Roberto Lopez
Quick links: Education Publications Research and Extension Focus Lab Personnel Lab Awards Prospective Students/Scientists
Joined Department
August, 2016
45% Research
30% Teaching
25% Extension
B.S. University of New Mexico, Biology and Economics, 2001
M.S. Michigan State University, Horticulture, 2003
Ph.D. Michigan State University, Horticulture, 2007
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor and Controlled Environment/ Floriculture Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; 2016 to present.
Associate Professor and Floriculture Extension Specialist - University Faculty Scholar, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; 2012 to 2016.
Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; 2007 to 2012.
HRT 221 Greenhouse Structures and Management. Fall Semester. 3 Credit Hours.
Introductory level course that provides the principles and practices of commercial greenhouse construction, operation, and management. Site selection and orientation, various types of greenhouse structures, shading materials, and coverings as well as heating, cooling, and ventilation requirements and equipment are discussed. Methods and equipment for planting, lighting, media preparation, irrigation, fertilization, plant growth regulators, and insect and disease management of greenhouse crops are presented. The costs of construction, equipment, and operation are emphasized.
HRT 323 Floriculture Production. Spring Semester of Even Years. 3 Credit Hours. (2 lecture and 3 lab hours every week)
This course will cover production of floriculture crops. Topics will include commercial greenhouse production of herbaceous perennials, annuals, Easter lilies and other plants typically sold in retail garden centers for outdoor gardens. Plant identification, propagation, production, scheduling, and finishing procedures based on specific plant growth requirements will be covered. Plant selection, marketing, and retailing issues will also be discussed.
Research and Extension Focus
Our research focuses on young specialty crop (floriculture, leafy greens, and herbs) propagation and finish plant production in greenhouses, growth rooms/containers, warehouse-based plant factories, and vertical farms. Our primary goal is to quantify how environmental parameters such as light (quantity, quality, and duration), temperature (medium, water and air temperature), and carbon dioxide in controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) production influence crop timing, rooting, yield, quality, flavor, nutrition, color, and subsequent performance.
Our group is also investigating how to improve the energy-efficiency and sustainability of bedding plants, potted flowering plants, and leafy green production. The primary goals of this research are to: 1) minimize production timing and nutrient, chemical, substrate component, and energy inputs; and 2) develop and improve marketing and production protocols for new and existing crops.
To learn more about the research being conducted by the Michigan State University CEA Lighting Research Team, watch the video below that highlights projects for my group and the group of my colleague, Dr. Erik Runkle.
(Or watch this this video on YouTube:
As part of a USDA-Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) grant that ended in 2015, I worked with colleagues at the University of Arizona, Purdue University, Rutgers University, and Orbitec in developing light-emitting diode (LED) technologies, practices, and protocols for specialty-crop production in controlled environments. My groups determined how high intensity LED arrays could be used as supplemental and sole-source lighting of ornamental young plants and microgreens. Additionally, we determined that red and blue LEDs could be used for end-of-production supplemental lighting to enhance antocyanin production of leafy greens such as red leaf lettuce and ornamentals. For more information, visit our website Developing LED Lighting Technologies and Practices for Sustainable Specialty-Crop Production.
In order to educate greenhouse growers with the latest research-based information, I collaborate with 19 extension specialists and educators from Cornell University, North Carolina State University, Purdue University, Iowa State University, The Ohio State University, University of Georgia, University of New Hampshire, University of Connetticut, Penn State University, and Virginia Tech who specialize in entomology, plant pathology, physiology, nutrition, and marketing to delivery e-GRO weekly alerts, webinars, blog, videos, research reports and iBooks at e-GRO (Electronic Grower Resources Online).
I also collaborate with faculty and extension specialists at Clemson University, North Carolina State University, University of Florida, University of Minnesota, and Texas A&M University and researchers at the USDA-ARS in Toledo, Ohio. Together, we have formed the Floriculture Research Alliance, a research partnership with industry stakeholders and the USDA-ARS in which we develop science-based solutions to floriculture sustainability issues.
Honors and Awards
- Excellence in Multistate Research Award - NCERA101: Controlled Environment Technology and Use. 2024
- MSU OCAT Si Se Puede/Yes You Can Teaching Award – Awarded to a faculty member that has led by example and shown Latinx students that “Si Se Puede”, 2024
- Awarded the Laboratory Safety Certificate of Recognition from MSU Environmental Health and Safety for our lab’s commitment to promoting a culture of safety, 2022
- Outstanding ASHS Extension Educational Materials Award for Light Management in Controlled Environment Book, 2018
- American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award for Light Management in Controlled Environment Book, 2018
- NERA Multistate ResearchTeam Award of Excellence for NE 1335 Resource Management in Commercial Greenhouse Production, 2018
- National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Michigan, Regional, and National Learning Module Award for the College of Knowledge Online Greenhouse and Horticultural Lighting Course, 2016
- Indiana Flower Growers Association, Floriculture Person of the Year, 2015
- Purdue University Faculty Scholar, $50,000 discretionary award, 2015
- Southern Region ASHS Blue Ribbon Award for e-GRO Alert newsletters, 2015
- Outstanding ASHS Extension Educational Materials Award for e-GRO Alert, 2014
- Outstanding ASHS Extension Educational Materials Award for e-GRO Website, 2013
- AmericanHort Alex Laurie Publication Award that addresses a Significant Grower Challenge, OFA, 2013
- Greenhouse Product News 40 under 40 Most Influential People in Floriculture, 2012
- Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialist Association Early Career Award, 2010
- Purdue Research Foundation International Travel (IT) Grant, 2008, 2010, and 2011
Research Publications
Books (Edited)
Lopez, R.G. and E. Runkle. 2017. Light Management in Controlled Environments. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH.
