Mike Shaw

Mike Shaw

Contact Me

Ph.D. Student
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife


Major Advisor:

Sonja Christensen


Mike’s research interests are in mammal ecology, and he’s studying EHD impacts on Indiana White-tailed deer populations as part of the Christensen Lab for Wildlife Population Health advised by Dr. Sonja Christensen. Mike is originally from coastal Maine and received his B.S in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Maine in 2019 with a concentration in wildlife science and management.  Mike went on to work in Colorado as a wildlife technician for Colorado Parks and Wildlife collaring elk calves.  Afterwards, he moved to Maryland where he worked for county government as a wildlife management specialist as part of their deer management program.  Mike received his M.S from the University of Arkansas in 2023 as part of the wildlife cooperative research unit.  His Master’s work was on creating a species distribution model of plain spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) and occupancy patterns of gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus).