Funded Projects


Amin Joodaky Advancing Sustainable Apple Packaging Design: Multi-Axis Vibration and Drop Testing with Machine Learning to Mitigate Post-Harvest Damage
Martin Chilvers Novel Strategies for Monitoring Fungicide Resistance in the Biotrophic Corn Pathogen Phyllachora maydis
Christopher Long Improving the economic sustainability of Michigan potato producers by determining the optimal in-row seed spacing and seed piece depth for three commercial chip processing varieties Bliss, Lamoka and Mackinaw.
Mary Hausbeck Practical solutions to manage powdery mildew of squash and pumpkins
Julianna Wilson Improved Management of Woolly Apple Aphids in Michigan
Maninderpal Singh Short- vs tall-stature corn: optimizing row spacing and seeding rate for Michigan growers
Jaime Willbur Characterization of postharvest potato pathogens to improve and inform management efforts
Pratima Devkota Investigating the Physiological and Molecular Responses of Prunus Rootstocks to Wounding and Armillaria solidipes
Randolph Beaudry Understanding and Controlling Lenticel Breakdown in Apples
Angela Chen Enhancing microbial disease protection and value-added byproducts in cherries through plant-derived nanoparticles
Younsuk Dong Advancing Agricultural Innovation and Sustainability through the Testing Agricultural Performance Solutions
(TAPS) Program
Younsuk Dong Optimizing Irrigation Techniques to Increase Climate Resilience of Blueberry Production
Younsuk Dong Strengthening MSU’s Irrigation Extension Program to Provide Improved Resources to Growers
J Sirrine Specialty Cropportunities: An online tool supporting Michigan producers' crop selection and diversification efforts
Meghan Milbrath Indoor overwintering as a practical and effective way to manage varroa mites and other honey bee diseases.
Christine Sprunger Redefining Sustainable Soil Management: Diversifying Soil Food Webs for Resilient Agroecosystems
Yuzhen Lu In-field, Non-destructive Detection of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Blueberry Fruit using Hyperspectral Imaging
Mary Hausbeck Protecting Michigan's Pickling Cucumber Industry Through Enhanced Pathogen Detection
Jiyoon Yi Integrating field sensor data with machine learning to model Phytophthora dynamics and optimize anaerobic soil disinfestation
Rodney Fernandez Commercial-scale woodchip bioreactors for agrochemical removal from recycled water for irrigation at a wholesale Michigan greenhouse
Eric Patterson CATS: A one-stop-shop for TSR mutation detection in all major herbicide resistance genes and weed species
Olivia Smith NESTS: Network for Evaluating System Tradeoffs of Songbirds
Rufus Isaacs Translating blueberry pollination research into changes in grower and beekeeper actions
Esmaeil Nasrollahiazar Michigan Grapevine Freezing Tolerance Prediction Model: Enhancing Sustainability in the Grape and Wine Industry
Esmaeil Nasrollahiazar Enhancing Michigan's Grape and Wine Industry: MSU Extension Education Programs for 2025–2026
Martin Chilvers Enhanced Strategies for Managing White Mold: Integrating Remote Sensing, Optimal Fungicide Timing, and Resistance Monitoring 
Martin Chilvers Advancing Oak Wilt Management: Outreach and Demonstration of Diagnostic Techniques
Ryan Warner Evaluating a potential novel regulator of vegetative development rate in petunia
Maninderpal Singh Sustainable intensification: Optimizing management decisions for profitable and resilient double cropping systems in Michigan
Erik Runkle Developing water vapor-pressure deficit guidelines for ornamental and vegetable transplant production
Safa Alzohairy Empowering Michigan Growers for Pesticide Changes and Application Compliance
Christy Sprague Integrating cultural practices for weed management in dry edible beans
George Sundin Fungicide sensitivity/resistance? Analysis of SDHI fungicide phenotype, genotype and alternate controls for the apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) and brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) pathogens
Emily Lavely Evaluation of potential new and economically viable apple varieties for use in Michigan commercial orchards
Emily Merewitz Holm Winter recovery management strategies for cool-season turfgrasses



Benbow, M. Eric Understanding hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale microbiomes to identify novel bacterial symbionts for invasive species control