Find out more about print and digital versions of Light Management in Controlled Environments
Currey, C.J., R.G. Lopez, and E.S. Runkle. 2016. Proceedings of the XIII International Symposium on Light in Horticulture (Acta Hort. 1134). 452 pp. East Lansing, MI.
Book Chapters
Lopez, R.G. and C. Currey. 2021. Light management. Crop culture and production. p. 80−89. In: J. Nau, B. Calkins, and A. Westbrook (eds.). 19th Edition Ball Red Book vol. 2. Ball Publishing, West Chicago, Il.
Currey, C. and R.G. Lopez. 2021. Managing photoperiod in the greenhouse. p. 68−82. In: Chris Beytes (ed.). 19th Edition Ball Red Book vol. 1. Ball Publishing, West Chicago, Il.
Twaddell, J. and R. Lopez. 2021. Propagating vegetative crops p. 154−169. In: J. Nau et al. (eds.). Ball Redbook, 19th ed., vol. 2. Ball Publishing, Chicago, IL.
Faust, J.E., J.M., Dole, and R.G. Lopez. 2017. The floriculture cutting industry, p. 121−172. In: J. Janick (ed.). Horticultural Reviews vol. 44. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Lopez, R., P. Fisher, and E. Runkle. 2017. Chapter 1. Introduction to specialty-crop lighting, p. 12−20. In: R. Lopez and E. Runkle (ed.). Light management in controlled environments. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH.
Runkle, E., R. Lopez, and P. Fisher. 2017. Chapter 5. Photoperiodic control of flowering, p. 48−58. In: R. Lopez and E. Runkle (ed.). Light management in controlled environments. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH.
Faust, J., E. Runkle, R. Lopez, and P. Fisher. 2017. Chapter 11. Light management for stock plants, p. 100−108. In: R. Lopez and E. Runkle (ed.). Light management in controlled environments. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH.
Lopez, R., C. Currey, and E. Runkle. 2017. Chapter 12: Light and young plants, p. 109−118. In: R. Lopez and E. Runkle (ed.). Light management in controlled environments. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH.
Currey, C., D. Kopsell, N. Mattson, J. Craver, R. Lopez, J. Erwin, and C. Kubota. 2017. Chapter 18. Supplemental and sole-source lighting of leafy greens, herbs, and microgreens, p. 170−180. In: R. Lopez and E. Runkle (ed.). Light management in controlled environments. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH.
R.G. Lopez and J. Craver. 2016. Control of morphology by manipulating light quality (blue, red, and far-red light) and daily light integral (DLI) using LEDs, p. 203−217. In: T. Kozai, K. Fujiwara, and E.S. Runkle and (ed.). LED lighting for urban agriculture, Springer, Tokyo, Japan.
Mitchell, C.A., M.P. Dzakovich, C. Gomez, R. Lopez, J.F. Burr, R. Hernández, C. Kubota, C.J. Currey, Q. Meng, E.S. Runkle, C.M. Bourget, R.C. Morrow, and A.J. Both. 2015. Light-emitting diodes in horticulture, p. 1−88. In: J. Janick (ed.). Horticultural Reviews vol. 43. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Refereed Journal Publications & Conference Proceedings
Tarr, S. and R.G. Lopez. 2025. Influence of day and night temperature and carbon dioxide concentration on growth, yield, and quality of green butterhead and red oakleaf lettuce. PloS ONE 20(2): e0313884.
Sidhu, M., S. Chaudhari, R. Lopez, E. Patterson, and D. Saha. 2024. Preemergent liverwort control by organic mulching in containerized ornamental production. Horticulturae 10(12):282.
Brewer, D., K. Walters, J. Boldt, and R.G. Lopez. 2024. End-of-production cooling alters foliage color, yield, and nutrition of red leaf lettuce. J. of Amer. Soc. for Hort. Sci. 149(6):365–378.
Kang, I. and R.G. Lopez. 2024. Photosynthetic daily light integral effects on rooting and vegetative growth of cuttings of six foliage plants. HortScience 59(12):1757–1762.
Veazie, P*., C. Hsuan, H. Kristin, H. Jake, E. Nathan, N. Mattson, J. Boldt, D. Brewer, R. Lopez, and B. Whipker. 2024. Developing supervised machine learning algorithms to classify lettuce foliar tissue samples into interpretation zones for 11 plant essential nutrients. Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems 9(10) e70002.
Brown, J. and R.G. Lopez. 2024. Daylength influences time to harvest and stem quality of Pycnosorus globosus and Caryopteris incana specialty cut flowers. HortScience 59(11):1611–1617.
Spall, C.E. and R.G. Lopez. 2024. Daily light integral, but not photoperiod, influences time to flower and finished quality of dianthus specialty cut flowers. HortScience 59(7):1007–1019.
