Mehvish Mumtaz, Ph.D.

Mehvish Mumtaz

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Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife



Ph.D. – Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2019

MS – Environmental Sciences, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Pakistan (2014)

BS (Hons) – Environmental Sciences, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Pakistan (2012)


Mehvish received her M.S. in Environmental Sciences, from the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Pakistan where she studied the occurrence of persistent pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in the food matrices. She then received her Ph.D. in 2019 from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China where she worked on emerging contaminants, particularly per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) It’s monitoring from the complex environmental media concerning water, and commercial products, such as aqueous firefighting foams (AFFF) and textile finishing agents. Since 2020, she has been working as an Assistant Professor at the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. As an Environmental Scientist, Mehvish is enthusiastic to understand and predict the sources, transport, fate, and contribution of organic pollutants/emerging contaminants to affect the local and regional environment, motivated to protect the environment and human health from toxic pollutants.

Research Interests:

Mehvish is working as a Research Associate at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University at the Center for PFAS Research / PFAS analytical laboratory. As an Environmental Analytical Scientist, her research interests include measurements of environmental pollutants (PFASs) in complex matrices to support efforts to assess exposures of humans and wildlife. Mehvish's graduate studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, gave her a solid foundation in sample preparation techniques for PFASs. She is currently attempting to validate alternative monitoring methods for the PFAS monitoring from environmental samples and verifying the efficacy of EPA methods, such as 537.1, 533, and 1633, for the detection of PFAS pollutants in water, food, and environmental samples.

Selected Publications:

Fan, X., Y. Jiang, X. Guan, Y. Bao, M. Gu, Mumtaz, M., J. Huang and G. Yu (2022). "Determination of total reducible organofluorine in PFAS-impacted aqueous samples based on hydrated electron defluorination." Science of The Total Environment 829: 154548.

Fan, X., Y. Bao, Mumtaz, M., J. Huang and G. Yu (2020). "Determination of total oxidizable precursors in foam surfactants and foam contaminated water based on UV-activated persulfate oxidation." Science of The Total Environment: 142943.

Mumtaz, M., Y. Bao, W. Li, L. Kong, J. Huang, GY (2019). "Screening of textile finishing agents available on the Chinese market: An important source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances to the environment." Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering 13(5): 67.

Mumtaz, M., Y. Bao, L. Liu, J. Huang, G. Cagnetta and G. Yu (2019). "Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Representative Fluorocarbon Surfactants Used in Chinese Film-Forming Foams: Levels, Profile Shift, and Environmental Implications." Environmental Science & Technology Letters 6(5): 259-264. 

Additional Information:

Mehvish Mumtaz ResearchGate Profile