Nicholas Olomu, MD, MS
Education/Degree Information
MS (Epidemiology), Michigan State University (2010)
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship – Lucille Packard Children's Hospital / Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA (1996 -1999)
Pediatric Residency – Michigan State University / Sparrow Hospital, Lansing MI (1994 -1996)
MB,BS University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1977)
Research Interests
Current research endeavors focus on: Reproductive toxicology – I am interested in exploring the effects of environmental toxicants on: a) Placental biology and immediate pregnancy outcomes, b) Predisposition to later and long-term neurologic injury and neurobehavioral impairments Epidemiology, clinical and placental antecedents of perinatal brain injury in term and preterm infants
1. Reproductive Toxicology
My current laboratory research interest is to study the impact of environmental exposures – specifically, toxicants in tobacco smoke, on the placenta and subsequent pregnancy outcomes. Maternal tobacco smoke exposure is associated with adverse reproductive outcomes including decreased fertility, spontaneous pregnancy losses (miscarriages), preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction, congenital malformations and abnormalities in placental morphology and function. This is a new area of research for me and I am seeking mentors and collaborators. We recently completed a project on the effect of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon present in cigarette smoke, on proliferation of JEG3, a human choriocarcinoma cell line. We showed that exposure of JEG3 to concentrations of B[a]P attainable in maternal serum and placenta, enhanced cell proliferation, probably through stimulation of the MAP kinase pathway. Enhanced trophoblast proliferation by B[a}P might be a mechanism for smoking-related changes in placental morphology and intrauterine growth restriction. We plan to develop this project further by studying the molecular biologic changes, including changes in gene expression, in trophoblasts isolated from placentas of smoking mothers in an attempt to understand the genetic basis for smoking-related placental changes and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Animal models of tobacco smoke / component exposures
I plan to use a suitable animal model to study how exposure of the pre-pregnant animal to components of tobacco smoke contribute to altered placental function, fetal outcomes and explore the possible role in fetal programming in relation to long-term neurologic morbidities.
2. Epidemiology, clinical and placental correlates of perinatal brain injury in term and preterm newborn infants. My MS thesis in Epidemiology examined the factors related to isolated cerebral ventricle enlargement in low birth weight preterm infants. I plan to continue working along this line by studying large datasets for clinical and placental factors that contribute to perinatal brain injury in term and preterm infants.
Professional Experience
1999-Present: Attending Neonatologist, Sparrow Health System, Lansing MI
2008-Present: Associate Professor, Dept of Pediatrics & Human Development, Michigan State University
1999-2008: Assistant Professor, Dept of Pediatrics & Human Development, Michigan State University
1996-99: Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Neonatal & Perinatal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
1994-96: Pediatric Residency, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
1992-94: Senior Lecturer/Consultant, Dept. of Pediatrics,University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
1990: Fellowship of the West African College of Physicians
1989-92: Lecturer/Consultant,Dept of Pediatrics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
1987-89: Lecturer/Consultant, Dept. of Pediatrics, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
1985-87: Chief Resident, Dept. of Pediatrics,University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria
1985: Fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (Pediatrics)
1985: Visiting Research Fellow,Dept. of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
1984-85: Visiting Research Registrar,Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, East Birmingham Hospital, Birmingham,England
1979-85: Pediatric Residency, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria
1978-79: Nigerian National Youth Service Corps
1977-78: Rotating internship in Surgery,Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria;
Professional Activities/Awards/Honors
1973-77: Benin Area Joint Board Scholarship
1977: Sir Kofo Abayomi Prize in Psychiatry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
1977: Parke Davies Prize in Anesthesia, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
1989-93: Member, Faculty Board of Pediatrics, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
1990-93: Examiner in Pediatrics, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
1996: Certification, American Board of Pediatrics (Re-certifications in 2003, 2010)
1999: Certification, American Board of Pediatrics, Sub-Board of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (Recertification 2006)
1996: Medical Licensure: State of California
1999: Medical Licensure: State of Michigan
Olomu IN; Hecht JL, Onderdonk AB, Allred, EN and Leviton A MD, for the ELGAN Study Investigators. Perinatal correlates of Ureaplasma Urealyticum in Placenta Parenchyma of Singleton Pregnancies That End Before 28 Weeks Of Gestation. Pediatrics 2009; 123:1329-1336
Kuban KCK, Allred EN, O'sheaTM, Paneth N, Pagano M, Dammann O, Leviton A, Du Plessis A, Westra SJ, Miller CR, Bassan H, Krishnamoorthy K, Junewick J, Olomu N, Romano E, Seibert J, Engelke S, Karna P, Batton D, O'Connor SE, Keller CE. Cranial Ultrasound Lesions in the NICU Predict Cerebral Palsy at Age 2 Years in Children Born at Extremely Low Gestational Age. J Child Neurol 2009; 24 63-72
Kuban KC, Allred E, O'shea M, Paneth N, Pagano M, Dammann O,��.. Leviton A for the ELGAN Study investigators. An algorithm for diagnosing and classifying cerebral palsy in young children. J Pediatr 2008;153:466-472.e1.
