This content is from a previous version of this website and is currently being evaluated.
Please click the following links for soybean information:
Soybean information for producers
2017 SMaRT Research Report - Part 1
2017 SMaRT Research Report - Part 2
Procedure for complete top to bottom and front to back combine cleanouot
Soybean Benchmarking and Yield Gap Project Information
North Central Soybean Research Program Benchmarking and Yield Gap Survey Overview
2017 Benchmarking and Yield Gap Survey Form - Explanation and Instructions
2017 Soybean Benchmarking and Yield Gap Survey - Fillable Form
2017 Soybean Benchmarking and Yield Gap Survey - Print Version
Summary of Soybean Benchmarking and Yield Gap Surveys Conducted in 2014 and 2015
Key Management Practices That Explain Soybean Yield Gaps Across the North Central US
Assessing causes of yield gaps in agricultural areas with diversity in climate and soils
Archived Publications
Advantages of Fluid Fertilizers
Application of Real Time PCR for Detection And Identification of Soybean Pests in Michigan
Bacterial Blight and Brown Spot (ISU Plant Pathology)
Bean Anthracnose
Bean Common Mosaic Virus and Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus
Bean leaf Beetle in Michigan
Biologial Control of Insects
Calendar for Insects in Michigan Field Crops
Chemical Treatment of Agronomic Seeds
Common Weed Seedlings o the North Central States
Controlling Canada Thistle
Controlling Hemp Dogbane
Controlling Horseweed (Marestail)
Controlling White Campion in No-Tillage Systems
Controlling Wild Carrot
Cover Crop Choices for Michigan
Detecting and avoiding nematode problems
Determining Best Management Practices For Control of the Soybean Aphid in Michigan
Determining Best Management Practices for Control of the Soybean Aphid in Michigan
Determining Optimum Spray Timing for the Soybean Aphid
Disease Management In Field Crops
Do you suspect herbicide resistance
Drill Calibration (Soybean 2010)
Guidlines on Buying High Moisture Shelled Corn
Identify Soybean Germplasm for Resistance to Soybean Aphids
Increasing soybean profitability with innovative tillage
Insects attacking early-planted corn and Beans
Lime for Michigan Soils
Managing pesticides on soybeans to avoid contaminating water
Managing White Campion in No-Tillage Systems
Marestail Sampling Program
Maximizing Glyphosate Performance (Soybean 2010)
Michigan Field Crops Insect Calendar
Michigan Soybean Performance Report (Searchable Database)
MSU pesticide education resources available on-line free of charge
Much is revealed, on edges of fields
N-P-K Fertilizers
Native Michigan Grasses as New, Renewable, Biofiber Reinforcements for Soy-protein based Bio-composi
New Weed Control Strategies for Low Input and Organic Soybean
Nitrate - A drinking water concern
Nitrogen Fertilizers, N-P-K Fertilizers
Nutrient Removal by Several Michigan Field Crops
Pest management newsletters and email lists
Pest management suppliers
Pesticide Safety & Environmental Information
Poncho replant restrictions
Producing Soybeans in Narrow Rows
Rainfast periods for insecticides
Regulation No. 642. on Farm Fertilizer Bulk Storage
Root Rot of Common Beans
Sampling For Soybean Cyst Nematode (Soybean 2010)
Sampling Soils for Fertilizer and Lime Recommendations
Seed Innoculation (Soybean 2010)
Seed Treatment for Insects
Seed Treatments for Soybeans (Soybean 2010)
Seeding Practices for Michigan Crops
Selecting forms of nitrogen fertilizer
Soybean 2010
Soybean Aphid - Seed Treatments
Soybean Aphid Chemical Control
Soybean aphid control using insecticides
Soybean Aphid Fact Sheet (Soybean 2010)
Soybean aphid management
Soybean aphid overwintering
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant Varieties (Soybean 2010)
Soybean Insect Pests
Soybean Rust Application Technology
Soybean Rust Fungicide Application
Soybean Rust Management
