Erin Dreelin, Ph.D.

Erin Dreelin

Contact Me

Professor; Associate Director, MSU Water Alliance; Program Coordinator, WaterCube NRT
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife



Areas of Expertise:

Outreach and engagement; water quality; aquatic ecology; collaboration


Ph.D., Ecology, University of Georgia
M.S., Biology, Old Dominion University
B.S., Biology, Villanova University


I am an ecologist and Professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. I work with diverse stakeholder groups to implement strategies that protect aquatic ecosystems and maintain valuable ecosystem services. My work places a strong emphasis on outreach and engagement. My current work focuses on building and coordinating capacity at MSU and across the state to address water quality problems.

As the Associate Director of the MSU Water Alliance, I seek to foster and build collaborations among the MSU community to advance water research, outreach & engagement, and education.  My work includes serving as the Program Coordinator for the WaterCube National Research Traineeship (NRT) Program.

Courses Taught:

  • FW 867 Water: A Global Perspective (Fall)
  • FW 868 Water Policy and Management (Fall of odd-numbered years)
  • FW 895 The Practice of FW Outreach & Engagement (Spring)


MSU Scholar Profile

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