1. Science Olympiad tour in School of Packaging held on May 24.
Presented by: Mohamed Abdelwahab, Subhaprad Ash
Various areas of Sustainable Materials Packaging were showcased to the visitors and students.
2. How are Bottles Recycled?
Presented by: Subhaprad Ash in MSU Science Festival on April 13
In 2016, the U.S. generated more plastic trash than any other country. It amounts to 46.3 million tons, according to a 2020 study published in Science Advances. That’s 287 pounds per person in a single year. But only a fraction of plastic is actually recycled. According to the most recent data estimates available from the Environmental Protection Agency, just 8.7 percent of the plastic that was discarded in the U.S. in 2018 was recycled. Since plastic is non-biodegradable and most of it is sent to landfills, it ends up in rivers and oceans and ultimately in the food chain, creating micro and nano plastics. Fish and other sea creatures suffer, and the effects of swallowing plastics are passed on to humans. Therefore, recycling is very important, and an important part includes the separation of plastic.
A presentation was given to inculcate the idea of different plastics and their recycling. To depict an important aspect of recycling, different plastic materials were taken and subjected to separation by a simple density-based method.
3. Outreach for FFA students in School of Packaging held on February 28.

4. PBS Kids Day: the Curious Crew, and get Curious about Careers! in Communication Arts and Sciences on January 27.
Our demonstation on plastic recycling ideas like separation of plastics by sink float method was showcased during the event by WKAR studios.
1. Demonstrated plastic bottle recycling to young kids on December 7 at the MSU Surplus Education Center.
Volunteers: Subhaprad Ash
2. Outreach on July 12th and July 19th to a group of 25 students from AIMS and MILP on both days.
Volunteers: Subhaprad Ash, Cimberly Weir
ANR Institute for Multicultural Students (AIMS): AIMS is designed to give high school students broad exposure to the food and agricultural sciences, natural resources and related fields.
Michigan Indian Leadership Program (MILP): MILP is designed to give Native American youth in grades 8-12 the opportunity to learn about college, experience college life on the university campus and explore the many exciting educational opportunities available in the agricultural, food sciences, natural resources and related fields.
3. Bring your child to work held at School of Packaging on April 27th , 2023:
Volunteers: Subhaprad Ash
Overview: Experiments involving polymer properties were described after which a presentation on plastic recycling was given to young kids.
4. School Presentation at Grand Ledge Public Schools on April 21st , 2023:
Volunteers: Subhaprad Ash, Cimberly Weir
Overview: Awareness was spread among K-4 young kids about recycling and activities were done to tell what all materials can be recycled and why is recycling important?
5. MSU Science Festival held at STEM Teaching and Learning Facility, MSU on April 1st, 2023:
Volunteers: Subhaprad Ash, Dr. Shamila Hamdani
Overview: Demonstrated an important aspect of plastic recycling, separation of plastics by floatation method and a hands on activity on creating edible water bubbles as performed as part of cientific activities.
6. Outreach for high school students at School of Packaging on March 8th, 2023:
Volunteers: Dr. Muhammad Abdelwahab, Dr. Shamila Hamdani and Subhaprad Ash
Overview: Experiments involving polymer properties by employing concepts of thermodynamics; oil and water resistant plastic free paper coatings; and plastic separation method were performed and described.
1. Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program held at School of Packaging from June 22nd –24th, 2022:
Volunteers: Angela Bran, Samin Ayanifard, Subhaprad Ash, Jack Cook, Jessie Shager, Cimberly Weir
Overview: The importance of sustainability was brainstormed in a short project that involved making a sustainable package for protecting an egg keeping in mind the importance of recycling.
Students from different elementary schools participated in the GATE program. On day 1, they were introduced to different materials, their uses, recyclability and sustainability. Engineering Design Process was introduced, and students were asked to come up with their prototypes for a simple experiment to protect egg with sustainable packaging. On day 2, 3D printing, and prototyping machines were demonstrated. On the final day, students’ designs were tested for drop and impact resistance. After the session, brainstorming about their designs and materials was done. It was great to see innovative designs by students although they knew about the commercial ones, keeping an important aspect of sustainability.
2. MSU Science Festival School Presentation held at Montessori Childrens’ House of Lansing on June 1st, 2022:
Volunteers: Subhaprad Ash, Cimberly Weir
Overview: Demonstrated an important aspect of plastic recycling, separation of plastics by density-based methods, in addition to sensitizing about different plastics.
A presentation was given to elementary kids inculcating the idea of different materials and their recycling. To depict an important aspect of recycling, different plastic materials were taken and demonstrated for separation by a simple density-based method. High-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polystyrene (PS), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were taken and examples of each were shown. All the pelleted materials were mixed and first separated in water. Soap was added to minimize surface tension. Next the upper layer was taken to separate HDPE and LDPE; the bottom layer was taken to separate PS and PET. Students were amazed to apply the concept of density, using simple materials available in house, to solve real world problems.
1. Beagle Elementary School, 4th grade, 20 students held on April 29, 2021.
Participants: Muhammad Rabnawaz, Cimberly Wier, Subhaprad Ash
2. Lincoln Elementary School, 4th grade, 33 students held on April 22, 2021.
Participants: Cimberly Wier, Subhaprad Ash
3. Cole Academy East, 1st grade, 22 students held on April 22, 2021.
Participants: Muhammad Rabnawaz, Cimberly Wier
4. Emerson Elementary School, 4th grade, 15 students held on April 20, 2021.
Participants: Muhammad Rabnawaz, Cimberly Wier, Subhaprad Ash
5. Voyager Elementary School, 5th grade, 55 students held on March 24, 2021.
Participants: Muhammad Rabnawaz, Cimberly Wier
6. Westdale Elementary School, K-2nd grade, 20 students held on February 10, 2021.
Participants: Muhammad Rabnawaz, Cimberly Wier
1. ANR Institute for Multicultural Students Program (AIMS) held on July 23, 2019.
Volunteers: Nopphachai Sirinakbumrung, Aditya Nair, Krystal Cheng
2. Sheridan Road Middle School Visit on May 22, 2019.
Volunteers: Nopphachai Sirinakbumrung, Syeda Shamila Hamdani
1. HS Students' CANR Visit, July 10, 2018.
Volunteers: Nopphachai Sirinakbumrung, Syeda Shamila Hamdani
2. King's High School on April 17, 2018.
Volunteers: Zhao Li, Krystal Cheng
Krystal and Zhao performed the "edible water bottle" demo for students visiting from King's High School in Detroit, MI.
3. Girls' Math and Science Day, March 3, 2018.
Volunteers: Krystal Cheng, Nazim Uddin
Krystal and Nazim showed middle school girls how to make the "edible water bottle" via the molecular gastronomic process of spherification. The girls walked away with their own spherified water and an understanding of how it works and its application in biodegradable water bottle packaging!
1. Visit from Reeths-Puffer School, Muskegon on November 11, 2017.
Volunteers: Vijay Pandian, Krystal Cheng
Vijay and Krystal showed middle school students how polyurethane foam is made in our lab at the MSU School of Packaging
2. Lecture on sustainable plastic to the visiting master students from International Packaging Association on September 11, 2017.
3. Renaissance High School, Detroit on April 10, 2017.
Volunteers: Vijay Pandian, Fahad Khan
4. Reeths-Puffer School, Muskegon, 6th grade students on March 23, 2017.
Volunteers: Vijay Pandian, Fahad Khan