecoregion 212
Part I: Safeguards for a Sustainable Forest Economy
Part l: Needs and Principles for CSFE Safeguards
Michigan Council on Climate Solutions
Natural Working Lands and Forest Products Workgroup Recommendations
Part III: Safeguards for a Sustainable Forest Economy: References
Part lll: Safeguards for a Sustainable Forest Economy
Part II: Safeguards for a Sustainable Forest Economy
Part II: Efficient and Effective Safeguards Assessment and Implementation for a Climate-Smart Forest Economy
Predictors of Family Forest Harvest Behavior in the Northeastern United States
Forest Harvest Behavior in the Northeastern United States
White Papers
Scoping Dialogue on Climate Positive Forest Products
Potential Climate Benefits, Challenges and Risks Related to Scaling up Mass Timber Construction Practices
Membership Knowledge Transfer Special Session
Forest Product Life Cycle Assessment
Climate Change Field Guide for Northern Michigan Forests
Site-level Considerations and Adaptation
State Forest Certification
Overview of the main certification programs in the U.S. and examination of certification program dispersion across states, as well as adjacent policy and carbon implications.
- US Inaugural Summit Report
A Summary of Key Findings
State-Level Forest Best Management Practices
This paper examines the management activities associated with BMPs.
The Wildland Urban Interface and Fire Management Policies
This paper explores how these states have employed different tools to encourage safer development and lower levels of fire risk in the WUI.
State Cap-and-Trade Programs
This paper describes the basic design elements of a cap-and-trade program, including linkages to forest offset projects.
Embodied Carbon Policies
This paper explores the mechanisms intended to internalize and bring attention to embodied carbon in local, state, and federal policy arenas.
Topical Overviews
This section of the Open Resource Library features downloadable overviews on central topics in forests, carbon, and climate. These science-based narratives aim to concisely explain complex concepts, leveraging unique FCCP imagery and research, other scientific literature, official data and reports, and peer analysis.
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