Accounting and Finance
If you have any questions related to Accounting and Finance please contact:
General Accounting Forms
- Incoming Check Form
- Honoraria Checklist
- Cost Transfer Request Form
- Contractual Services Decision Tree
- MSU W-9
- Wire Transfer Form
- MSU Sale Use Tax Exempt Status
- Non-Travel Reimbursement Worksheet
- PSM Letterhead
- Requisition Request Form
- Additional updated Procurement Forms (i.e., Single/Sole Source Justification Form, etc.) can be found at this website.
- Electronic Payment Request Form
- For goods or service purchases (Non-IT) under $25,000, please send a quote from the vendor along with a completed Requisition Request Form to:
- For purchases above $25,000 please include a Single/Sole Source Justification Form along with a quote and completed Requisition Request Form and send to:
Software, Computer, Tablet and other IT Related Purchases
- Information Technology (IT) Purchases.
- Information Technology (IT) Purchases Frequently Asked Questions.
- Out of pocket reimbursement for Information Technology (IT) purchases is not allowed.
- Prohibited Purchases for P-Card.
Incoming EFT Payments (Wire Transfers/ACHs/Direct Deposits)
- In an effort to record ACH/Wires timelier, the Cashier’s Office will be moving towards using a new process for departments to claim funds. If you are an MSU employee emailing to notify and/or claim an incoming wire or ACH payment, please utilize this form to claim your funds. Contracts and Grants Administration can still be notified of any EFT/ACH/Wire transfer funds using this email address. Email should include the sender, amount being sent and account for deposit.
- As a reminder, EFT payments are often received without the appropriate remittance information. Department communication of expected funds is critical to timely deposit to your account.
- If you have any questions regarding the use of the form, please send an email to this address.
Email the following:- Non-Travel Reimbursement Worksheet: Be sure to include business purpose and who attended including yourself.
- Send receipt and any other itinerary and flyer if available.
- SEND WITHIN 90 DAYS for reimbursement. Any receipt over 90 days will not be reimbursed. Refer to Manual of Business Procedures: Section 75 | Michigan State University.
- Tip amount is to be a reasonable amount. Customary guideline is approximately 20% for good service. Any tip beyond 20%, please provide reasoning.
- Please be sure to review the itemized receipt before adding a tip. We have noticed in reviewing receipts submitted for reimbursement or on a pcard that the restaurant already charged gratuity, and then an additional tip was also added. This could have been mistakenly done and did not realize gratuity was already included.
- Refer to Manual of Business Procedures: Section 45: Food and Beverage, Business Functions - Section 45 | Michigan State University.
Meet your PSM Accounting and Finance Team
Gina Centeno
Office Assistant III
Emily Williams
Fiscal Officer
Christina Wyrick
Accountant I