2025 MSU Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series to begin on March 27
Published on March 4, 2025
The 2025 MSU Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast series will kick off the growing season series on March 27. The series runs every Thursday from 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. ET, through September 18. -
What’s that black mold on my wheat?
Published on July 6, 2023
Sooty mold and black point are appearing on wheat. -
Thrips, aphids and mites: Piercing-sucking pests that thrive in dry weather
Published on July 5, 2023
Due to the warm, dry nature of this summer, concerns of insect problems are on the horizon for field crops. -
Consider water source when irrigating vegetables during dry conditions
Published on June 20, 2023
Phytophthora capsici can be introduced to crops when irrigating with surface water. -
Mite management in tree fruits under hot and dry weather conditions
Published on June 13, 2023
There are many options available for mite control in fruit crops. -
Surviving the dry spell: MSU Extension's drought website provides vital resources
Published on June 8, 2023
Drought conditions are always troubling, but MSU Extension resources are available to help producers and landowners make the best management decisions for them. -
Dry forecast: How will that impact weed control?
Published on June 1, 2023
Weeds under environmental stress are hard to control. -
Pesticide Cost Comparison Decision Tool for Field Crops
Published on October 13, 2022
The Pesticide Cost Comparison Decision Tool for Field Crops provides farm producers with an ability to consider pesticide products and their costs within integrated pest management strategies. -
Spider mite spraying in Michigan field crops: Brand new cheat sheet
Published on August 1, 2016
We’ve got perfect spider mite conditions due to this summer’s dry weather and the arrival of August. Irrigation can complicate decisions. Here are tips to get any sprays right. -
Grub damage to lawns is being reported now in drought-stricken parts of Michigan
Published on November 2, 2015
White grub damage is being reported now because drought conditions in some areas have weakened and thinned turf root systems, making lawns much more susceptible to grub-feeding injury. Insecticide treatments may or may not be effective at this time. -
Help shade trees recover from July 2012 drought
Published on September 7, 2012
Drought-stressed trees may be more susceptible to borers. Protect them by watering during dry periods and using a systemic insecticide treatment. -
Yellow, stunted alfalfa may not be entirely due to drought
Published on July 25, 2012
Potato leafhopper numbers are above threshold levels in some alfalfa fields around Michigan. -
Spider mite populations thrive in hot dry summers
Published on July 13, 2012
Begin scouting vegetable gardens, berries and landscape plants for the first signs of a spider mite problem. -
Does a dormant lawn need to be treated for grubs?
Published on July 12, 2012
Home lawns are the most susceptible to grub damage under dry conditions. If you have seen turf damage caused by grubs in the last two years, plan on applying an insecticide for grubs before August 1. -
Sprayer considerations for improving spider mite control in soybeans
Published on July 12, 2012
Equipping and operating your sprayer correctly is critical to controlling spider mites in soybeans. -
Gypsy moth caterpillars damaging spruce trees
Published on July 11, 2012
Spruce trees provide haven for low populations of gypsy moth. -
Drought: Implications for near-term management decisions in field crops
Published on July 5, 2012
The recent trend in higher than normal temperatures paired with lower than normal precipitation puts Michigan field crops at risk. -
Potential for spider mites, especially in southern Michigan
Published on June 21, 2012
The upcoming dry weather may set up a potential outbreak of spider mites. Judging the need to treat an infested field can be difficult. A descriptive rating system can help you make a treatment decision. -
The hidden costs of insurance pesticide applications to field crops
Published on June 21, 2012
Some growers may be considering preventative applications of fungicides and insecticides to field crops. But just what are the impacts of preventative or insurance pesticide applications on insect or mite control? -
Scouting for potato leafhoppers in alfalfa
Published on June 18, 2012
Know your options for insect control prior to a problem.