Veazie*, P., C. Hsuan, H. Kristin, H. Jake, E. Nathan, N. Mattson, J. Boldt, D. Brewer, R. Lopez, and B. Whipker. 2024. A data-driven approach for generating interpretation ranges for greenhouse lettuce. HortScience 59(3):267–277.
Sidhu, M., S. Chaudhari, R. Lopez, E. Patterson and D. Saha. 2024. Assessing the effects of allelopathic properties of organic mulches on liverwort control in container-grown ornamentals. Frontiers in Agronomy 6(9) 1422292.
Spall, C.S. and R.G. Lopez. 2023. Supplemental lighting quality influences time to flower and finished quality of three long-day cut flowers. Horticulturae 9(1):73.
Tarr, S., S. Valle de Souza, and R.G. Lopez. 2023. Influence of day and night temperature and radiation intensity on growth, quality, and economics of indoor green butterhead and red oakleaf lettuce production. Sustainability 15(1):829.
Spall, C.S., A.J. Soster, and R.G. Lopez. 2023. Spectrum of low-intensity screw-in horticultural light-emitting diode lamps influences time to flower and finished quality of long-day ornamental species. Scientia Hort. 320:1–11.
Walters, K.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2023. The influence of mean daily temperature and daily light integral on the growth, development, biomass partitioning, and color of purple basil, sage, spearmint, and sweet basil PLoS ONE 18(11) e0294904.
Spall, C.S. and R.G. Lopez. 2022. Daily light integral and/or photoperiod during the young plant and finishing stages influence floral initiation and quality of witchgrass and marigold cut flowers. Frontiers in Plant Science 13(9) e956157.
Walters, K.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2022. Hydroponic basil production: Temperature influences volatile organic compound profile, but not overall consumer preference. Horticulturae 8(1):76.
Walters, K.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2022. Basil seedling production environment influences subsequent yield and flavor compound concentration during greenhouse production. PLoS ONE 17(8) e0273562.
Kohler, A., DuRussel, N. and R.G. Lopez. 2022. A foliar spray application of indole-3-butyric acid promotes rooting of herbaceous annual cuttings similarly or better than a basal dip. Scientia Horti. 305:1–11.
Kohler, A. and R.G. Lopez. 2022. Air temperature during cutting propagation of cold-intermediate and -sensitive crops can be reduced if root-zone heating is provided. Scientia Hort. 304:1–8.
Kohler, A.E. and R.G. Lopez. 2021. Propagation of herbaceous unrooted cuttings of cold-tolerant species under reduced air temperature and root-zone heating. Scientia Hort. 281:1–11.
Walters K.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2021. Modeling growth and development of hydroponically grown dill, parsley, and watercress in response to photosynthetic daily light integral and mean daily temperature. PLoS ONE 16(30) e0248662.
Kohler, A.E. and R.G. Lopez. 2021. Daily light integral influences rooting of herbaceous stem-tip culinary herb cuttings. HortScience 56(4):432–438.
Kohler, A.E. and R.G. Lopez. 2021. Duration of light-emitting diode (LED) supplemental lighting providing far-red radiation during seedling production influences subsequent time to flower of long-day annuals. Scientia Hort. 281:1–11.
Walters, K.J., R.G. Lopez, and B.K. Behe. 2021. Leveraging controlled-environment agriculture to increase key basil terpenoid and phenylpropanoid concentrations: The effects of radiation intensity and CO2 concentration on consumer preference. Frontiers in Plant Science 11(1) e956157.
Manjot, K.S., R.G. Lopez, S. Chaudhari, and D. Saha. 2020. A review of common liverwort control practices in container nurseries and greenhouse operations. HortTechnology 30(4):471–479.
Garcia, C. and R.G. Lopez. 2020. Supplemental radiation quality influences cucumber, tomato, and pepper transplant growth and development. HortScience 55(6):804–811.
Walters, K.J., B.K Behe, C.J. Currey, and R.G. Lopez. 2020. Historical, current, and future perspectives for controlled environment hydroponic food crop production in the United States. HortScience 55(6):758–767.
Lopez, R.G., Q. Meng, and E.S. Runkle. 2020. Blue radiation signals and saturates photoperiodic flowering of several long-day plants at crop-specific photon flux densities. Scientia Hort. 271:1–5.
Craver, J.K., K.S. Nemali, and R.G. Lopez. 2020. Acclimation of growth and photosynthesis in petunia seedlings exposed to high-intensity blue radiation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 145:152–161.
Gomez. C., C. Currey, R. Dickson, H. Kim, R. Hernández, N. Sabeh, R. Raudales, R. Brumfield, A. Laury-Shaw, A. Wilke, S. Burnett, and R. Lopez. 2019. Controlled environment food production for urban agriculture. HortScience Accepted.
Walters, K.J., A. Hurt, and R.G. Lopez. 2019. Flowering, stem extension growth, and cutting yield of foliage annuals in response to photoperiod. HortScience 54(4):661–666.
Hurt, A., J.K., Craver, and R.G. Lopez. 2019. Supplemental but not photoperiodic lighting increased seedling quality and reduced production time of annual bedding plants. HortScience 54(2):289–296.
Owen, W.G. and R.G. Lopez. 2019. Comparison of sole-source and supplemental lighting on callus formation and initial rhizogenesis of Gaura and Salvia cuttings. HortScience 54(4):684–691.
