The School of Planning, Design and Construction works closely with its professions to provide workshops and training on current practices and skills. SPDC offers certified training, online courses and specialized workshops on an ongoing basis, as well as on request to interested groups. The programs listed below are available to currently enrolled students as well as professionals and non-MSU students seeking to advance their knowledge. Among our current programs are:
- Construction Safety Management (CMP401) to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety training requirements (offered annually in summer).
- Online courses are regularly scheduled for Planning and Design Digital Graphics (PDC120).
- Specialized workshops are developed for local, national and international groups, and are held in Michigan, as well as internationally. Among recent workshops are American Housing and Real Estate for China's Ministry of Land, and Urban Regeneration for government agencies in South Korea.
- The National Charrette Institute at MSU offers certificate-based training opportunities online and nationally in person. The NCI’s primary focus is on educating others to bring transformative collaboration to any strategic design effort. Their certificate programs provide both individuals and organizations with a path toward confidence in preparing for, participating in, or leading charrettes, and ensuring successful implementation follow-through.
Current students can access courses through regular enrollment channels, while the public may access courses as Lifetime Education.
Inquiries about specialized workshops, online courses and training should be directed to or call (517) 423-0704.