Sreeja Sarasamma, Ph.D.

Sreeja Sarasamma

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Postdoctoral Research Associate - Li Lab
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife


I am a Biotechnology Ph.D. with extensive expertise in molecular biology, neurobiology, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, and behavioral research. My current research focus is the genomic regulation of development, reproduction and life history strategies in sea lamprey and zebrafish. Prior to joining the Li lab, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Baylor College of Medicine, where I worked with Dr. James Orengo on a neurodegenerative project using zebrafish as a model system. I combine techniques including embryo manipulation, imaging, and genetic tools to decipher the evolution of developmental mechanisms and have adapted genome editing tools, such as CRISPR/Cas, to understand how genotype is related to phenotype in lampreys and zebrafish.