Craver, J.K., J.K. Boldt, and R.G. Lopez. 2019. Comparison of supplemental lighting provided by high-pressure sodium lamps or light-emitting diodes for the propagation and finishing of bedding plants in a commercial greenhouse. HortScience 54(1):52–59.
Walters, K.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2018. Ethephon foliar sprays are influenced by carrier water alkalinity and ambient air temperature at application. HortScience 53(12):1835–1841.
Craver, J.K., J.K. Boldt, and R.G. Lopez. 2018. Radiation intensity and quality from sole-source light-emitting diodes affect seedling quality and subsequent flowering of long-day bedding plant species. HortScience 53(10):1407–1415.
Owen, W.G., Q. Meng, and R.G. Lopez. 2018. Promotion of flowering from far-red radiation depends on the photosynthetic daily light integral. HortScience 53(3):465–471.
Owen, W.G. and R.G. Lopez. 2018. Propagation daily light integral and root-zone temperature influence rooting of single-internode Pennisetum ×advena culm cuttings. HortScience 53(2):176–182.
Both, A.J., B. Bugbee, C. Kubota, R. Lopez, C. Mitchell, E. Runkle, and C. Wallace. 2017. Proposed product label for electric lamps used in horticulture and plant biology. HortTechnology 27(4):544–549.
Currey, C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2017. Total crop management increases undergraduate student confidence in producing containerized poinsettias in greenhouse production courses. HortTechnology 27(2):275–280.
Owen, W.G. and R.G. Lopez. 2017. Geranium and purple fountain grass leaf pigmentation is influenced by end-of-production supplemental lighting with red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). HortScience 52(2):236–244.
Craver, J.K., J.R. Gerovac, D.A. Kopsell, and R.G. Lopez. 2017. Light intensity and light quality from sole-source light-emitting diodes impact phytochemical concentrations within brassica microgreens. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 142(1):3–12.
Olberg, M.W. and R.G. Lopez. 2017. Bench-top root-zone heating hastens development of petunia under a lower air temperature. HortScience 52(1):54–59.
Olberg, M.W. and R.G. Lopez. 2016. High tunnel and outdoor production of containerized annual bedding plants in the midwestern United States. HortTechnology 26(6):651–656.
Olberg, M.W. and R.G. Lopez. 2016. Growth and development of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) finished under reduced air temperature and bench-top root-zone heating. Scientia Horticulturae 210:197–204.
Gerovac, J.R., J.K. Craver, J.K. Boldt, and R.G. Lopez. 2016. Light intensity and quality from sole-source light-emitting diodes impact growth, morphology, and nutrient content of Brassica microgreens. HortScience 51(5):497–503.
Owen, W.G., A. Hilligoss, and R.G. Lopez. 2016. Late-season high tunnel planting of specialty cut flowers in the midwestern United States influences yield and stem quality. HortTechnology 26(3):338–343.
Currey C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2015. Biomass accumulation and allocation, photosynthesis, and carbohydrate status of Impatiens, Pelargonium, and Petunia cuttings are affected by photosynthetic daily light integral during root development. J. of the American Society for Horticultural Science 140(6):542-549.
Currey, C.J, R.G. Lopez, R.L. Cave, D.K. Harrison, and M.E. Johnston. 2015. Temperature affects seed germination of native Australian Gomphrena and Ptilotus species differently. ActaHort 1104(1):491-496.
Randall, W.C. and R.G. Lopez. 2015. Comparison of bedding plant seedlings grown under sole-source light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and greenhouse supplemental lighting from LEDs and high-pressure sodium lamps. HortScience 50(5):705-713.
Owen, W.G. and R.G. Lopez. 2015. End-of-production supplemental lighting with red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) influences red pigmentation of four lettuce varieties. HortScience 50(5):676-684.
Gerovac, J.R., R.G. Lopez, and N.S Mattson. 2015. High tunnel versus climate-controlled greenhouse: Transplant time and production environment impact growth and morphology of cold-tolerant bedding plants. HortScience 50(6):830-838.
Currey, C.J., N.S. Mattson, and R.G. Lopez. 2014. Finishing bedding plants: Unheated high tunnel versus heated greenhouse. HortTechnology 24(5):527-534.
Camberato, D.M., J.J. Camberato, and R.G. Lopez. 2014. Determining the effect of carrier water pH and bicarbonate concentration on final pH of plant growth regulator solutions. HortScience 49(9):1176-1182.
Randall, W.C. and R.G. Lopez. 2014. Comparison of supplemental lighting from high-pressure sodium lamps and light emitting-diodes during bedding plant seedling production. HortScience 49(5):589-595.
Currey C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2014. Controlled-release fertilizer during cutting propagation affects growth and tissue nutrient concentrations of rooted cuttings of annual bedding plants. HortScience 49(2):152-159.
Paparozzi, E.T., N.S. Mattson, M. Grossman, S. Burnett, and R. Lopez. 2013. Creative thinking, creative funding: research, extension, and teaching programs and consortiums - The 2013 national floriculture forum. HortTechnology 23(6):794-795.
Currey, C.J., A.P. Torres, D.F. Jacobs and R.G. Lopez. 2013. The quality index - A new tool for integrating quantitative measurements to assess quality of young floriculture plants. Acta Hort. 1000:385-392.
