Efficacy Trial Reports
Interested in doing trials? Check out our flier and email neugeba4@msu.edu.
- Blueberry Stem Blight/Fruit Rot Drench Trial, 2024
- Blueberry Stem Blight Trial, 2023
- Blueberry Stem Blight Trial, 2022
- Blueberry Fruit Rots Trial, 2022.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2020. Evaluating fungicides for control of mummy berry in blueberries, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports. 15:PF066.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluating fungicides for control of mummy berry in blueberries, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF009.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of botrytis blossom blight in blueberries, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF087.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of mummy berry in blueberries, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF088.
Grape (Juice and Wine)
- Grape Sour Rot Organic Products 2024
- Grape Sour Rot Organic Products 2023
- Grape Sour Rot Crop Protection Manuscript 2024
- Grape Downy Mildew Trial, 2022
- Grape Downy Mildew Trial, 2021
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Smith, R.L., Miles, T.D. 2020. Evaluating fungicides for control of powdery mildew in wine grapes, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports. 15:PF067.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Smith, R.L., Miles, T.D. 2020. Evaluating fungicides for control of foliar and fruit diseases of juice grapes, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports. 15:PF068.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluating fungicides for control of foliar and fruit diseases of juice grapes, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF003.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluating fungicides for control of powdery mildew on leaves and clusters, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF004.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluating fungicides for control of disease in Niagara grapes, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF005.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of sour rot in grapes, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF060.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of foliar and fruit diseases of juice grapes, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF066.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of powdery mildew on grape leaves and clusters, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF067.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of botrytis bunch rot, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF068.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of diseases in wine grapes, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF070.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluating fungicides for control of disease in Niagara grapes, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF071.
- Hop Halo Blight Trial, 2022
- Hatlen, R.J., Gillett, J.M., Neugebauer, K.A., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2022. Evaluation of fungicides for control of downy mildew and halo blight in hops, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports. 16.
- Hatlen, R.J., Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Smith, R.L., Miles, T.D. 2020. Evaluation of fungicides for control of downy mildew in hops, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports. 15:OTO18.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluation of organic products for control of powdery mildew and botrytis fruit rot in tunnel-grown raspberries, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF007.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluation of fungicides for control of powdery mildew and botrytis fruit rot in tunnel-grown raspberries, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF008.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for control of powdery mildew and botrytis in tunnel-grown raspberries, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF059.
- Strawberry Powdery Mildew and Botrytis Trial, 2024
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2019. Evaluation of fungicides for control of leaf and fruit rot diseases in matted-row strawberry, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports. 13:PF006.
- Gillett, J.M., Sysak, R.W., Miles, T.D. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for control of leaf and fruit rot diseases in matted-row strawberry, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports. 12:PF063.
- Miles, T.D., Koike, S., Olmstead, M. 2017. Evaluation of commonly grown commercial strawberry varieties for susceptibility to gray mold and rhizopus fruit rot. 2015 and 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports. 11:SMF033.