4-H Scholarships
4-H scholarships have varying deadlines. If you do not see the information you're looking for or if the link has not been updated, please give the MSU Extension office a call (989-672-3870) or check the Tuscola County 4-H Facebook page.
Tuscola County Business Community 4-H Scholarship
The Tuscola County 4-H Council, in partnership with local businesses, is offering scholarships to active 4-H members in Tuscola County. The scholarship program is in its seventeenth year and is funded through generous donations from local businesses. You can obtain an application and scholarship requirements and guidelines by click here. The scholarship submission deadline is April 4, 2025.
Gordon & Viola Bierlein 4-H Scholarship
This scholarship was started by the Bierlein family in honor of Gordon and Viola Bierlein, who have made a major impact in the Tuscola County 4-H community throughout their lives. Gordon and Viola were both honored for 58 years of service to 4-H in 2012. Family, education and 4-H were important to Gordon prior to his death in 2013 and Viola prior to her death in 2015. Throughout their 62 years of marriage, Gordon and Viola passed on those values to their four children, eleven grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren. Gordon and Viola grew up on farms, had a farm together and feel strongly about the cornerstone values 4-H instills. You can obtain an application and scholarship requirements and guidelines by click here. The scholarship submission deadline is June 27, 2025.
Michigan 4-H Scholarships
4-H involvement leads young people to explore various career and educational options after graduating high school. For those who choose to further their education, Michigan State University, Michigan 4-H Youth Development and the Michigan 4-H Foundation offer scholarships to help support these 4-H’ers’ educational goals. Visit the Michigan 4-H Scholarship Page for application forms or more information. Any 4-H members who are high school seniors must apply to MSU and submit the MSU 4-H Scholarship application by November 1st of their senior year. Applicants must meet the standard admission requirements of the university and be accepted to MSU
Current 4-H scholarships include:
- Michigan Rabbit/Cavy 4-H Scholarship
- Janet A. Blanchard 4-H Leadership Scholarship
- Michigan 4-H Foundation Scholarships
- Michigan State University 4-H Scholarship
- Michigan State University Pre-College Program Scholarship - 4-H’ers who attend an MSU pre-college program (such as 4-H Exploration Days or 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp) and are entering 8th, 9th or 10th grade are eligible to apply for the MSU Pre-College Scholarship. (This is an MSU-wide scholarship, not a 4-H scholarship.)
(Deadlines for posted forms vary between October to April.)
Additional Scholarships
American Soybean Association Scholarship
The American Soybean Association (ASA) 'Soy Scholarship' is a $7,000 one-time scholarship award presented to a current, eligible high school senior planning to pursue a degree in agriculture at an accredited college or university. The scholarship is managed by the American Soybean Association (ASA) and is made possible through a grant by BASF Corporation. ASA and BASF have recognized and rewarded students for their hard work and interest in agriculture through the Soy Scholarship since 2008. The senior must be a child or grandchild of an ASA member. Applicants must fill out an online application during the open application period (High school seniors may apply online Oct. 31-Dec. 31) Soy Scholarship
GreenStone Farm Credit Services
GreenStone Farm Credit Services accepts applications through March 1st annually for its scholarship program. GreenStone has proudly invested in agriculture's future by awarding nearly $400,000 since 2010 to students who plan to pursue a career in the industry. Up to $60,000 in scholarships is available to graduating high school seniors and current college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors majoring in an agriculture or natural resource-related field.
Former President and CEO, Dave Armstrong, served GreenStone and the agricultural community for 41 years before retiring in 2022. Dave values youth development and continued education, supporting the future success of agriculture. In honor of Dave, GreenStone Farm Credit Services is awarding up to $20,000 in scholarships to current college freshmen, sophomore, or junior students in the amount of $5,000 each. https://www.greenstonefcs.com/community/scholarships
Michigan Horse Council MSU Scholarships
Michigan Horse Council awards scholarships each year. Check out their web site at https://www.michiganhorsecouncil.com/other-scholarships.html for more information.