Brainard, Daniel Integrating chemical, physical and robotic technologies to address critical weed problems in vegetable crops 
Bunting, Erin Fruit Abundance Mapping using Lidar Collection and Machine Learning Classification Models to Support Site-Specific Management and Harvesting Activities: A Case Study in MI Vineyards
Burns, Erin Investigating weed control in short-statured corn
Burrack, Hannah Broadening the buzz: Assessing sustainable intensification and arthropod-mediated ecosystem services in row crops
Chilvers, Martin Enhancing Wheat Seedling Health:  Pathogen Characterization and Seed Treatment Trials for Effective Root Rot Disease Management
Chilvers, Martin Enhancing dry bean production through improved identification and management of diseases
Cregg, Bert Improving plantation establishment and managing cone formation for Christmas tree production in Michigan
Dong, Younsuk Improving Irrigation Management in High Density Apple Production Using a Climate-Smart Irrigation Technology
Dong, Younsuk Assessing groundwater recharge on irrigated lands using advanced geological survey techniques and a mathematical model
Dong, Younsuk Providing growers a user-friendly mobile app for climate-smart irrigation scheduling
Douches, David Modifying Key Traits for Potato Tuber Size Profile and Bruise Reduction in Potato
Douches, David Developing and deploying new host plant resistance to potato insects in diploid potato varieties
Haus, Miranda Developing recommendations for pH soil amendment and addition of beneficial microbes to combat blueberry replant disease
Hausbeck, Mary Molecular characterization of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. apii can provide needed answers to celery “meltdown”
Hayden, Zachary Understanding and Mitigating Variability in Field Uptake of Heavy Metals in Processing Carrots and Winter Wheat
Huang, Zachary Construction of a queen tracker to study honey bee queen movement
Hulin, Michelle Understanding the evolution of pathogenicity in epiphytic Pseudomonas on sweet cherry
Hulin, Michelle Evaluating novel control measures for Pseudomonas cherry canker and identifying new pathogen targets for future management
Isaacs, Rufus Understanding insect vectors and rot pathogens to improve Michigan grape quality
Isaacs, Rufus Updating MSU's blueberry extension program to improve resources for growers
Lebeis, Sarah The impact of commercial microbial inoculants on the physiological and microbial dynamics in soybean root during drought stress
Lopez, Roberto Developing Strategies to Prevent Undesirable Purple Pigmentation on Cuttings Rooted under LED Supplemental Lighting
McCullough, Deborah Are Systemic Insecticides a Viable Option for Spotted Lanternfly Control in Maples?
Noh, Yoorae Evaluating the formation and accumulation of microplastics and plastics-derived contaminants in vegetable production
Patterson, Eric High-throughput protein folding of weed proteomes to lay the groundwork for new discoveries in weed science.
Perkins, Jacquelyn Creating a digital decision aid tool to improve apple pesticide programs
Rojas-Flechas, J. Alejandro Insights into the diversity and genome complexity of the bean root rot complex
Singh, Maninderpal Optimizing planting practices in winter wheat: role of precision planting, row spacing, seeding rate, and varietal canopy
Sprague, Christy and Singh, Maninderapal Optimizing harvest strategies to improve soybean yield and quality
Sundin, George Tolerance to the last resort bactericide kasugamycin in the fire blight pathogen Erwinia amylovora: assessment and mitigation
Sundin, George Bacteriophage:pathogen dynamics -- unraveling the critical factors necessary to making phage biocontrol a reality
Vanderweide, Josh Characterizing the role of pollination quality on blueberry flavor volatile biosynthesis
Vannocker, Steven Developing the native apple as a model for understanding spring frost resistance in commercial apples
Vannocker, Steven Increasing Apple Production Profitability by Optimizing Pollinizer Efficiency in Single-Variety Blocks
Wessel, Barret M. Establishing Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory legacy data as a research resource
Willbur, Jaime Development of web-based Extension resources for potato and sugar beet diseases
Wilson, Julianna Using historical pest, crop, and weather data to develop and improve forecasting models in Michigan orchards