Currey, C.J., R.G. Lopez, V.K. Rapaka., J.E. Faust, and E.S. Runkle. 2013. Exogenous applications of benzyladenine and gibberellic acid inhibit lower-leaf senescence of geraniums during propagation. HortScience 48(11):428-434.
Camberato, D.M., J.J. Camberato, and R.G. Lopez. 2013. Comparing the adequacy of controlled-release and water-soluble fertilizers for bedding plant production. HortScience 48(4):556-562.
Currey C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2013. Cuttings of Impatiens, Pelargonium, and Petunia propagated under light-emitting diodes and high-pressure sodium lamps have comparable growth, morphology, gas exchange, and post-transplant performance. HortScience 48(4):428-434.
Camberato, D.M., R.G. Lopez, and B.A. Krug. 2012. Development of Euphorbia pulcherrima under reduced finish temperatures. HortScience 47(6):745‒750.
Mitchell, C.A., A. Both, C.M. Bourget, J.F. Burr, C. Kubota, R.G. Lopez, R.C. Morrow, and E.S. Runkle. 2012. LEDs: The future of greenhouse lighting! Chronica Horticulturae 52(1):6‒12.
Ortiz, M.A., K. Hyrczyk, and R.G. Lopez. 2012. Comparison of high tunnel and field production of specialty cut flowers in the Midwest. HortScience 47(9):1265‒1269.
Miller, W.B., N.S. Mattson, X. Xie, D. Xu, C.J. Currey, K.L. Clemens, R.G. Lopez, M. Olrich, and E.S. Runkle. 2012. Ethephon substrate drenches inhibit stem extension of floriculture crops. HortScience 47(9):1312‒1319.
Hutchinson, V.A., C.J. Currey, and R.G. Lopez. 2012. Photosynthetic daily light integral during root development influences subsequent growth and development of several herbaceous annual bedding plants. HortScience 47(7):856‒860.
Currey, C.J., R.G. Lopez, B.A. Krug, I. McCall, and B.E. Whipker. 2012. Substrate drenches containing flurprimidol suppress height of ‘Nellie White' Easter lilies. HortTechnology 22(2):164-168.
Currey, C.J., V.A. Hutchinson, and R.G. Lopez. 2012. Growth, morphology, and quality of rooted cuttings of several herbaceous annual bedding plants are influenced by photosynthetic daily light integral during root development. HortScience 47(1):25-30.
Hall, C.R., B.K. Behe, B.L. Campbell, J.H. Dennis, R.G. Lopez, and C. Yue. 2012. Market segmentation for U.S. floral consumers based on attitudes towards biodegradable packaging. Acta Hort. 930:127-134.
Hall, C.R., B.K. Behe, B.L. Campbell, J.H. Dennis, R.G. Lopez, and C. Yue. 2012. The appeal of biodegradable packaging to US floral consumers. Acta Hort. 930:121-126.
Hall, T.J., J.H. Dennis, R.G. Lopez, and T.L. Cannady. 2012. A net present value and financial feasibility analysis of converting from plastic pots to degradable paper pots. Acta Hort. 930:135-140.
Yue, C., C.R. Hall, B.K. Behe, B.L. Campbell, R.G. Lopez, and J.H. Dennis. 2012. Comparing willingness to pay estimation models for conjoint analysis: a case study of willingness to pay for biodegradable containers for plants. Acta Hort. 930:217-224.
Behe, B.K., B.L. Campbell, J.H. Dennis, C.R. Hall, R.G. Lopez, and C. Yue. 2012. Eco-attitudes and behaviours of annual, perennial and herb and vegetable buyers from four US States. Acta Hort. 930:43-48.
Currey, C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2012. Biomass accumulation and allocation and leaf morphology of Impatiens hawkeri ‘magnum salmon' cuttings is affected by photosynthetic daily light integral in propagation. Acta Hort. 956:349‒355.
Burnett, S., N. Mattson, B. Krug, and R. Lopez. 2011. Floriculture sustainability research coalition: bringing the latest sustainability research to the industry. HortTechnology 21(6):1-2.
Lopez, R.G. and D.M. Camberato. 2011. Growth and development of ‘Eckespoint Classic Red' poinsettia in biodegradable and compostable containers. HortTechnology 21(4):419-423.
England, K.M., C.S. Sadof, L.A. Cañas, C.H. Kuniyoshi, and R.G. Lopez. 2011. Effects of selected fertilizers on the life history of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B. J. Econ. Entomol. 104(2):548-554.
Taylor, J.M., R.G. Lopez, C.J. Currey, and J. Janick. 2011. The poinsettia: history and transformation. Chronica Horticulturae 51(3):23-28.
Whipker, B., I. McCall, J. Barnes, W. Buhler, B. Krug, C. Currey, and R. Lopez. 2011. Flurprimidol pre-plant bulb soaks control growth of potted Liliums. Acta Hort. 900:79-87.
Yue, C., J.H. Dennis, B.K. Behe, C.R. Hall, B.L. Campbell, and R.G. Lopez. 2011. Investigating consumer preference for organic, local, or sustainable ornamental plants. HortScience 46(4):610-615.
