Donate to the Entomology general fund
Donating to your department of entomology is easy! Visit MSU's donation website to contribute to Entomology’s operations and activities. Contributing to this general fund gives us flexibility to use funds as needed. You may also select a specific named fund if you wish. Below are some of the named funds that support Entomology’s activities. Thanks very much for supporting your department of entomology!

Donate to a specific named fund
MSU Department of Entomology has funds and endowments designed to provide greater graduate study and outreach opportunities for our students and community. Simply click on the fund of your choice from the list below to donate. To mail a donation, see the instructions at the bottom of this webpage.
- A. J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection Gift Fund This fund was established to purchase Cornell drawers and cabinets for the AJ Cook Arthropod Research Collection. Funds are also received in memory of Gene Thompson was a former acting director of the Plant Industry Division at the Michigan Department of Agriculture, who had a special interest in noctuidae in Michigan.
- Bug House Fund for operations and activities.
- Department of Entomology Endowment Fund. Long-term financial support from interest on invested funds for the Department, Bug House, scholarships, and the AJ Cook Arthropod Research Collection.
- Entomology Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Fund. Current initiatives include the Entomology Research and Outreach Fellowship (EROF) program which promotes DEI by creating research opportunities with insects, nature and science for undergraduates who have limited access to these opportunities.
- Entomology Scholarship Fund for the department’s undergraduate and graduate students.
- Enviro-weather Service Fund. Enviro-weather links MSU’s weather data with tools for decision-making. The web-based tools help farmers, landscapers and gardeners with decisions such as: the potential for plant disease or insect pest occurrence; whether frost damage is likely; and best time to plant, spray, irrigate, or harvest.
- Gordon E. Guyer Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund in Aquatic Entomology
- Larry Gut Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund. A professor of tree fruit entomology, Gut valued mentoring and encouraging his students as an important part of his research and extension appointment. These endowed scholarships will support undergraduate and graduate students. Funded activities will include attending national and international conferences to present research or travel to visit researchers in other parts of the world to learn new techniques, facilitate international collaboration, and to develop life-long personal and professional networks.
- Merritt Endowed Fellowship in Entomology Fund. Provides fellowships for graduate students in Aquatic Entomology.
- Michigan Pollinator Initiative. Our mission is to develop a coordinated research, education, extension and policy driven effort to address priority issues related to pollinators and pollination in Michigan. MSU works with partners around the state in pursuit of research-based solutions for beekeepers, growers, land managers and policy makers to promote economic vitality and ecological stability. All donations go directly towards projects that benefit pollinators in Michigan and around the country.
- Pollinator Performance Center Building Fund. An existing building is being redesigned to better serve research, education and outreach related to pollinators. Funds will create a classroom, research laboratory and honey extraction facility in the building, implement an educational pollinator garden and create a dedicated staff position to support the center.
- Ray and Bernice Hutson Scholarship Fund. This Endowment supports graduate and undergraduate student travel to professional meetings, student research grant programs, student facilities, computers and other necessities.
- Roger and Barbara Hoopingarner Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Entomology. A fellowship supporting a graduate student enrolled in the area of apiculture, honey bee science, pollinators or pollinator ecology.
- Roger Hoopingarner Endowed Professorship in Apiculture/Entomology. A professorship in the Entomology Department with preference for candidates performing research and outreach related to apiculture, pollinators or honey bee science.
- Scriber Scholars in Butterfly Biology and Conservation fund. An endowment providing scholarships to undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students involved in basic butterfly/moth research and outreach activities. Also may be used to assist with travel for these purposes.
How to mail a donation
Gifts may also be mailed to:
University Development
Michigan State University
300 Spartan Way
East Lansing, MI 48824-1005
Please make your check payable to "Michigan State University" and be sure to include the name of the fund you wish to support on the memo line of your check. Thank you for helping us help others!