Forest Carbon Data and Modeling
Resource Guides
As a part of the Forest Carbon Data and Modeling Integration and Evaluation Project, made possible with support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Eastern Region, the Michigan State University Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) has produced a series of six Resource Guides on key topics in state-level forest carbon inventorying and modeling. Topics include basics on forest carbon science and management, forest inventory data and carbon calculations, the carbon modeling landscape, dealing with data uncertainty, accessing FIA data and emerging FIA applications, harvested wood products, and linkages with policymaking.
Each Resource Guide provides an introduction to the topic as well as a list of additional resource materials to allow for a deeper dive according to individual needs, curiosity, and interests. The specific topics selected were identified as important following expert interviews and a survey conducted over 2021-2022, each of which represented diverse perspectives and state-level knowledge transfer needs.
Forest Carbon Resource Guides
Background: Forest Carbon and Forest Carbon Management
Published on September 13, 2022
Topic 1: Forest Inventory Data and Complementary Data Sources for Carbon Calculations
Published on September 6, 2022
Topic 3: Accessing and Applications of FIA Data for Modeling
Published on August 19, 2022
Topic 4: Forest Products Data and Modeling Considerations
Published on August 12, 2022
Topic 5: Linking Forest Carbon Modeling with State Decision-Making
Published on August 5, 2022
Expert Panel on Forest Carbon Data and Modeling
As a companion to the Forest and Carbon Resource Guides, FCCP hosted a virtual panel in September 2022, bringing together experts from both academia and government, for 90 minutes of Q+A relating to state-level forest carbon inventorying, modeling, and linkages to policymaking.

- The University of Maine, School of Forest Resources
- "Forest Carbon Accounting and Modeling Framework Alternatives: An Inventory, Assessment, and Application Guide for Eastern US State Policy Agencies".
- This report synthesizes information for assisting states with building capacity to engage in forest carbon inventory, monitoring, and modeling for projecting carbon outcomes of policies that support mitigation‐focused forest management objectives. Key aspects include a summary of various forest carbon models applicable to the Eastern US, and a carbon modeling decision support framework to help agencies determine which model may be best suited, given their capacity and information needs.
Related Resources
Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program
This page provides an overview of forest carbon science and reporting in the FIA program along with links to a variety of research publications and reports, including FIA contributions to international, national, state, and entity-level carbon reporting; research reports and publications on broad themes of carbon science research and development; and additional examples of recent carbon science activities and developments.
Securing Northeast Forest Carbon Program
Funded through a USDA Forest Service grant, the Securing Northeast Forest Carbon Program is a cooperative effort among the State forestry offices in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont to secure as much of the private forest carbon in the northeast region as possible in a 3-year period (2021-2024). The project provides information for landowners about forest carbon science, forest carbon markets, developing and financing forest carbon programs, case studies, management tools and forest carbon calculators.
Project Collaborators