Torres, A.P and R.G. Lopez. 2011. Photoperiod and temperature influence flowering responses and morphology of Tecoma stans. HortScience 46(3):416-419.
Currey, C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2011. Early flurprimidol drench applications suppress final height of four poinsettia cultivars. HortTechnology 21(1):36-40.
Torres, A.P and R.G. Lopez. 2011. Photosynthetic daily light integral during propagation of Tecoma stans influences seedling rooting and growth. HortScience 46(2):282-286.
Yue, C., C.R. Hall, B.K. Behe, B.L. Campbell, J.H. Dennis, and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Investigating consumer preference for biodegradable containers. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 28(4):239-243.
Yue, C., C.R. Hall, B.K. Behe, B.L. Campbell, J.H. Dennis, and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Are consumers willing to pay more for biodegradable containers than for plastic ones? Evidence from hypothetical conjoint analysis and non-hypothetical experimental auctions. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 42(4):757-772.
Currey, C.J., D.M. Camberato, A.P. Torres, and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Plant growth retardant drench efficacy is not affected by substrate containing parboiled rice hulls. HortTechnology 20(5):863-866.
Behe, B.K., B.L. Campbell, J.H. Dennis, C.R. Hall, R.G. Lopez and C. Yue. 2010. Gardening consumer segments vary in ecopractices. HortScience 45(10):1475-1479.
Dennis, J.H., R.G. Lopez, B.K. Behe, C.R. Hall, C. Yue, and B.L. Campbell. 2010. Sustainable production practices adopted by greenhouse and nursery plant growers. HortScience 45(8):1232-1237.
Torres, A.P., M.V. Mickelbart, and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Leaching volume effects on pH and electrical conductivity measurements in containers obtained using the pour-through method. HortTechnology 20(3):608-611.
Hall, T.J., R.G. Lopez, M.I. Marshall, and J.H. Dennis. 2010. Barriers to adopting sustainable floriculture certification. HortScience 45(5):778-783.
Hall, C.R., B.L. Campbell, B.K. Behe, C. Yue, R.G. Lopez, and J.H. Dennis. 2010. The appeal of biodegradable packaging to floral consumers. HortScience 45(4):583-591.
Currey, C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Paclobutrazol pre-plant bulb dips effectively control height of ‘Nellie White' easter lilies. HortTechnology 20(2):357-360.
Hall, T.J., J.H. Dennis, R.G. Lopez, and M.I. Marshall. 2009. Factors affecting growers' willingness to adopt sustainable floriculture practices. HortScience 44(5):1346-1351.
Lopez, R.G., M.G. Blanchard, and E.S. Runkle. 2009. Propagation and production of Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Acta Hort. 813:559-564.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2008. Photosynthetic daily light integral during propagation influences rooting and growth of cuttings and subsequent development of New Guinea impatiens and petunia. HortScience 43(7):2052-2059.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2008. Low-temperature storage influences morphological and physiological characteristics of nonrooted cuttings of New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri). Postharvest Biol. Technol. 50:95-102.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2008. Effect of temperature and pseudobulb maturity on flowering of the orchid Miltoniopsis Augres ‘Trinity'. Acta Hort. 766:273-278.
Monteiro, A.A., R.G. Lopez and J. Janick 2008. Gilding the lilies: Rainbow roses and confetti poinsettias. Chronica Horticulturae 48(1):16.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2006. Daily light integral influences rooting and quality of petunia cuttings. Acta Hort. 711:369-373.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2006. Temperature and photoperiod regulate flowering of potted Miltoniopsis orchids. HortScience 41(3):593-597.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2005. Environmental physiology of growth and flowering of orchids. HortScience 40(7):1969-1973.
Lopez, R.G., E.S. Runkle, and R.D. Heins. 2005. Flowering of the orchid Miltoniopsis Augres ‘Trinity' is influenced by photoperiod and temperature. Acta Hort. 683:175-179.
Lopez, R.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2004. The effect of temperature on leaf and flower development and flower longevity of Zygopetalum Redvale ‘Fire Kiss' orchid. HortScience 39(7):1630-1634.
Lopez, R.G., P.R. Petrie, and G.S. Howell. 2004. Photosynthetic inhibition of ‘Seyval blanc' grapevines with terbacil. Acta Hort. 640:155-161.
Lopez, R.G., E.S. Runkle, R.D. Heins, and C.M. Whitman. 2003. Temperature and photoperiodic effects on growth and flowering of Zygopetalum Redvale ‘Fire Kiss' orchid. Acta Hort. 624:155-162.
Team Personnel
Greenhouse Technician
Nate DuRussel (B.S. Horticulture), Research Assistant 1, 2013 to Present
Current Graduate Students
Kellie Walters (Ph.D.) Physiological responses of hydroponically produced specialty vegetables to daily light integral, temperature, and nutrition. (Expected graduation, May 2020).
Charlie Garcia (M.S.) (Expected graduation, August 2019).
Annika Kohler (M.S.) (Expected graduation, August 2020).
Current Undergraduate Students
Anthony Soster (B.S. Horticultural Science)
Caleb Spall (B.S. Horticultural Science)
Jacob Brunner (B.S. Horticultural Science)
Sean Tarr (B.S. Horticultural Science)
Previous Graduate Students
Joshua Craver (Ph.D.) Manipulating light and carbon dioxide concentration and developing non-invasive imaging technologies to optimize indoor and greenhouse production of annual bedding plant seedlings (Degree conferred May 2018; Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Colorado State University).
