
  • Monday, June 23, 2025: Registration and Welcome, Full-day of Presentations (lunch on your own)
  • Tuesday, June 24, 2025: Full-day of Presentations (lunch on your own)
  • Wednesday, June 25, 2025: Tour (Half-day tour of Valent BioSciences; Half-day tour of the Chicago Botanic Gardens); Closing Dinner
  • Thursday, June 26, 2025: Full-day of Presentations, Announcement of ISHS Young Minds Awards, ISHS Business meeting with vote for host/location of the succeeding Symposium, Closing ceremony

The symposium will comprise seven non-concurrent sessions, divided into quarter to half days, each hosted by a member of the scientific committee with notable expertise in the session. A 20-minute ‘perspectives’ lecture will begin each session.

  • Fundamental/Molecular Biology
  • Application Technologies and environmental regulation of bioregulator penetration
  • Dormancy
  • Floral induction, formation, flowering, and fruit set
  • Vegetative and Reproductive Growth and Development
  • Fruit maturation and harvest
  • Postharvest biology/storability and quality retention/postharvest disorders

As the agenda details are finalized, additional information will be added here.