Jiyoon Yi, Ph.D.

Jiyoon Yi

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Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering



Ph.D. Food Science, University of California, Davis 2021

M.S. Food Science & Technology, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea, 2016

B.S. Mathematics, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea, 2014

B.S. Food Science & Engineering, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea, 2014

Publications, Awards, Grants, Patents

MSU Scholar


Dr. Jiyoon Yi's research program focuses on developing an AI-enabled framework that forecasts microbiological variations to better manage sustainable food systems. Her team of biosystems engineers and data scientist, combining both wet lab and dry lab approaches, is currently working on three main areas:  

  1. Rapid pathogen detection by integrating high-quality BSL-2 hyperspectral microscopy data with computer vision techniques for domain adaptation across imaging modalities (food/health);
  2. Contextual analysis of the soil microbiome analysis using advanced AI/ML techniques (e.g., attention-based) to impute missing field data and uncover community interactions across variable data quality (food/agriculture); and
  3.  Developing generative AI techniques to simulate microbial stress responses and community interactions (computational).

She teaches Heat and Mass Transfer in Biosystems (core undergraduate course) and Machine Learning for Biosystems Engineering (grad course). 

Research Interests

Food: Food AI and Engineering

AI-enabled solutions for sustainable food safety and security


Google Scholar

Food AI and Engineering Lab