Other Resources
The Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in its classrooms, academic networks and workplaces.
Areas of Focus:
Mental health
- MSU Employee Assistance Program (EAP)- https://eap.msu.edu/
- Counseling & Psychiatric Services (CAPS)- https://caps.msu.edu/index.html
- Therapy Groups- https://caps.msu.edu/services/groups/therapygroups.html
- Anxiety & Mindfulness
- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Severe & Persistent Mental Illness
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group
- Mind in MInd (MiM)
- Support Groups
- Bipolar Support Group
- CBT for ADHD Support, Skills, and Resources
- Body Image & Eating Concerns Support Group
- Graduate Student Support Group
- Grief Group
- In Transition- Graduate Support
- International Student Support Group
- Latino/x/e Wellness & Connections
- Living with Chronic Illness
- Identity Groups
- Black Women’s Support Group
- Beyond the Binary
- Empower U
- Gender Identity & Attractionality (GIAA) Undergrad Group
- Gender Identity & Attractionality (GIAA) Grad
- Therapy Groups- https://caps.msu.edu/services/groups/therapygroups.html
- PSSB Counselor- Tuesdays 2:30-4:30pm
- Kathleen O'Shea, Ph.D., LLP, Postdoctoral Resident (CAPS)-osheaka1@msu.edu
- Undergraduate & Graduate Students appointment scheduling- https://caps.msu.edu/services/CAPSConnect.html
- Staff & Faculty can reach out to Kathleen directly at osheaka1@msu.edu
- Walkins welcome as space allows
- Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities- https://www.rcpd.msu.edu/
- MSU Autism Lab- https://autismlab.psy.msu.edu/
Gender issues
- The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center- (https://gscc.msu.edu/) has many resources for faculty, staff and TAs that outlines issues regarding promising practices surrounding pronouns, inclusive language, syllabi, in class discussions, assignments, and more.
- Student organization TransAction: wixsite.com/transaction
Academic/workplace hierarchy
- The Dynamics & Influence, Trust, & Power Have in Community-Academic Partnerships- https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/The+Dynamics+and+Influence+Trust+and+Power+Have+in+Community-Academic+Partnerships/1_vxi4qcod/11980461
How to navigate political differences
- Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center-https://www.difficultdialogues.org/webinars
Veteran considerations
- Student Veterans Resource Center- https://veterans.msu.edu/
Non-visible/invisible disabilities
- MSU Disability Pride Guide- https://inclusion.msu.edu/campus-resources/disability-pride.html
Religious discrimination/information- Antisemitism, Islamophobia- Brian
- MSU Dialogues- https://inclusion.msu.edu/education/msu-dialogues.html
- Conversations on Antisemitism and Islamophobia- 2025 dates TBD
- The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center- https://gscc.msu.edu/
- QUEST - Building Capacity for LGBTQA+ Inclusion (Offered to PSM in 2022)
- Consultations to assist with LGBTQIA2S+ identities and inclusion for faculty, staff, employees, departments, units, and groups at Michigan State University.
- Days of observance
- Incorporating Dialogue Into the Workplace
Background on DEI in PSM, CANR and MSU:
- PSM Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2017)
- DEI Demographic Data for Undergraduate and Graduate Students (2000 – 2020)
- CANR Diversity Survey Findings (2007)
- CANR Office of Diversity and Pluralism Structured Conversations Report (2006)
- CANR Office of Diversity and Pluralism Structured Discussion Group Key Findings (2006)
- MSU KNOW MORE@MSU Campus Climate Survey (2019)
Some external resources include:
- MSU resources on DEI:
- DEI Library Guide: https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/dei_resources
- Office of the President:
- DEI Plan: https://president.msu.edu/initiatives/dei-plan/index.html
- Vision for the future: https://president.msu.edu/initiatives/dei-plan/about.html
- Office of Institutional Equity: https://oie.msu.edu/
- Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance: https://civilrights.msu.edu/
- Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives: https://inclusion.msu.edu/index.html
- I3 & IDEA Coordinators Programming: https://inclusion.msu.edu/education/IDEA-Coordinators-Programming.html
- MSU Dialogues: https://inclusion.msu.edu/education/intercultural-dialogue1.html
- College of Agriculture and Natural Resources DEI: https://www.canr.msu.edu/diversity/about/dei
- Center for Regional Food Systems: https://www.canr.msu.edu/foodsystems/about/racial-equity-statement
- How to report misconduct
- MSU's Misconduct Hotline: https://misconduct.msu.edu/
- Professional and disciplinary organizations:
- Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS):
- National organization: https://www.manrrs.org/
- MSU MANRRS chapter: https://www.canr.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate/student_organizations/minorities-in-agriculture-natural-resources-and-related-sciences
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES): https://www.aises.org/
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS): https://www.sacnas.org/
- Green Latinos: http://www.greenlatinos.org/
- Earth Science Women's Network: https://eswnonline.org/
- Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS):
- MSU summer programs for underrepresented groups: