Beef, Sheep & Swine

Anyone attending fair with a lamb or hog must complete either YQCA or BQA  and present a valid certificate of completion at weigh in.  A BQA certificate may be used for beef, lambs and hogs.  

All 4-H members taking a steer to the fair must complete Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) and present a copy of their certificate of completion before crossing the scale at fair.  The Feed Yard section is the training that must be completed.  

  • Show management (fair board and 4-H Livestock Developmental Committee) reserves the right to DNA and/or drug test any livestock exhibited at the Barry County Fair (DNA testing and drug testing may be performed by show management). Any animal found to be in violation will be disqualified. Any animal containing substances at any level not in compliance with United States Food and Drug Administration and/or United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety/safety standards, illegal substances and/or tampered with will be disqualified. An animal treated with any substance that’s withdrawal period will not be met at time of exhibition (show day) will forfeit the opportunity to be exhibited or sold in the current years’ event. Exceptions will not be made in the instance of a prescription from a licensed veterinarian. Any monies awarded to the individual, including sale proceeds will be forfeited. Owner of a market animal(s) will be considered communicated with and is in acceptance of this policy, in advance of the sale, in which he/she agree to adhere to this rule.  
  • The Barry County Fair livestock sale of lambs, hogs, and steers is considered a terminal sale. All animals will go directly to selected slaughter facilities or resale on designated trailers.

Hog Project

  • The use of Ractopamine (Paylean, Explode, XXL, Lean Maximer or any other beta-agonist) feed additive is strictly forbidden.  Member/Family (legal guardian) must turn in signed affidavit at check in along with a copy of current annual YQCA certification.  The same policies apply to Ractopamine as other drugs.  Show management reserves the right to test for Ractopamine.  Member & family will be held responsible for costs, fines or damages incurred. The Affidavit will be signed at hog weigh in.
  • Hog Tagging - hogs must be tagged with premise ID tags and BCF tags (prior to published deadlines) before weigh in. 
  • Hog Vaccination - The required vaccine is FluSureXP.  This is available from Bull Creek, South Kent or Musick Vet Service.  The first 2cc dose MUST be given between May 1st and May 7th.  The 2cc booster dose MUST be given between May 21st and NO later than May 28th.  Vaccination form will be provided by superintendent and must be brought to weigh in. 

Project Guidelines for Livestock Sale Members

The Barry County 4-H Livestock Developmental Committee has established the following guidelines for livestock sale participants to help 4-H members know what is expected of the livestock project:

  • Find a buyer for your animal, make personal contact, and invite them to the sale.
  • Complete the appropriate beef, sheep or swine market journal according to your project area and have it judged on non-livestock judging day.
  • Be present with your animal at species weigh in.
  • Attend the animal species meetings at the beginning of fair week.
  • Maintain an attractive, clean display of your animal during fair week.
  • Must participate in showmanship and market class in your project area.
  • Present your animal at the livestock sale in show condition.
  • Help on show day and large animal livestock sale day as requested by superintendent and/or leader.
  • Follow up with your buyer after the sale with a thank you note and your framed sale picture by Labor Day.

 Failure to follow these project guidelines as stated by the Barry County 4-H Livestock Developmental Committee may disqualify a member/participant from the Livestock Sale at fair. Revised 2008

Livestock Pre-registration market animals - Due April 15th email to and hogs-, beef-, lambs - 

Breeding animals (beef & lamb) pre-registration - Due April 15th email to and beef forms to, lamb forms to

Loans for Livestock Project
In an effort to assist members with project expenses, interest free loans are available for beef, sheep or swine members raising a market project for fair. The following link will take you to the Barry Community Foundation 4-H Livestock Loan Application As with any loan, there is an application to be completed and an interview will be scheduled prior to the loan approval. There is criteria to be followed throughout the loan and the loan is to be repaid after the animal is sold at the livestock sale at fair.

Market Journals

Market Journals are required for all 4-H members planning to sell their steer, lamb or hog in the livestock sale at the Barry County Fair. Journals must be judged on non-livestock judging day at fair. Links to the information can be found below.

Livestock Record Keeping Journal 
Steers, Lambs & Hogs - all ages

Criteria and Score sheet


4-H livestock projects, including beef, lambs and hogs provide great opportunities for youth to learn about animal and veterinary science, as well as animal production practices while gaining valuable life skills such as responsibility and record-keeping.

4-H youth will feed, train, show and care for project animals as they learn about breeds, selection, grooming, production, management, marketing, reproduction, health and agribusiness careers. Youth can start their own herd with breeding stock or raise a market animal that produces a meat product for human consumption. In addition to local county events, statewide competitions and educational events are all possibilities as well.

Livestock management is a part of Michigan’s important agricultural industry, which is vital to the state’s economy and future prosperity. Participating in a 4-H beef, sheep or swine project could set you on the path to an excellent career in agriculture.

Our 4-H Livestock Developmental Committee comprised of 4-H adult and teen volunteers manages our 4-H livestock project as well as our livestock sale. Our 4-H livestock sale is held annually on Friday at the Barry County Fair. The support of area businesses and families enables 4-H members to save for higher education, purchase their first car, reinvest into their livestock business, purchase school clothes, donate to a local charity and more. If you are looking for locally raised meat to fill your freezer and would like to support a 4-H member join us at the sale!


Project Snapshots


Fair Information, Pre-registration & County Forms