Soybean Rust Scouting Guidelines
Soybean Rust: Information Resources
Soybean Variety Selection (Soybean 2010)
Spider mite in Michigan
Stored Grain Management
Summary of sulfur fertilization studies
Tall Waterhemp Management
White Mold Variety Trials
Bacterial Blight and Brown Spot (ISU Plant Pathology)
Bean Anthracnose
Bean Common Mosaic Virus and Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus
Disease Management In Field Crops
Pesticide Safety & Environmental Information
Root Rot of Common Beans
Seed Treatment for Insects
Seed Treatments for Soybeans (Soybean 2010)
Soybean 2010
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean Rust Application Technology
Soybean Rust Fungicide Application
Soybean Rust Management
Soybean Rust Scouting Guidelines
Soybean Rust: Information Resources
White Mold Variety Trials
Hybrid & Variety Trials
Michigan Soybean Performance Report (Searchable Database)
Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant Varieties (Soybean 2010)
Soybean Variety Selection (Soybean 2010)
White Mold Variety Trials
Bean leaf Beetle in Michigan
Biologial Control of Insects
Calendar for Insects in Michigan Field Crops
Insects attacking early-planted corn and Beans
Michigan Field Crops Insect Calendar
Much is revealed, on edges of fields
Pesticide Safety & Environmental Information
Poncho replant restrictions
Rainfast periods for insecticides
Sampling For Soybean Cyst Nematode (Soybean 2010)
Seed Treatment for Insects
Soybean 2010
Soybean Aphid - Seed Treatments
Soybean Aphid Chemical Control
Soybean aphid control using insecticides
Soybean Aphid Fact Sheet (Soybean 2010)
Soybean aphid management
Soybean aphid overwintering
Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant Varieties (Soybean 2010)
Soybean Insect Pests
Spider mite in Michigan
Stored Grain Management
Chemical Treatment of Agronomic Seeds
Cover Crop Choices for Michigan
Detecting and avoiding nematode problems
Drill Calibration (Soybean 2010)
Increasing soybean profitability with innovative tillage
Managing pesticides on soybeans to avoid contaminating water
MSU pesticide education resources available on-line free of charge
Nitrate - A drinking water concern
Nutrient Removal by Several Michigan Field Crops
Pest management newsletters and email lists
Pest management suppliers
Producing Soybeans in Narrow Rows
Sampling For Soybean Cyst Nematode (Soybean 2010)
Seed Innoculation (Soybean 2010)
Seed Treatments for Soybeans (Soybean 2010)
Seeding Practices for Michigan Crops
Soybean 2010
Soybean Rust Fungicide Application
Application of Real Time PCR for Detection And Identification of Soybean Pests in Michigan
Determining Best Management Practices For Control of the Soybean Aphid in Michigan
Determining Best Management Practices for Control of the Soybean Aphid in Michigan
Determining Optimum Spray Timing for the Soybean Aphid
Identify Soybean Germplasm for Resistance to Soybean Aphids
Native Michigan Grasses as New, Renewable, Biofiber Reinforcements for Soy-protein based Bio-composi
New Weed Control Strategies for Low Input and Organic Soybean
Soybean 2010
Advantages of Fluid Fertilizers
Guidlines on Buying High Moisture Shelled Corn
Lime for Michigan Soils
N-P-K Fertilizers
Nitrogen Fertilizers, N-P-K Fertilizers
Regulation No. 642. on Farm Fertilizer Bulk Storage
Sampling Soils for Fertilizer and Lime Recommendations
Selecting forms of nitrogen fertilizer
Soybean 2010
Summary of sulfur fertilization studies
Common Weed Seedlings o the North Central States
Controlling Canada Thistle
Controlling Hemp Dogbane
Controlling Horseweed (Marestail)
Controlling White Campion in No-Tillage Systems
Controlling Wild Carrot
Do you suspect herbicide resistance
Managing White Campion in No-Tillage Systems
Marestail Sampling Program
Maximizing Glyphosate Performance (Soybean 2010)
Soybean 2010
Tall Waterhemp Management