SPDC Quick Facts

Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim

Overall SPDC Enrollment: 520
Undergraduate: 465
Graduate: 55
44% female; 56% male

Undergraduate Academics
4 majors: Construction Management, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture and Urband & Regional Planning

Degree Pathways
9 degrees: Covering 4 bachelors, 4 masters and 1 PhD
Including 5 professional accredited degrees

Non-Credit Professional Certificate Programs
2 certificates: Real Estate Development & Construction, and Urban Resilient Redevelopment

SPDC Career Placement
96% placed, varies by major

SPDC Scholarships
SPDC undergraduate and graduate students receive approximately $400,000 in scholarships annually, which come from endowments and gifts

SPDC Student Clubs and Organizations

SPDC Faculty and Staff
42 faculty members and academic specialists
7 staff

SPDC Student/Faculty ratio: 13:1


SPDC Alumni
More than 10,000

Buildings, Centers
1 building housing the School (administrative offices, classrooms, studios and computer labs)
11 other MSU buildings that SPDC uses for teaching classes and lab space
2 on-campus outreach/research centers