Night Hikes on the Farm
2025 Night Hikes on the Farm
Tollgate Farm and Education Center
28115 Meadowbrook Road, Novi, MI 48377
Night Hikes on the Farm offer visitors the opportunity to explore nighttime on the farm with several fascinating natural science topics. The hikes will take place one Friday each month and are open to the public. Night hikes will appeal to scout groups, families, and anyone with a thirst for knowledge and adventure. Each hike will incorporate a different theme fitting to the month or season and will include light snacks and beverages. Register for one or more in the series.
Cost: $14 per person 3 and older per night hike. Registration is non-refundable.
● April 11, 2025, 8-9:30pm
I Frog-got what the Toad Said
Many of the creatures around the farm are looking for mates this time of year. Our Frog and
Toad friends are no exception, and we’ll adventure around the property to see who is
serenading their would-be partners.
● May 23, 2025, 8-9:30pm
Predators of the Night
Darkness is an advantage many predator animals use to gain the upper hand on their prey. As we walk through the habitats of Tollgate Farm, let us investigate who is adapted to be a successful hunter during the night and who they are looking for.
● June 20, 2025, 8-9:30pm
The Science of Twilight
The transition from day to night affords many spectacular sights. The horizons of Tollgate Farm will give us a wonderful opportunity to discuss the impact of the positions of the sun and moon and how geometry controls the images before and after sunset.
● August 8, 2025, 8-9:30pm
Batty about Bats?
Bats are all around and their habits and adaptations give them an incredibly interesting role in
their ecosystem. Come along as we investigate our furry flying fiends as they flit around the
wood line at Tollgate Farm.
● September 26, 2025 7-8:30pm
Surviving the Night
A night in the wild unprepared could be an incredibly stressful experience. We will find ourselves in Tollgate’s woodlot and talk about preparedness and how to be ready for what the nighttime brings.
● October 24, 2025, 6-7:30pm
Folklore Nights
Night plays a large role in traditional folklore. Our trek around Tollgate will give us the
opportunity to talk about myths, legends, and spirits of the night. Come if you dare!
● November 21, 2025, 6-7:30pm
Owl Prowl
Owls are often seen as the mysterious guardians of the night. More often heard than seen,
we’ll discuss owl adaptations and “WHO” we might expect to encounter on Tollgate Farm as we
traverse its woods and fields.
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