Open Resource Library

The Open Resource Library (ORL) is an online space dedicated to sharing educational outputs from our for-credit and non-credit course offerings to a wide audience of practitioners, educators, and members of the public. The primary goal of the FCCP ORL is to increase access to educational imagery, tools, and content regarding topics of forests and climate. This resource will be continuously updated to ensure visitors have access to up-to-date and relevant content from the FCCP.

Current resources include: 

  • Images + Graphics - a collection of graphics that are available for use by interested parties with attribution
  • Forest Carbon Data and Modeling - a series of six Resource Guides on key topics in state-level forest carbon inventorying and modeling
  • Reports + Writing - downloadable high-level reports, white papers, and overviews on forest, carbon, and climate topics
  • Self-Guided Lessons - these downloadable exercises can be used with existing USFS tools to explore tool inputs and outputs, opportunities and limitations
  • Spanish Resources/Recursos en Español - Este espacio en línea está dedicado a compartir productos y contenidos educativos sobre temas relacionados con los bosques y el clima
  • Webinars - a collection of free webinar series including the following:
    • Forests + Climate Learning Exchange Series - a free webinar series to inform participants of current and upcoming discussions on policy and strategy related to forest carbon 
    • Building Forest Carbon and Market Decision Capacity Webinar Series - a special webinar series for landowners, foresters, and natural resource professionals to inform decision-maker towards forest carbon markets and payment programs
    • Latte and Learn Series: Science for Policymakers with Forest Climate Working Group (FCWG) - an educational series designed for policymakers and those that support policy decision-makers, these morning sessions explore the science underlying forest health, products, and benefits in a changing climate
    • FCWG Internal Knowledge Sharing Sessions - special knowledge sharing sessions for the FCWG membership on  forest product LCAs and biochar production. 
    • Red de Aprendizaje: Bosques, Carbono, y Clima de América Latina - un esfuerzo de colaboración para generar confianza, conocimiento y soluciones interdisciplinarias que unen el cambio climático y los bosques en América Latina.
  • Videos - a collection of free educational videos including the following:
    • Tree measurement Video Series - free educational videos demonstrating various tree measurements and how to convert these field measurements into carbon measurements
    • FCCP + USFS Animated Video Series - a series of short videos that break down the complex interactions and dynamics of forests and carbon
    • Forest + Climate Visualization Partnership (FCVP) Videos
    • Virtual Field Tour Video Series: Northeast US - a short video series on a virtual tour of the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS).