Morgan MathisonSlee, PhD

Morgan MathisonSlee

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Research Associate


PhD in Community Sustainability,
Masters in International Studies,
Bachelor of Arts in Biology

Morgan MathisonSlee is currently a post-doctoral research associate at Michigan State University working with the Department of Community Sustainability and the Center for Regenerative Agriculture. After obtaining a PhD from Michigan State in 2022, Morgan began working on the 3M Project, a multi-institute research project investigating the role of metrics, monitoring, and management on grass-based beef production systems. Primarily, Morgan is currently working on the monitoring of ecosystem services provided by grasslands being managed by livestock and how to use monitoring as a feedback tool for teaching producers about the use of adaptive multi-paddock grazing to improve soil health and ecosystem function.


MathisonSlee, M. (2020). Regulation by proxy. How the USDA relies on public, and non-profit intermediaries to oversee organic food in the U.S. Food, Culture & Society. 

MathisonSlee, M., Lade, S. J., Barnes, C., Benessaiah, K., Crockett, E. T. H., Downing, A., Fowler, J. A., Belisle-Toler, R., Sharma, S., & Winkler, K. J. (2022). Fourteen propositions for resilience, fourteen years later [Insight]. Ecology and Society, 27(3).

Sherren, K., Hodbod, J., MathisonSlee, M., Chappell, E., & King, M. (2022). Adaptive multi-paddock grazing and wellbeing: uptake, management practices and mindset among Canadian beef producers. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 46(9), 1304-1329.

MathisonSlee, M. (2022). Investigating the relationship between wellbeing and grazing management decisions on Michigan’s pasture-based beef farms [Dissertation, Michigan State University].