Kuban KC, O'shea M, Allred E, Leviton A, �� for the ELGAN Study investigators Video and CD-ROM as a training tool for performing neurologic examinations of 1-year-old children in a multicenter epidemiologic study. J Child Neurol. 2005 Oct; 20(10):829-31.
Burns SM, Olomu IN, Zhao H, Wong RJ, Stevenson DK, Contag CH Monitoring Age-Related Susceptibility of Young Mice to Oral Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Infection Using an In Vivo Murine Model. Pediatr Res. 2005; 58:153-158
Herrington CJ, Olomu IN and Geller SM. Salivary cortisol as indicators of pain in preterm infants Clinical Nursing Research 2004; 13: 53 – 68.
Olomu N, Kulkarni R and Manco-Johnson MJ. Treatment of severe pulmonary hemorrhage with activated recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa) in very low birth weight infants. Journal of Perinatology, 2002; 22: 672 – 674
Contag PR, Olomu IN, Stevenson DK, and Contag CH. Bioluminescent indicators in living mammals Nature Medicine, 4: 245 – 247, 1998
Mutimer DJ, Olomu A, Skidmore S, Olomu N, Ratcliff D, Rodgers B, Mutimer HP, Gunson BK and Elias E. Viral Hepatitis in Nigeria - sickle-cell disease and commercial blood donors Q. J. Med. 87: 407-411, 1994
Markovic N, Olomu IN, Bunker CH, Huston SL, Ukoli FAM, Kuller LH. Adequacy of a single visit for classification of hypertensive status in a Nigerian civil servant population Int J Epidem 23: 723 - 729, 1994
Olomu IN, Accidental Childhood poisoning in Benin City Nigerian Journal of Pediatrics, 19: 24 - 29, 1992
Obafunwa JO, Olomu IN, Onyia NJ. Primary peripheral lymphadenopathy in Jos, Nigeria W. Afr. J. Med. 11: 25 - 28, 1992
Onwukeme KO, Olomu IN, Nanna O. Hematological indices in healthy Nigerian neonates. Nigerian Medical Practitioner, 23: 9 12, 1992
Onwukeme KO, Olomu IN. Hematological indices in healthy African Children Trop. and Geogr. Med. 42: 171 - 174, 1991.
Abiodun PO, Olomu IN. Alpha-2-HS glycoprotein levels in neonatal infections. Biol. Neonate, 60: 114 - 117, 1991.
Nwankwo MU, Adams-Campbell LL, Ukoli FA, Olomu IN, Ukoli CO, Ugwu E Blood pressure in Nigerian college males. Journal of Human Hypertension, 4: 72 - 73, 1990
Abiodun PO, Olomu IN. Serum alpha-2-HS glycoprotein levels in children with vitamin D deficiency rickets. Nutrition Research, 9: 685-687. 1989.
Olomu IN, Omene JA, Glew RH. The effect of nutrition on leukocyte and serum lysosomal enzyme activities in protein calorie malnutrition Nutrition Research, 9: 15 - 26, 1989
Nwankwo MU, Dyn A, Olomu IN, Okolo AA, Omene JA, Schultz KE. Neonatal respiratory syncytial virus infection in Benin City Nigerian Journal of Pediatrics, 14: 78 - 82, 1987
Abiodun PO, Olomu IN. Alpha-2-HS glycoprotein levels in children with protein calorie malnutrition and infections. J. of Pediatric Gastroent. and Nutrition. 6: 271 - 275, 1987
Olomu IN, Martinez JA, LaMarco KL, Nears T, Saha AK, Das S, Glew RH Demonstration of various acid hydrolases and preliminary characterization of the acid phosphatase in Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Protozoology, 33: 317 - 321, 1986
Saha AK, Dowling JN, LaMarco KL, Das S. Remaley AT, Olomu IN, Pope MT, and Glew RH Properties of an acid phosphatase from Legionnella micdadei which blocks superoxide anion production by human neutrophils. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 243: 150 - 160, 1985