Timothy Silberg

Timothy Silberg

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Timothy Silberg is an agroecosystems researcher with over a decade of experience in international agricultural development. Silberg holds a Ph.D. in Community Sustainability (with a specialization in Ecological Food and Farming Systems), a M.Sc. in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications, and a B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences (with a minor in International Agriculture). He has been involved with several development and research projects across the globe, including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti, Guatemala, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Malawi, and now, Brazil. He continues research at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), investigating adoption of biogas technologies among pork producers for the purpose of developing a simulator to project agro-energy production. He has consulted for Causal Design and the Adam Smith International, advising funders how best to streamline legume and bioenergy markets, respectively. Today, he serves as the measure and evaluation (M&E) specialist for the Innovation Scholars Program (ISP) at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), as well as Makerere University in Uganda.