W. Garrett Owen (Ph.D.) Enhancing herbacoeus perennial cutting physiology, morphology, callusing, and rooting with supplemental irradiance, temperature, and nutrition during propagation (Degree conferred January 2017; Michigan State University Floriculture Outreach Specialist).
Madeline Olberg (M.S.) Root-zone heating of bedding and potted plants in high tunnels and greenhouses (Degree conferred August 2016; Ph.D. student University of Wisconsin).
Josh R. Gerovac (M.S.) Energy-efficient bedding plant and micro green production in protected environments (Degree conferred, December 2014; Horticulture Scientist at Fluence Bioengineering).
Wesley C. Randall (M.S.) Supplemental, end-of-day, and sole-source lighting from light-emitting diodes influences growth, morphology, and quality of annual bedding plant seedlings. (Degree conferred August 2014; Assistant grower at Bell Nursery).
Christopher J. Currey (Ph.D.) Optimizing herbaceous annual cutting physiology, morphology, and rooting with supplemental light during propagation (Degree conferred August 2013; Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Iowa State University).
Veronica Hutchinson (M.S.), Growth and development of annuals is influenced by propagation and finish daily light integral. (Degree conferred July 2012; University of Illinois Extension educator).
Krystyna Hyrczyk (M.S.), Specialty cut flower and bedding plant production in unheated high tunnels. (Degree conferred June 2012; Culver Academies).
Ariana P. Torres (M.S.), Photosynthetic daily light integral, photoperiod, and temperature influence growth, development, and quality of Tecoma stans. (Degree conferred November 2010; Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Purdue University).
Tanya J. Hadley (Hall) (M.S.) Sustainable floriculture practices and certification: growers' barriers to adoption. (Degree conferred May 2009; Purdue Extension Economic and Community Development Educator).
Lab Awards
Caleb Spall, 2019. Recipient of the ASHS Collegiate Scholar Award.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the American Floral Endowment Young Professionals Council Travel Grant.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference Travel Grant.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Placed 3rd in the Applied Oral Presentation Competition, MSU Plant Science Graduate Student Research Symposium.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the Horticulture Organization of Graduate Students Travel Grant, MSU Department of Horticulture.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Placed 1st in the Oral Competition, MSU Council of Graduate Students.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the Ruth Allen Travel Award, MSU Department of Horticulture.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the Horticulture Organization of Graduate Students Travel Grant, MSU Department of Horticulture.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the GardenComm Kathleen Fisher Memorial Scholarship.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the Alumni Association Scholarship, MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Kellie Walters, 2019. Recipient of the George and Elva Koths Endowment for International Travel, MSU Department of Horticulture.
Anthony Soster, 2018. Placed 6th Irrigation Troubleshooting Event, National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Anthony Soster, 2018. Placed 9th in the Irrigation Assembly Event, National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Anthony Soster, 2018. Placed 2nd in the Maintenance Cost Estimating Event, National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Anthony Soster, 2018. Recipient of the ASHS Collegiate Scholars Award.
Anthony Soster, 2018. Recipient of the Jim Potchen and Janet Gauthier All-University Award of Excellence.
Caleb Spall, 2018. Placed 4th in the Interior Plant Identification Event, National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Caleb Spall, 2018. Recipient of the Darla Paselk Memorial Scholarship.
Caleb Spall, 2018. Recipient of the Franklin Garden Club Scholarship.
Kellie Walters, 2018. Recipient of the American Floral Endowment Young Professionals Council Travel Grant.
Kellie Walters, 2018. Placed 2nd in the Controlled Environment Oral Competition, ASHS Annual Conference.
Kellie Walters, 2018. Recipient of the NE-1335: Resource Management in Commercial Greenhouse Production Travel Grant.
Kellie Walters, 2018. Placed 1st in the Poster Competition, MSU Plant Science Graduate Student Research Symposium.
Kellie Walters, 2018. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101).
Anthony Soster, 2017. AmericanHort Scholar, AmericanHort.
Kellie Walters, 2017. Recipient of the Graduate Office Fellowship, Michigan State University.
Kellie Walters, 2017. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, American Floral Endowment. National Floriculture Forum.
Kellie Walters, 2017. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101), Pacific Grove, CA.
Allison Hurt, 2017. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101), Pacific Grove, CA.
Kellie Walters, 2017. Recipient of the Future Academic Scholars in Teaching (FAST) Fellowship, Michigan State Unviersity.
Anthony Soster, 2017. Placed 1st place in the Team Irrigation Assembly Event, National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Anthony Soster, 2017. Placed 12th place in the Team Irrigation Troubleshooting Event, National Association of Landscape Professionals.
Kellie Walters, 2016. Recipient of the Paul Ecke, Jr. Scholarship, American Floral Endowment.
Kellie Walters, 2016. Recipient of the Academic Achievement Graduate Assistantship, Michigan State University.
Anthony Soster, 2016. Recipient of the MSU Department of Horticulture Lynn and Stella Bowers scholarship.
Anthony Soster, 2016. Recipient of the MSU Department of Horticulture Beckert Scholarship.
