artifact, for illustrative purposes only

Treatment Management SOP


November 22, 2019 - <>, <>, <>

General Protocol

  • A veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) must be established demonstrating the producer and veterinarian work together to ensure the health and well-being of the pigs on the operation (National Pork Board, 2015).
  • The veterinarian assumes responsibility of medical judgments and development of medical and treatment protocols.
  • Written records of any treatments must be recorded accurately and retained.
  • A Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) is required when using medically important feed medications. Records must be retained for 24 months.
  • Only a veterinarian with VCPR for a producer’s herd can direct extra-label drug usage or write a prescription for water or injectable medications or vaccines. The prescription must be retained for 12months after the animal has been treated (National Pork Board, 2015).
  • Medications should be stored and used appropriately.
  • A withdrawal period will be followed.

Procedure for Treatment Management

The farm veterinarian will be responsible for giving recommendations for medical treatments. Caretakers will follow these guidelines when treating animals:

  • Follow label directions or directions provided by the veterinarian. »Ensure all animal caretakers are trained on treatment plans.
  • St ore medication and health treatments based on drug label directions or veterinarian directions.
  • In using a refrigerator containing medication and vaccines:
    • Retain the proper temperature.
    • Keep medications separate from food.
    • Protect medications from environmental conditions and contamination.

  • VCPR can be verified by:
    • Dated VFDs, dated medical prescription labels, a dated site visit report from the veterinarian, or a letter from the veterinarian confirming the relationship (National Pork Board, 2015).
  • Keep all written prescriptions, treatments, vaccinations, mortalities, and herd records for a year after product administration.
  • Medication and treatment records, including vaccinations will include:
    • Date
    • Some form of animal or pen ID
    • Medication product used
    • Amount of drug given
    • Who administered it
    • Initials or signature of person giving drug
    • Withdrawal days per medication label
    • Date of completed withdrawal times
  • Veterinary contact information such as a phone number should always be readily available.

Needle-stick protocol

Needle-stick injuries to humans often occur when a pig that is being vaccinated, treated, or processed suddenly jumps or moves, accidentally sticking the farm worker. These safety guidelines will be followed:

  • Never straighten a bent needle.
  • Do not carry open needles in your pocket.
  • Use caution when climbing over a pen with a needle in your hand.
  • Never remove needle covers by using your mouth.
  • Do not recap needles after use.
  • Use the appropriate needle size.
  • Use proper animal restraints.
  • Dispose of used needles in a sharps container.
  • Do not rest used needles on shelves or counters where others may injure themselves.
  • Take extra care to avoid injury if you’re tired while processing pigs.

In the event of an injury

Injuries and illnesses that can occur from needle-sticks may be serious depending on the type of drug injected. Specific antibiotics and other medications intended for animals can result in severe medical reactions, or even death. Also, you could become ill with an infection if the needle is contaminated.

  • Read package inserts, labels, and safety data sheets for any medications administered to pigs.
  • Use products only as prescribed and directed on the package or as noted by your veterinarian.

In case of accidental injection, take these precautions to help keep you and your co-workers safe:

  • Immediately wash the area with soap and water and report the needle-stick (National Pork Board, 2015).
  • If you or a co-worker is accidentally injected with a medication and has a severe reaction, immediately call 911 for professional emergency medical services.

References: National Pork Board. (2015). PQA Plus site assessment guide 3.0, p. 31. Des Moines, IA: Retrieved from:




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