Student Phytopathological Organization for Research and Education)
The Student Phytopathological Organization for Research and Education (SPORE) serves as a network of support for Plant Pathology students (graduate and undergraduate) in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences.
In addition to being a resource for students within plant pathology, SPORE organizes events with students from other areas of study in PSM (such as the tie dye event with other student organizations in 2023, pictured). The multi-faceted organization works as a tool to help new students meet other students in their college, to introduce them to students in other labs, and help them interact and engage with faculty and staff.
After COVID-19, SPORE has played an integral part in the development of student-student and student-faculty interactions. SPORE members meet with PSM/PLP professors to ensure there is communication between students and teachers, especially regarding student concerns or needs. SPORE members are often involved in various hiring roles (luncheons or panels) when new faculty are being interviewed, maintaining the student-faculty relationship.
In recent years, students have organized the following events:
- Annual picnics
- Apple and pumpkin sales (organized with the Hausbeck and Sundin labs)
- SciFest (and other volunteer opportunities)
- Camping events
Contact the current SPORE president or @RSO Student Phytopathological Org Research and Education with any questions.
President: Lexi Heger
Vice President: Peyton Phillips
Secretary: Sam Thompson
Treasurer: Kat Olive
COGS Representative: Ryan Hamilton
DEI Representative: Carly Hendershot
Advisor: Tim Miles