Carson Reeling
Biographical Information
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I am a doctoral candidate specializing in environmental and natural resource economics. I expect to complete my graduate work by August 2015. My dissertation research focuses on managing endogenous environmental risks in strategic settings where an individual’s risk depends on others’ behavior. My work identifies novel drivers of strategic relationships between individuals facing infectious disease risks. I also consider the design of policy instruments and surveillance strategies to achieve first-best levels of disease prevention in the face of these strategic relationships. Additional work explores the design of environmental markets when abatement activities affect multiple pollutants in multiple environmental media simultaneously. My hypothesis is that integrating markets by allowing trade across pollutants and environmental media can enhance social welfare relative to the case of separate markets in second-best settings.
I am proficient in numerical optimization methods, including mathematical programming and genetic algorithms. In addition, I am fluent in multiple software packages, including MATLAB, GAMS, and Mathematica.