

  1. Bird, G., A. Chakaeva and D. Douches. 2013. Evaluation of Resistant Varieties for Globodera rostochiensis (Nematoda) and Leptinotarsa decalineatus (Insecta) in Kyrgyzstan.  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Knoxville, Tennessee.
  2. Bird, G. and A. Chakaeva. 2013. Occurrence and Management of Potato Cyst Nematodes in Central Asia.  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Organization of Tropical American Nematologists, La Serena, Chile. p. 28.

  3. Saidov, N. SH., A.U. Jalilov, T. K Mirzoev, D. Landis. 2011. Ecological Approaches to Pest Management in Tajikistan. Pp. 124-127. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference on Ecological Characteristics of Biological Diversity. October 2011, Kulob, Tajikistan. (in Russian).
  4. Saidov N. Sh., D.A. Landis (2009): Enhancing pest management in organic farming via conservation biological control.  2nd International Conference on the organic sector development in Central/Eastern European and Central Asian countries, Tbilisi, Georgia, 10-11 September 2009. The Abstracts of oral presentations was published on Conference proceedings CD Materials on section B1 plant production 2 p., (in Russian).
  5. Tashpulatova B.A. 2009, Mass production and application of Amblyseius species predator mites in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of Republic scientific-applied conference of farmers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan April 6-7, 2009. (in Russian)
  6. K. M. Maredia and D. Baributsa (eds). 2008. Integrated Pest Management in Central Asia. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007. View pdf file.

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Journal articlesLacewings

  1. Yuri Tokarev; Elena A Stepanycheva; Anna V Shchenikova; Taya D Chermenskaya; Anara S Chakaeva. Effect of plant xenobiotics on enzymatic activities of the aphid Toxoptera graminum (Insecta: Homoptera). Journal of Pest Science.  ID: PEST-S-08-00207.
  2. Elena A. Stepanycheva, Anna V. Shchenikova, Taisia D. Chermenskaya, Anara Sh. Chakaeva. Screening extracts of endemic Kyrgyzstan plants for insectoacaricidal and deterrent activities against three agricultural pests.  Journal of Applied Entomology. ID: JEN-2008-0369.
  3. Tashpulatova B., Rashidov M.I., 2009, Test of a new pheromone against fruit bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), Bulletin of Agrarian Science, # 1-2, p. 33-35 (Russian).
  4. Saidov N.Sh., A.U. Jalilov, D.A. Landis, A. Fiedler, V.K. Nazirov, T. Mirzoev (2010): Introduction the flowering plants in agricultural landscapes for increasing of efficiency of natural enemies. Bulletin of the Academy of agricultural sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe-2010, 10 p., in the press (in Russian).

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Books and brochures

Brochures on ecologically based IPM package for:

  1. Saidov, N. SH., A.U.  Jalilov, D. Landis, A. Fiedler, V.K. Nazarov, T. K Mirzoev, S. Karimjonov. 2011. Using Flowering Plants in Agro Landscapes to Increase Efficiency of IPM in Cotton. Pp. 106-115. In Agriculture Development Prospects and Concerns, Sixth edition. Academy of Agricultural Science; Institute of Farming. Dushanbe, Tajikistan. (in Russian).
  2. Saidov, N., 2009. Russian/Tajik/English Terminological Dictionary on Plant Protection. 60 pp. ISBN – 99947-706-6-7.
  3. Tashpulatova B.A. (2010): Phytoncinde plants as field, orchard and garden crops protectors, Tashkent-2010, published copies 100 (in Russian and in Uzbek).
  4. Saidov N., D. Landis, A. Fiedler, M. Bouhssini, V. Nazirov (2010):  Introduction of native flowering plants in agro landscapes for attracting beneficial insects. Brochure, Dushanbe-2010, 14 p., published copies 500 unit (in Tajik).
  5. Saidov N.SH., A.U. Jalilov, V.K. Nazirov (2009): Russian-tajik-english terminological dictionary on plant protection. Dushanbe-2009, 60 p., published copies 500 unit.
  6. Junusov K., Rashidov M., Aitmatov M. (2009): Russian, Kirghiz, Latin, Uzbek and English Terminological dictionary on plant protection. Kyrgyz agrarian university (Kyrgyzstan) and Tashkent State agrarian university (Uzbekistan), Bishkek-2008, 56 p., published copies 500 unit.
  7. Aitmatov,M, P. Geraedts, N. Saidov and G. Kaseeva. 2008. Management of Farmer Field School on IPM. Part I: Training manual for Master trainers on Farmer and Student Field Schools. 99 p., ISBN 978-9967-02-539-4 (Russian).
  8. Aitmatov,M, P. Geraedts, N. Saidov,  A. Djalilov and A. Krikkert. 2008. Management of Farmer Field School on IPM. Part II: Training manual for Master trainers on Farmer and Student Field Schools. 101 p., ISBN 978-9967-02-539-4 (in Russian).

