Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences

Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is a national organization with chapters around the country that welcome people of all backgrounds in agriculture and natural resource-related careers. As a MANRRS member, you will learn valuable career building and networking skills through community service opportunities, skill-building workshops and conference preparation.

Instagram: @MANRRSMSU

MANRRS Students


MSU MANRRS attends a regional conference in October and a national conference in March or April of every year.

Contacts & Meeting Times

Contact the MSU Chapter of MANRRS at manrrsmsu@gmail.com for general body meeting times for the semester and other events.

Club Advisors

Stephanie Chau: chaus@msu.edu
Tasha Warfield: warfiel7@msu.edu

MANRRS: You Belong Here