Central Asia IPM Project

USAID IPM CRSP MSU ICARDIA UC Davis KSU University of Chicago

An economically-based participatory and collaborative IPM research and capacity building project in Central Asia

Tajik wheatThis project was completed September 2014. It was most recently funded by USAID through its "Feed the Future Food Security Innovation Lab: Collaborative Research on IPM" which funded the Tajikistan portion of our work in Central Asia. The project fosters development of a comprehensive IPM initiative, using an ecologically-based and multidisciplinary systems approach. Michigan State University, the University of California-Davis and The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) were the host institutions collaborating with colleagues from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

The second phase of our project spanned the years 2010-2014 and focused on IPM in key Central Asian food crops, specifically wheat, tomatoes and potatoes. These three crops were identified through consultations and recommendations of various stakeholders at a regional Collaborative Research on IPM  forum conducted in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in June 2009. Read the press release announcing the project award.

Read our success story on the Central Asia Feed the Future Food Security Innovation Lab: Collaborative Research on IPM outreach and education effort.

Visit the program components section to learn more about our work with potatoes, tomatoes and wheat in Central Asia. Below, right, our three partners who completed graduate studies on the MSU campus: Saltanat Mambetova (Kyrgyzstan), Bahodir Eshchanov (Uzbekistan), and Shahlo Safarzoda (Tajikistan). 
Recently developed materials  Wheat bread  Students

Read our blog about travels to and meeting in Syria and Kyrgyzstan.

Project funding agency: USAID Feed the Future Food Security Innovation Lab: Collaborative Research on IPM, managed by Virginia Tech University
Related programs: World Technology Access Program

View or print a flyer about Phase 2 of the Central Asia IPM project
View or print a flyer about Phase 1 of the Central Asia IPM project