Projects + Research
Featured Projects
The Forest Carbon and Climate Program works with a variety of organizations that lend their expertise to curriculum development, help share program offerings and outcomes, collaborate on research, and engage a wider audience of interested individuals.
All Projects and Research
Analyzing Safeguards for a Climate-smart Forest Economy (CSFE)
The FCCP provided qualitative analysis of existing safeguards guidelines and implementation challenges as relevant to a climate-smart forest economy to support CSFEP in their development of potential “breakthrough initiatives.”
Assessment of State-Level Capacity and Interest in Forest Carbon Data, Modeling, and Policy Linkages
Project funded by USFS Region 9 aiming to 1) assess state capacity, interest, and needs for forest monitoring, modeling, data interpretation, and reporting in the Eastern Region; and 2) fill state-level knowledge gaps via knowledge transfer materials.
Blockchain Project
FCCP and the Department of Forestry are partnering with U.S. Endowment to explore how the forest sector can use blockchain technology to track forest products and their associated carbon storage from cradle to grave.
Bosques + Gente (B+G): una colaboración que tiende puentes entre el desarrollo y la conservación en Perú
¿Bueno para los bosques, bueno para la gente? Condiciones para el éxito de las transferencias directas condicionadas (TDC) en Perú
Bosques + Gente: A Peruvian collaboration bridging development and conservation
Good for forests, good for people? Enabling conditions for scalable success for Peru’s Conditional Direct Transfers (TDC) program.
Climate Action and Reforestation in Northern Michigan
Along with MDARD, Michigan DNR, Huron Pines, WRI and others, FCCP received a $5.3 million USDA Regional Conservation Partnership Program grant to partner with private landowners to increase forest cover across northern Michigan.
Determinants of Harvest Decision-Making among Non-Industrial Private Landowners
To inform appropriate donor pool identification and tiers of anticipated carbon impact for FFCP, this project determines key determinants of harvest behavior (plot-level harvest likelihood and harvest intensity) on private lands in the Lake States and NE.
E-learning module on Wildland Fire and Forest Carbon Management
With funding from USDA NIFA, FCCP and partners are developing educational content on the interactions between wildland fire and forest carbon as climate change drastically alters fire regimes away from historical norms and baselines.
Forest + Climate State Policy Initiative
With support from EDF, FCCP is collecting, categorizing, analyzing, and tracking a range of state-level programs and policies that could contribute or detract from forests as a climate solution. Topics include carbon offsetting, CSF and more.
Forest + Climate Visualization Partnership
A collaboration between CAFRI at SUNY ESF and the FCCP has developed a partnership (FCVP), focused on creating engaging science-based media to effectively communicate the challenges, solutions, and interactions between forests and climate.
Forest-Climate Working Group Science Series for Policymakers
The FCWG invites experts to introduce key concepts related to forests’ role in climate change mitigation. The FCWG Science Series includes Latte & Learn educational sessions designed for policymakers and those that support policy decision-makers.
Natural and Working Lands and Forest Product Workgroup Recommendations to the Michigan Council on Climate Solutions
FCCP Director, Lauren Cooper, served as Co-Chair to the Natural Working Lands and Forest Products Workgroup for the Michigan Council on Climate Solutions. The workgroup developed five recommendations for achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
State-Level Forest and Forest Product Carbon Modeling
The FCCP collaborated with American Forests, NIACS, the Canadian Forest Service, the U.S. Climate Alliance to model the effects of forest management on carbon sequestration and storage in collaboration with state and federal partners.
Understanding Forest Carbon Management: Spanish Edition
The FCCP fills needs for international education with a Spanish-language and internationally oriented version of the Understanding Forest Carbon Management course.
Urban Forests, Carbon Storage, and a Changing Climate
Initial activities funded by SFI, FCCP and partners developed and expanded upon existing work on urban forest issues in relation to carbon, climate change impacts and mitigation, along with associated municipal policies and environmental justice concerns.
USDA NIFA Regional (2019-2022): A Regional Blended Learning Model to Understand Forest Carbon Management
With funding from USDA NIFA, the FCCP and partners developed educational content on key forest carbon issues and practical management applications in three U.S. regions: PNW, NE, and SE. The intensive course is titled Forest Carbon & Climate Adaptation.
World Bank Forest Investment Program – Case Study
The Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) worked in partnership with the World Bank's Forest Investment Program (FIP) to develop and publish "A Case Study of the Forest Investment Program in Mexico."