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AbstractsInsect display

  1. Stepanycheva E.A., Shchenikova A.V., Chermenskaya T.D., Chakaeva A.Sh. 2006. Insectoacaricides of plant origin. VIIIth European Congress of Entomology, Izmir, Turkey, September 17-22. (Abstract Bok, Page 128).
  2. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2008. Landscape Ecology and Biodiversity to Enhance Biodiversity and Biological Pest Management. Abstract accepted for oral presentation to Ninth International Conference on Dry Land Development: Sustainable Development in Dry Land-Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, 7-10 November 2008, Alexandria, Egypt.
  3. A. Saidov, N. Saidov, B. Nakhshiniev. 2008. Some aspects of climate change on fauna of Tajikistan. Abstract accepted for oral presentation to Ninth International Conference on Dry Land Development: Sustainable Development in Dry Land-Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, 7-10 November 2008, Alexandria, Egypt.
  4. Nurali Sh. Saidov and Douglas A. Landis. 2008. The Evaluation of Flowering Plants to Attract Natural Enemies in Tajikistan. The thesis sent to Scientific Conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Kazakh Institute of plant protection and quarantine which will be held on November 6-8, 2008.

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Papers and extension bulletins

  1. Chermenskaya, T.D.; Stepanycheva, E.A.; Shchenikova, A.V.; Savelieva, E.I.; Chakaeva, A.Sh. 2012. Insecticidal effects of Ungernia severtzovii bulb extracts against the grain aphid Schizaphis graminum (Rondani). Industrial Crops & Products /Poland, Vol. 36:122-126
  2. Stepanucheva, Elena A., Anara Sh.Chakaeva, Elena I.Savelieva,Taisiya D.Chermenskaya. 2012. Aphicidal activity of substances from root of Ferula foetida (Bunge) Regel.against Grain aphid schizaphis graminum (Rodani). Biopesticides International/India, 2012, â„–8(1),p.18-24
  3. Tokarev Y.S., Shchenikova A.V., Stepanycheva E.A., Chermenskaya T.D., Chakaeva A.Sh. 2007.  Impact of botanical insecticides on enzyme activities of Toxoptera graminum Rond. (Homoptera: Aphididae).  The XXVII Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology (July 29 – August 4, Uppsala, Sweden).
  4. Chakaeva A.Sh., Kotova V. V., Mosolova S. N., Prikhodko S. L., et al. 2003. Fungal action of some plant preparations. New Zealand, Christchurch. р. 2.
  5. Chakaeva A.Sh., Rsaliev Sh.S., Turova N.A., Mamadalieva S.M. and others. 2004.  Catalog of biopesticides plants of Kazahstan and Kyrgyzstan.  Alma-Ata, 82 pp. 
  6. Chakaeva A.Sh., Mosolova S.N., Prihodko S.L. et al. 2006. Botanical pesticides  Bishkek, 66p.
  7. Chakaeva A.Sh., Mosolova S.N., Prihodko S.L., eet al. 2002 Insecticide and Acaricide Plants of Kyrgyzstan and Prospects of Their Rational Use. Bishkek.  p.178.
  8. Chakaeva A.Sh., Ã‘Ã¸ÑˆÃºÃµÃº. 2005. Insecticide against the grain aphid. Patent #842.
  9. Chakaeva A.Sh., Ã‘Ã¸ÑˆÃºÃµÃº, 2005.  Remedy for spider mites. Patent #843. 
  10. Kotova V.V., Butorina N. V., Bekmatova, T. K. 2003. Growth-stimulating Properties of Some Plants of Kyrgyzstan. In: Collection of Papers of the Scientific Conference Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Professor G. A. Balyan, Bishkek, p. 10-11
  11. Ã¡hakaeva A.Sh. 1979. Bioecological characteristics of beet cyst nematode in Kyrgyzstan and agronomic practices to combat it.  Ã¤Ñ€ÑƒÃ½Ã·Ãµ, pp. 76-77
  12. Chakaeva A.Sh., Guskova L.A., Zubin B.N., Polevoy V.V. 1976. Distribution of beet cyst nematode  (Heterodera schachti Schmidt, 1871) in Kyrgyzstan.  Ã¨Ñ‚Ã¸Ã½Ã¸Ã½Ñ†Ã°», ÃÅ¡Ã¸ÑˆÃ¸Ã½ÃµÃ², 1976, Ñï†.2.