Michigan Sugar Company Scholarships
Michigan Sugar Company is proud to offer several scholarships to students in our Sugarbeet growing areas. Some scholarships are administered by Michigan Sugar Company and others are by the College. Applicant must be a high school senior and have participated in the Michigan Sugar Youth Sugarbeet program at one time. Visit http://www.michigansugar.com/community/scholarships/ for more information.
Michigan Corn Growers Association Scholarship
All members of the MCGA, including students, growers and associates, as well as children of members between the ages of 17-25 are qualified. Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students at a post-secondary educational institution in order to be eligible. Five scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each are awarded. Students are only eligible to win an MCGAF scholarship one time. http://www.micorn.org/mcga/scholarship.
CME Beef Industry Scholarship
Ten scholarships of $1,500 will be awarded to undergraduate students who are pursuing careers in the beef industry. Fields of study may include: education, communications, production, research or any other area involved with the beef industry. Sponsored by the CME Group & the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. More information is available at https://www.nationalcattlemensfoundation.org/scholarships/cme-beef-industry-scholarship
W.D. Farr Scholarship
The National Cattlemen’s Foundation is honoring the successful career of the late W.D. Farr of Greeley, Colorado through two annual $12,000 graduate scholarships bearing his name. The scholarship is national in scope and will be awarded to two outstanding students pursuing graduate degrees in animal science, environmental science (water) or agriculture. Applications will be accepted in March. The winner of the scholarship will be strongly encouraged to participate in NCBA activities. The students must also reflect a drive for success and leadership in the tradition of W.D. Farr. Visit https://www.nationalcattlemensfoundation.org/scholarships for more information.
Michigan Youth Livestock Scholarship
Since 2000, the Michigan Youth Livestock Scholarship Fund (MYLSF) has awarded over $720,000 in scholarships to over 1,000 outstanding youth who exhibit livestock or farm products at state, regional or county fairs in Michigan. Funding comes from specific proceeds from the Michigan Livestock Expo Sale-Abration. The eligible applicant must be a graduating high school senior or a high school graduate continuing their education at an accredited institution in the year in which they are applying. They must be a resident of Michigan and a youth exhibitor at the Michigan Livestock Expo, Michigan Dairy Expo or the former Michigan State Fair for a minimum of three years prior to the year of application. Scholarship application must be received by May 1st. Requirements and qualifications can be viewed at https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/program/MYLSF2025.
The Buick Achievers Scholarship
This scholarship, funded by the GM Foundation, is designed to help high school seniors who are leaders in both the classroom and their communities, but who may not have the financial means to attend college. The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program will award 50 scholarships of up to $25,000.
- Will be enrolling full-time as a first-time freshman at a 4-year college or university.
- Plan to major in a course of study that focuses on Engineering/Technology or Design.
- Have an interest in a career in the automotive or related industries.
More details about the scholarship program, eligibility rules and selection criteria can be found at https://usascholarships.com/buick-achievers-scholarship-program/.
American Agri-Women Scholarship
American Agri-Women Foundation focuses on the education of both young people and of AAW members. The Foundation gives academic scholarships and first-time attendee event scholarships. See their website https://www.americanagriwomen.org/scholarships to apply for the scholarships.
Michigan Association of Fairs & Exhibitions
Each year the Michigan Association of Fairs and Exhibitions offers a scholarship opportunity for youth Michigan Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Scholarships.
• Each year six (6) scholarships of $1,000 may be awarded, one being the Neil Kentner memorial scholarship.
• Scholarship is open to applicants that are high school seniors or currently enrolled in an institution of advance learning such as a college, university or trade school. (If applicant is a high school senior they must have submitted an application to an advanced leaning institution.)
•Application must be RECEIVED by November 2 via email: michiganfairs@gmail.com • Scholarships winners will be announced at the Annual MAFE Convention.
• Recipients may apply each year they are enrolled in the Institution, but shall not be eligible to receive a scholarship more than 2.
• The scholarship can be used for any and all expenses related to the applicants’ continued education.
• The applicant must be involved in a MAFE member fair or festival for the prior 3.