Ross Hatlen

Ross Hatlen

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Graduate Student
Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences



Research Interests

Genomics, population genetics, molecular diagnostics development, management of fungal diseases, and fungicide resistance.


Ph.D., Plant Pathology, Anticipated Summer 2024, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

B.S., Biology: Concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. 2019. California State University Monterey Bay, Marina, CA.

Peer Reviewed Publications


  1. Hatlen, R.J., Szymanski, S.L., Adair, N.L., Fan, Q., Panwar, P., Sysak, R., Miles, L.A., Higgins, D.S., Rojas, J.A., Gent, D.H., Miles, T. 2025. Development of a molecular diagnostic tool for Diaporthe humulicola, the causal agent of halo blight of hop. (in preparation).
  2. Hatlen, R.J., Anthony, M., Sysak, R., Hausbeck, M., Miles. T.D. 2024. Chemical management strategies for halo blight of hops and in vitro fungicide sensitivity of Diaporthe humulicola populations to various fungicide classes. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-08-24-1611-RE
  3. Abbey, J.A., Alzohairy, S.A., Neugebauer, K.A., Hatlen, R.J., Miles, T.D. 2024. Fungicide resistance in Botrytis cinerea and identification of Botrytis species associated with blueberry in Michigan. Frontiers in Microbiology.
  4. Gent, D.H., Adair, N., Hatlen, R.J., Miles, T.D., Richardson, B., Rivedal, H.M., Ross, C.J., Wiseman, M.S. 2024. Detection of Podosphaera macularis in air samples by quantitative PCR. Plant Disease. 108:2820-2829.
  5. Szymanski, S., Longley, R., Hatlen, R.J., Heger, L., Sharma, N., Bonito, G., Miles, T.D. 2023. The fungal blueberry fruit microbiome varies by tissue type and fungicide treatment. Phytobiomes. 7(2):208-219.
  6. Higgins, D., Hatlen, R.J., Byrne, J., Sakalidis, M., Miles, T.D.. Hausbeck, M. 2021. Etiology of halo blight in Michigan hopyards. Plant Disease. 105:859-872.

Disease Notes

  1. Klein-Gordon, J.M., Hatlen, R.J., Miles, T.D. 2023. First report of stem blight caused by Diaporthe eres on highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) in Michigan. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-03-23-0463-PDN.
  2. Havill, J., Hatlen, R.J., Muehlbauer, G. Miles, T.D. 2023. First report of halo blight on hop (Humulus lupulus) caused by Diaporthe humulicola in Minnesota. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-01-23-0192-PDN.
  3. Hatlen, R.J., Swift, R., Miles, L., Byrne, J., Miles, T.D. 2023. First report of Colletotrichum fioriniae infecting Humulus lupulus in Michigan. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-01-23-0195-PDN.
  4. Hatlen, R.J., Higgins, D., Venne, J., Rojas, J.A., Hausbeck, M., Miles, T.D. 2022. First report of halo blight of hop (Humulus lupulus) caused by Diaporthe humulicola in Quebec, Canada. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-06-21-1332-PDN.
  5. Tsuchida, C.T., Mauzey, S.J., Hatlen, R.J., Miles, T.D., Koike, S.T. 2018. First report of Pythium root rot caused by Pythium mastophorum on parsley in the United States. Plant Disease. doi:10.1094/PDIS-12-17-1903-PDN.

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