  13. Tashpulatova B.A., F. Zalom, M.I. Rashidov, B. Suleimanov. 2009, Methodological recommendation on rearing of predator mites (Phytoseiidae family) for biological control of greenhouse pests, Handbook. Tashkent-2009, Tashkent, 18 p, published copies 100 units (in Russian)
  14. Saidov N.SH., A.U. Jalilov, V.K. Nazirov (2009): Russian-Tajik-English terminological dictionary on plant protection. Dushanbe 60 p., (in Russian).
  15. Saidov N., D. Landis, A. Fiedler, M. Bouhssini, V. Nazirov, A. Jalilov (2009):  Introduction of native flowering plants in agro landscapes for attracting beneficial insects. Extension Bulletin, Dushanbe, 12 p., (in Russian).
  16. K. M. Maredia and D. Baributsa. 2008. Ecologically-based Participatory and Collaborative Research and Capacity Building in Integrated Pest Management in Central Asia Region. In K. Maredia and D. Baributsa (eds). Integrated Pest Management in Central Asia. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  17. N. Saidov, D. Landis and M. Bohssini. 2008. A History of Habitat Management in the Former USSR and the Commonwealth of Independent States and Current Research in Central Asia. 2007.Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  18. B. Tashpulatova and F. Zalom. 2008. Enhancing the Efficiency and Product Lines of Biolaboratories in Central Asia. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  19. M. Aitmatov, G. Bird, W. Pett and D. Baributsa. 2008. Development and Dissemination of IPM knowledge through Outreach and University Education Programs in Central Asia. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  20. B. Tashpulatova. 2008. Integrated Pest Management in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  21. B. Tashpulatova. 2008. Integrated Pest Management in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  22. A. S. Saidov, N. S. Saidov, V. K. Nazirov. 2008. Pest Management Practices and Strategies in Tajikistan. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  23. D. A. Landis, M. M. Gardiner, A. K. Fiedler, A. C. Costamagna and N. Saidov. 2008. Landscape Ecology and Management of Natural Enemies in IPM Systems. Proceedings of the Central Asia Regional IPM Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 2007.
  24. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2008. Evaluation of Flowering Plants to Attract Natural Enemies in Tajikistan (Russian). Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Tajikistan. In press.
  25. N. Saidov, A. Jalilov, P. Geraedts and F. Zalom. 2008. "Tomato pest and disease" (in Tajik). Pocket Guide.
  26. N. Saidov. September 2008. Landscape ecology and biological pest management.  Agro-Advice, Quarterly electronic newsletter.
  27. R. Mavlyanova, M. Aitmatov, N. Saidov and M. Shodmonov. 2008. Field guide “Weeds in vegetable crops" (in Russian). 36 p.
  28. M. Aitmatov, B.U. Masaidov and N. Saidov. 2008. Brochure on “Botanical pesticides to control vegetables and fruit pests” (in Kyrgyz and Russian). 46 pages.
  29. A. Murat, G. Bird and G. Kaseeva. 2008. Strengthening Student Research Capacity Through Student Field School. Bulletin of the Kyrgyz Agrarian University. 6p.
  30. M. Aitmatov and N. Saidov. 2008. “Sunn Pest Management”  Brochure translated from from English into Tajik and Kyrgyz. Distributed to farmers in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
  31. B.A. Tashpulatova, F. Zalom and J. T. Tumanov. 2008. Effect of Amblyseius mckenziei (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) on Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on onion crop in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the 1st International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences. Abstract ID: IeCAB08-145, June 2 - 16, 2008
