Abstracts and Manuscript Submission - Deadline Extended to March 15, 2025


All abstracts and manuscripts must be submitted to ROSA (Responsive Online System for Acta Horticulturae submission and review) link: https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=792

Please review the ISHS online submission procedure:  https://www.ishs.org/sites/default/files/page-documents/onlinesubmissionauthorsguide.pdf

To prepare the abstract and manuscript to meet the Journal’s requirements, please review the Acta Horticulturae author guidelines: https://www.ishs.org/authors

The following key points are required when submitting abstracts:

  • Abstracts need to be in English.
  • The maximum length of abstracts is 300 words.
  • Abstracts do not contain citations, tables, pictures or graphs.
  • All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use.
  • Please thoroughly check abstracts for spelling and grammar.

An abstract submission charge is due upon submission of an abstract and applies to the presenting author only. For ISHS Individual members, the abstract submission charge is fully waived. To become a new or renewing member of ISHS and review membership benefits please visit https://www.ishs.org/members

After payment and activation of your user account, you can begin your abstract submission.

Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author, using their own personal ISHS user account.

Abstracts must be submitted by 15-March 2025 for consideration by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be informed of their acceptance a few weeks after the submission deadline.

Two Young Minds Awards for junior scientists will be given:  1) one award for best oral presentation given by a junior scientist who is at the same time the presenter and first author of the submitted manuscript, and 2) one award for the best poster presented by a junior scientist who is the first author of the work.

How to participate and submit an abstract for consideration of the ISHS Young Minds Awards? https://www.ishs.org/young-minds-award

All oral presenters, including invited and keynote speakers, must submit a manuscript for Acta Horticulturae according to the Acta Horticulturae guidelines (https://www.ishs.org/authors) by 1-June 2025. Authors of posters are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit a manuscript for Acta Horticulturae.

Presenting authors of abstracts accepted for presentation (both oral/poster) must register for the symposium by 1-June 2025. Failing to register for the symposium will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the symposium program and your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings.

Failing to present (oral/poster) at the symposium will result in your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings.

Guidelines for contributors

Contributions are encouraged for both oral and poster formats; however, the former is preferred when the content is deemed appropriate. The scientific committee will consider the number of contributions for each session and attempt to align the subject matter with the appropriate session. If necessary, a change in the format will be communicated to the contributor to meet the needs of the agenda.

Oral presentations: Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes; 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions; at the conclusion of each session, time will be granted for open discussion and further questions.

Poster presentations: Posters will be displayed for the entirety of the symposium with a focused timeslot for discussion/presentation on the date of the oral session of the same content.

Maximum poster size is 119 cm by 84 cm.