Julianna Wilson
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0807-5421
See a list of Dr. Wilson’s publications on Google Scholar page.
Program Description
My research program explores questions related to the management of pest and beneficial arthropods associated with temperate tree fruit cropping systems. My lab studies arthropod communities and population dynamics in the context of climate change and invasive species in the Great Lakes region using chemical and behavioral ecology, developmental and environmental modeling, landscape ecology, and plant-insect interactions. My extension program is dedicated to improving and implementing arthropod best management practices in support of the long-term sustainability of the Michigan tree fruit industry. I also co-teach graduate level seminar courses, provide guest lectures, and train postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students in lab and field research techniques.
Current assignment: Teaching 10% | Research 45% | Extension 45%
- Pest and Beneficial Arthropod Management
- Tree Fruit IPM
- Pome Fruit (Apples and Pears)
- Stone Fruit (Cherries, Peaches, etc.)
- Climate Change Effects
- Crop Pollination and Pollinator Stewardship
Professional Experience
- 2022-Present - Assistant Professor - Tree Fruit Entomology, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University
- 2011–2022 - Tree Fruit IPM Specialist/Integrator, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University
- 2009-2011 - Adjunct Instructor, Biology Department, Lansing Community College
- 2007-2011 - Post-doctoral Research Associate, Berry Crops Entomology Lab, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University
Selected Research Publications
(Also published as J.K. Tuell)
- Graham KK, Perkins JA, Peake A, Killewald M, Zavalnitskaya J, Wilson J, and Isaacs R (2020) Wildflower plantings on fruit farms provide pollen resources and increase nesting by stem nesting bees. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/afe.12424.
- Reilly JR, Artz DR, Biddinger D, Bobiwash K, Boyle NK, Brittain C, Brokaw J, Campbell JW, Daniels J, Elle E, Ellis JD, Fleischer SJ, Gibbs J, Gillespie RL, Gundersen KB, Gut LJ, Hoffman G, Joshi N, Lundin O, Mason K, McGrady CM, Peterson SS, Pitts-Singer T, Rao S, Rothwell N, Rowe L, Ward KL, Williams NM, Wilson JK, Isaacs R, and Winfree R (2020) Crop yield in the USA is frequently limited by a lack of pollinators. Proceedings B, https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.0922.
- Bintari, AF, Quintanilla MA, Wilson JK, and Shade A (2020) Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and local growing region. Phytobiomes, 4: 122-132. https://doi.org/10.1094/PBIOMES-01-20-0007-R
- Nicholson, C.C., Ward, K.L., Williams, N.M., Isaacs, R., Mason, K.S., Wilson, J.K., Brokaw, J., Gut, L.J., Rothwell, N.L., Wood, T.J., Rao, S., Hoffman, G.D., Gibbs, J., Thorp, R., Ricketts, T.H. (2019) Mismatched outcomes for biodiversity and ecosystem services: testing the responses of crop pollinators and wild bee biodiversity to habitat enhancement. Ecology Letters, https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13435.
- Grab, H., Brokaw, J., Anderson, E., Gedlinske, L., Gibbs, J., Wilson, J., English-Loeb, G., Isaacs, R., and Povenda, K. (2019) Habitat enhancements rescue bee body size from the negative effects of landscape simplification. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 2144–2154.
- Wood, T., Gibbs, J., Rothwell, N., Wilson, J.K., Gut, L., Brokaw, J., and Isaacs, R. (2018) Limited phenological and dietary overlap between wild bee communities in spring flowering crops and herbaceous pollinator enhancements. Ecological Applications, 8 (7): 1924-1934.
Recent Extension Publications
- Szucs, M., O. Simaz, L. Gut, J. Pote, and J. Wilson (Dec 2020) Increasing the abundance of samurai wasp for biological control of brown marmorated stink bug. MSU Extension News
- Wilson, J. (Sept 2020) Managing Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs in Homes & Gardens. Major revision of 2015 tip sheet originally written by P. Botch and D. Brown. Fact Sheet.
- Wilson, J., L. Gut, M. Grieshop, and W. Shane (revised August 2020) Managing Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Michigan Orchards. Fact Sheet
- Grieshop, MJ, D. Brown, R. Isaacs, J. Wilson (June 2020) Spotted Wing Drosophila Management in Home Fruit Plantings. Fact Sheet.
- Wilson, J., L. Gut, R. Isaacs, S. VanTimmeren (June 2020) Spotted Wing Drosophila Biology and Identification. Fact Sheet.
- Wilson, J., L. Gut, N. Rothwell, E. Pochubay, K. Powers, J. Wise (major revision June 2020) Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Michigan Cherry. Fact Sheet.
- Wilson, J., M. Quintanilla, A. Shade, T. Einhorn, G. Sundin, and A. Irish-Brown (Winter 2019) The apple replant field trial at the Clarksville Research Center. Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(4): 33-35. INVITED
- Wilson, J., M. Quintanilla, A. Shade, T. Einhorn, G. Sundin, and A. Irish-Brown (Fall 2019) Unraveling the mysteries of apple replant in Michigan. Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(3): 17-20. INVITED
- Quintanilla, M., E. Cole, K. Poley, and J. Wilson (Summer 2019) Fruit replant problem with a special emphasis on nematodes. Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(2): 19-21. INVITED
- Wilson, J., J.E. Carroll, E. Pochubay, A. Agnello, W. Shane (February 2019) Stone Fruit IPM for Beginners, A series of fact sheets published by the North Central IPM Center; 74 pages.
- Wilson, J. (Summer 2018) Studies on Pollination and Fungicide Use During Orchard Bloom. Fruit Quarterly, New York Horticultural Society, 26(2): 11-13. INVITED
- May, E., R. Isaacs, K. Ullmann, Wilson, J. Brokaw, S.F. Jordan, J. Gibbs, J. Hopwood, N. Rothwell, M. Vaughan, K. Ward, and N. Williams (2017) Establishing Wildflower Habitat to Support Pollinators of Michigan Fruit Crops. Bulletin E-3360, MSU Extension Service, East Lansing, MI
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