  32. B.A. Tashpulatova, F. Zalom and J. T. Tumanov. 2008. Usage of Amblyseius cucumeris (acari:phytoseiidae) to control of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (westwood) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) on tomato plant. International conference “Actual directions in development of scientific research on potato and vegetable” Kaskelen (Kazakhztan), June 9-11, 2008, P. 50-53.
  33. B.A. Tashpulatova, F. Zalom and J. T. Tumanov. 2008. Biological control of  Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) using Ambliseius mckenziei (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) on onion crop in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Conference devoted to 50 years anniversary of Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine – Kazakhstan, 6-8 November, 2008 (in press).
  34. B. Tashpulatova,  F. Zalom, T. J. Tumanov. 2008. Application of Amblyseius cucumeris (acari:phytoseiidae) for control of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (westwood) (Homoptera: aleyrodidae) on tomato plant. International Scientific-Practical conference “Actual aspects on development of potato and vegetable researches”, Kaynar (Kazakhstan) , July 9-11, 2008, P.292-294 (in Russian).
  35. B. Tashpulatova, F. Zalom, T. J. Tumanov. 2008. Biological control of Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) using Ambliseius mckenziei (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) on onion crop in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Proceeding of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Achievements and problems of plant protection and quarantine" dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine. Almata - Rakhat, November 6-8, 2008, part 1, p. 156-158 (in English)
  36. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2008. Evaluation of Flowering Plants to Attract Natural Enemies in Tajikistan. Proceeding of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Achievements and problems of plant protection and quarantine" dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine. Almata - Rakhat, November 6-8, 2008, part 1, p. 127-132 (in English).
  37. B. Tashpulatova,  F. Zalom, T. J. Tumanov. 2008. Effect of Amblyseius mckenziei (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) on Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on onion crop in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the 1st International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2008 Vol. 000: page: 000 – 000; Abstract ID: IeCAB08-145, June 2 - 16, 2008, p.37-38 (English).
  38. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2008. Evaluation of Flowering Plants to Attract Natural Enemies in Tajikistan. Journal of Biological Sciences of Academy of Science of Tajikistan, Nov. 2008, vol. III-IV, 15 p. in press (Russian).
  39. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2008. Landscape ecology and biodiversity to enhance biodiversity and biological pest management. 9th International Conference on Dryland Development, Sustainable Development in the Drylands: Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, 7-10 November 2008, Alexandria, Egypt. Abstracts for oral presentations, p. 82-83 (in English).
  40. N. Saidov, N. Saidov, B. R. Nakhshiniev. 2008. Effect of some aspects of climate change on fauna of Tajikistan. 9th International Conference on Dryland Development, Sustainable Development in the Drylands: Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, 7-10 November 2008, Alexandria, Egypt. Abstracts of oral presentations, p. 38-39 (in English).
