Reduced Oxygen Packaged HACCP Plan - Pickled Bolonga
Published on March 7, 2020
This HACCP plan describes processing and re-packing process used for Pickled Bologna. The establishment has a Specialized Meat Processing at Retail Food Establishment Variance that contains Good Manufacturing Practices and Standard Operating Procedures. -
Specialized Processing Methods Variance Tools Operator’s Manual
Published on March 7, 2020
The tools provided in this guidance are designed to assist the MDARD , Food and Dairy Division, local health departments and retail food service operators understand and apply for specialized processing methods variances. -
Blending Michigan Beans with Local Meat for Institutional Markets
Published on October 9, 2019
Blended bean and meat products can be deployed as a strategy to help small and mid-sized regional producers and their processing partners increase sales to local institutional markets. -
Growing a Local and Regional Meat Industry in Michigan: The Michigan Meat Network as a Case Study of Collective Impact Theory
Published on June 26, 2019
This report summarizes the collective impacts of the Michigan Meat Network. -
Who Was in the Room and How Were They Impacted? The Reach and Value of CRFS Events 2016-2018
Published on March 21, 2019
What motivates people to attend CRFS network convenings? How are summits and network meetings impacting participants? This report uses 586 evaluations collected from 2016 to 2018 to begin to answer such questions. -
Michigan MarketMaker
Published on December 10, 2018
MarketMaker connects producers, markets, and food lovers. -
Michigan Livestock Producer Capacity Assessment Final Report
Published on April 10, 2018
The findings of a survey exploring Michigan livestock producers' interest in and capacity to serve demand for local meat products. -
Understanding the Demand for Local Meat in the Grand Rapids region of Michigan
Published on February 26, 2018
This report provides an assessment of the Grand Rapids market for local and regional meat. The authors present demographics of the region and the meat processing facilities that are available. -
Have You Tried Weekly Retail Replenishment?: A Guide for Small Meat Plants
Published on January 19, 2018
This resource focuses on improving profitability in small and very small meat plants by managing retail inventory more effectively. -
A Case for Daily Slaughter in Small Meat Plants
Published on August 9, 2017
This brief discusses the merits of daily slaughter to aid small meat plants into increased sales and profitability. -
Deciding to Process Beef, Hogs, or Deer in Small Meat Plants
Published on August 9, 2017
This brief presents simple principles to aid small meat plants in deciding whether and when to process one species over another. -
Beyond the Numbers, Food Business Decision Making Series: Buying or Leasing a Food Hub Truck
Published on August 9, 2017
This guide presents the pros and cons of a food hub buying or leasing a truck for distribution. -
Opportunities and Barriers to Growing Michigan's Local Food System: The Case of Meat Processing
Published on August 8, 2017
This paper details some of the challenges that occur within and between the three tiers of the Michigan meat value chain; at the producer, processor and regulatory level and how they impact meat offerings in local food channels. -
Measuring PH and Water Activity in Cured Reduced Oxygen Packaged Snack Sticks
Published on August 8, 2017
A comparison of in-house and third party pH and water activity (aw) testing of cured, reduced oxygen packaged meat products was conducted. -
Regulatory Routes to Purchasing Michigan Meat
Published on July 13, 2017
This infographic is designed the help both buyers and sellers of meat understand meat processing regulation in Michigan. -
Developing Michigan Meat Processing, Part 1: Processing and Regulation
Published on June 29, 2017
This report presents challenges and opportunities for small meat processors in Michigan, as well as suggestions to increase the volumes of meat that are moved within the Michigan value chain. -
Meat Marketing Series: Inventory Management Through Buffers
Published on February 20, 2017
This guide outlines methodology for managing inventory via buffering. It is intended for meat marketers that provide direct delivery to wholesale customers. -
Meat Marketing Series: Selling the Whole Animal and Managing Variability
Published on June 9, 2016
Demand for local meat has been growing exponentially for years. Actually building a successful and profitable meat marketing program is easier said than done. Our report outlines a general solution for the problems. -
Michigan Meat Processing Infographic Report
Published on July 14, 2015
This infographic report is a visual guide to findings from the 2014 Michigan Meat Processing Capacity Survey. -
Before We Seek Change, is There a Demand for Local Meats?
Published on February 11, 2015
This report gives the results of a national literature search that examined the most up-to-date studies of demand for locally produced meats.