Graduate Program Financial Assistance
Graduate students in Food Science and Human Nutrition may be able to obtain financial assistance from various sources:
- Departmental Graduate Research Assistantships (RA) or Teaching Assistants (TA), and departmental scholarships and awards.
- Graduate Research Assistantships from faculty research grants.
- College (CANR) and University fellowships and awards.
- Funding from sources external to MSU (professional organizations, government, foundation and other funding sources.)
Graduate Research or Teaching Assistantships
Assistantships are offered to U.S. and International students, both new and continuing, based on excellent academic credentials and demonstration of interest in the area of research being investigated (Research Assistantship - RA), or suitable knowledge in the course being taught (Teaching Assistantship - TA). Assistantships are available only to graduate students who are actively pursuing degree programs. Stipends, tuition waiver, and other benefits are determined by the University in compliance with the TA contract (found here) and the Graduate Students Rights and Responsibilities, found here. More information on Graduate Assistantships can be found here.
Department Awards
All applicants admitted to our graduate program are automatically considered for departmental assistantships, as well as scholarships and awards, which are assigned on a competitive basis. Applications should be received before January 15 to receive optimum consideration for departmental financial aid. Departmental assistantships are assigned for a one-year period and some may be renewable. Complete details of the financial support will be disclosed in discussions between the major adviser and the admitted applicant.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Awards
The college offers support through several fellowships and assistantship opportunities. Contact your adviser or a member of the CANR Graduate Committee or visit The CANR Graduate Program Website.
University Funded Awards
University and college support is available for graduate students. Fellowships include the University Distinguished Fellowships and University Enrichment Fellowships, Doctoral Completion Fellowships, and Special Fellowship programs to encourage activities such as teaching. Funding is also available to enhance research projects and for travel. Information on these awards is available through the Graduate School website.
Financial Aid
US citizens and eligible non-citizens may qualify for financial aid, such as federal loans and need-based grants. Information is available from the MSU Graduate School's Overview of Funding.
International Student Financial Assistance
Office for International Students and Scholars
103 International Center
(517) 353-1720
Financial assistance is also available to underrepresented minorities. Information is available from:
The Office of Culture, Access and Belonging
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
(517) 432-1349
Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate
The Graduate School
(517) 353-3220