  41. B. Tashpulatova and F. Zalom. 2008. Studies of the predaceous mites Amblyseius cucumeris and Amblyseius mckenziei (Acari:Phitoseiidae) in Uzbekistan. International scientific-applied conference "Application of methods of biological control in agriculture"Tashkent 25-26, November, 2008. P. 38-40 (English).
  42. N. Barakanova, U. Sultanbekov, P. Geradts, and F. Zalom. 2007. Determination of cucumber pests and diseases. Advisory Training Centre of Rural Advisory Service. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Pocket Guide, 30 pp. (in Russian).
  43. N. Barakanova, U. Sultanbekov, P. Geradts, and F. Zalom. 2007. Determination of tomato pests and diseases. Advisory Training Centre of Rural Advisory Service. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Pocket Guide., 30 pp. (in Russian).
  44. M. Aitmatov et al. 2007. Terminological dictionary of the main diseases, pest of the cotton and vegetable crops was published in Latin, Russian and Tajik.
  45. M. Aitmatov et al. 2007. Organization and Management of the Farmer Field School on IPM.
  46. M. Aitmatov, P.Geraedts and N. Saidov. 2007. IPM in Farmers Field School: - Module 1. Introduction to Farmer Field School, 93 pages. (Russian).
  47. M. Aitmatov, P.Geraedts and N. Saidov. 2007. IPM in Farmers Field School - Module 2: Biological Control Methods of Main Insect Pest and Disease of Tomato, 104 pages (Russian).
  48. K. Maredia and D. Baributsa. 2007. Integrated Pest Management Forum for Central Asia, Dushanbe Tajikistan. CD of Forum Power Point Presentations.
  49. M. Aitmatov, N. Saidov et al. 2007. Weeds in Vegetable Crops.
  50. M. Aitmatov. 2007. Calendar of insect pests development and damage to cabbage
  51. M. Aitmatov. 2007. Calendar of insect pests development and damage to tomato
  52. M. Aitmatov. 2007. Calendar of insect pests development and damage to carrot
  53. N. Saidov, B. Tashpulatova, M. Aitmatov, D. Baributsa and K. Maredia. 2007. Directory of Integrated Pest Management Specialists and Stakeholders in Central Asia.
  54. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2007. The methods of conservation of useful Arthropods in agro landscapes.  Second International conference on “Current Issues of Geoecology and Conservation of Biodiversity” in Kyrgyzstan at Issyk Kul. 17-21 September, 2007, p. 294 (in Russian).
  55. M. Aitmatov, N. Saidov, G. Bird, A. Djalilov. 2007. Second International conference on “Current Issues of Geoecology and Conservation of Biodiversity” in Kyrgyzstan at Issyk Kul. 17-21 September, 2007, p. 67-68 (in Russian).
  56. B. Tashpulatova, F. Zalom, and T. Tumanov. 2007. Biological diversity of beneficial mites in agro landscape of Fergana region in Uzbekistan on cotton crop. Second International conference on “Current Issues of Geoecology and Conservation of Biodiversity” in Kyrgyzstan at Issyk Kul. 17-21 September, 2007, p. 168 (in Russian).
  57. B. Tashpulatova, F. Zalom, and N. Saidov. 2007. Ecological features of Phytoseiidae predatory mites introduction in Central Asia. Third Republic Scientific Conference “Ecological features of biological diversity”, Horog, Tajikistan, 24-25 July, 2007, P.198-201 (in Russian).
  58. N. Saidov, A. M. Nurmamatov, V.K. Nazirov. 2006. Agricultural Landscape Management for Enhancing Biological Pest control. Fauna and animal ecology of Tajikistan. Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Dushanbe 2006, p. 55-56.  (in Russian).

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IPM scouting calendars

These two-page pdf documents are in Russian:

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  1. Dr. Karim Maredia, Dr. Frank Zalom, Ms. Shahlo Safarzoda and Ms. Joy Landis attended the Seventh International Symposium in Memphis, Tennessee, USA from March 25-29. Three posters were presented: Development and Delivery of Ecologically-based IPM Packages for Wheat in Central Asia (view poster) Ecologically-based IPM Packages for Food Security Crops in Central Asia (view poster) and Gender Issues in IPM in Tajikistan (view poster).
  2. Dr. Karim Maredia, Dr. Frank Zalom, and Dr. Dieudonne Baributsa attended the Sixth International IPM Symposium in Portland, Oregon, USA from March 22 - 25, 2009.  Two posters were presented covering research results and outcomes of the Central Asia IPM CRSP project.
  3. N. Saidov and D. Landis. 2008. Landscape Ecology and Biodiversity to Enhance Biodiversity and Biological Pest Management. Presented during the IPM CRSP Workshop “Advancing Regional and Global IPM CRSP Programs”; May 19-21, 2008, Manila, Philippines.
  4. M. Aitmatov and G. Bird. 2008. IPM Farmer Field School Extension and Outreach Programs in Central Asia. Presented during the IPM CRSP Workshop “Advancing Regional and Global IPM CRSP Programs”; May 19-21, 2008, Manila, Philippines.
  5. B. Tashpulatova and F. Zalom. Enhancing Efficiency and Expanding Product Lines of Central Asia Biolaboratories: Laboratory and Field Studies of the Predaceous Mites Amblyseius cucumeris and Amblyseius mckenziei,  IPM CRSP Workshop on “Advancing Regional and Global IPM CRSP Programs”; May 19-21, 2008, Manila, Philippines.

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  1. Tashpulatova, B. and F. Zalom. June 2009. Enhancing the Efficiency and Product Lines of Biolaboratories in Central Asia. Central Asia Stakeholders Forum, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
  2. Saidov, N. and D. Landis. Enhancing pest management in organic farming via conservation biological control. September 2009. 2nd International Conference on Organic Sector Development in Central/Eastern European and Central Asian countries, Tbilisi, Georgia.
  3. K. Maredia and D. Baributsa. May 2008: Ecologically-based Participatory and Collaborative Research and Capacity Building in IPM in Central Asia Region, presentation during the IPM CRSP workshop, Manila, Philippines.
  4. K. Maredia and N. Saidov. IPM CRSP Program in Central Asia. Tenth Meeting of the Steering Committee of the CGIAR Program for Central Asia and the Caucasus. May 29-30, 2007. Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
  5. Maredia, K. and D. Baributsa. Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP), Central Asia IPM Stakeholders Forum, Dushanbe-Tajikistan, May 27-29, 2007.
  6. Aitmatov, M., G. Bird and W. Pett. Strengthening IPM Outreach/ Education in the Central Asia Region, Central Asia IPM Stakeholders Forum, Dushanbe-Tajikistan. May 27-29, 2007.
  7. Saidov, N. and D. Landis. Landscape Ecology and Biological Control. Central Asia IPM Stakeholders Forum, Dushanbe-Tajikistan. May 27-29, 2007.
  8. Tashpulatova, B. and F. Zalom. Enhancing the Efficiency and Product Lines of Biolaboratories in Central Asia. Central Asia IPM Stakeholders Forum, Dushanbe-Tajikistan. May 27-29, 2007.
  9. Saidov, Nurali. 2007. Two presentations: Introduction to Organic Agriculture and Pest management in organic crops. Organic Week workshop in Tajikistan organized by the Oxfam GB in Tajikistan, 17-20 October 2007.
  10. Maredia, K., F. Zalom and R. Paroda. Ecologically-Based Participatory and Collaborative Research and Capacity Building in IPM in Central Asia Region. CGIAR Meeting, Washington, D.C. December 4, 2006.
  11. Sadiov, N. Biological Conservation through Habitat Management. Regional Workshop on "Assessing the importance of Colorado beetle and the emergence of new pest constraints in potato production system of Central Asia and the Caucasus" October 3-6, 2006 in Tashkent. Organized by The CIP, Central Asia Office.
  12. Sadiov, N. “Agricultural Landscape Management for Enhancing Biological Pest control” (in Russian). August 30, 2006.Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
  13. Maredia, K. and D. Baributsa. USAID IPM-CRSP Regional Integrated Pest Management Centers, 5th National IPM Symposium. St. Louis, Missouri. April 6, 2006

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