Joshua Craver, 2016. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101), Canberra, Australia.
Garrett Owen, 2015. Recipient of the Richard T. Meister Scholarship, American Floral Endowment.
Garrett Owen, 2015. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, American Society of Horticultural Science. New Orlean, LA.
Garrett Owen, 2015. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, Plant Growth Regulation Society of America. Kona, HI.
Garrett Owen, 2015. Recipient of the D. Woods Thomas Memorial International Support Fund, Purdue University.
Joshua Craver, 2015. Place 1st in the Poster Competition. American Society of Horticultural Science (ASHS), New Orleans, LA.
Joshua Craver, 2015. Placed 1st in the ASHS Controlled Environment Working Group (CEWG) Oral Competition. New Orleans, LA.
Madeline Olberg, 2015. Indiana Flower Growers Association Scholarship.
Joshua Craver, 2015. Graduate Student Travel Grant, American Society of Horticultural Science. New Orlean, LA.
Madeline Olberg, 2015. Placed 3rd in the Graduate Student Poster cCompetition, Committee on Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101) regional working group annual meeting. Columbus, OH.
Madeline Olberg, 2015. Recipient of the AmericanHort Scholar, AmericanHort.
Madeline Olberg, 2015. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, ASHS.
Madeline Olberg, 2014. Recipient of the Muggets Scholarship. Horticulture Research Institute.
Garrett Owen, 2014. Recipient of the Indiana Flower Growers Association Scholarship.
Garrett Owen, 2014. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, American Society of Horticultural Science.
Garrett Owen, 2014. Recipient of the National Floriculture Forum Travel Grant. Winnepeg, Canada.
Garrett Owen, 2014. Recipient of the National Floriculture Forum Best Oral Presentation. Winnepeg, Canada.
Joshua Craver, 2014. Recipient of the Paul Ecke Jr. Scholarship, American Floral Endowment.
Joshua Craver, 2014. Recipient of the Frederink Andrews Fellowship, Purdue University.
Madeline Olberg, 2014. Recipient of the David M. Knox Fellowship. Purdue University.
Garrett Owen, 2014. Placed 2nd in the Graduate Student Poster Competition. Committee on Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101) regional working group annual meeting.
Madeline Olberg, 2014. GPN Intern of the Year. Greenhouse Product News.
Garrett Owen, 2013. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Allyssa Hilligoss, 2013. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Wesley Randall, 2013. Placed 2nd in the Controlled Environment Working Group Student Oral Competition, ASHS Annual Meeting, Palm Desert, California.
Roberto Lopez, Brian Krug, Brian Whipker, and Nora Catlin. 2013. Outstanding Extension Educational Materials Award, American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS), Palm Desert, California.
Diane Camberato, Roberto Lopez and Brian Krug, 2013. Alex Laurie Award for the most significant applied floriculture research paper published in 2012 Development of Euphorbia pulcherrima under Reduced Finish Temperatures. HortScience 47(6):745-750, OFA - Association of Horticulture Professionals Short Course, Columbus, Ohio.
Josh Gerovac, 2013. Place 1st in the Graduate Student Poster Competition, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University.
Christopher Currey, 2013. Recipient of the Outstanding Dissertation Award, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University.
Garrett Owen, 2013. OFA Scholars - Association of Horticulture Professionals Scholar.
Alyssa Hilligoss, 2013. Recipient of the Laurenz Greene Summer Research Scholarship, Purdue University.
Alyssa Hilligoss, 2013. Purdue Agricultural Centers Research Experience, Purdue University.
Christopher Currey, 2013. Placed 2nd in the Graduate Student Poster Competition, Committee on Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101) regional working group annual meeting. Purdue University, IN.
Garrett Owen, 2013. Recipient of the Paul Ecke Jr. Scholarship, American Floral Endowment.
Wesley Randall, 2013, Placed 3rd in the ASHS Controlled Environmental Oral Competition.
Wesley Randall, 2012. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Christopher J. Currey, 2012. Recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Purdue University Committee for the Education of Teaching Assistants, the Teaching Academy, and the Office of the Provost.
Christopher J. Currey, 2012. Recipient of the Early Career Research Exchange Seed Grant, Purdue University and University of Queensland.
Christopher Currey, 2012 and 2011. Recipient of the James K. Rathmell Jr. Memorial Scholarship. American Floral Endowment.
Christopher J. Currey, 2012, 2011, 2010. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Christopher J. Currey, 2011. Recipient of the African Violet Society of America Scholarship, African Violet Society of America.
Christopher J. Currey, 2011. Recipient of the Valent Biosciences Corporation Best Poster Presentation Award, 38th Annual Meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America Graduate Student Poster Competition.
Christopher J. Currey, 2011. Recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Grant, American Society for Horticultural Science.
Christopher J. Currey, 2011. Recipient of the PGRSA Travel Award, Plant Growth Regulation Society of America. 2011.
Christopher J. Currey, 2011. Place 1st in the Graduate Student Poster Competition, Committee on Controlled Environment Technology & Use (NCERA-101) regional working group annual meeting.
Christopher J. Currey, 2011. Recipient of the D. Thomas Woods Memorial Fund to Support International Activity, International Programs in Agriculture, Purdue University.
Christopher J. Currey, 2010. OFA Scholar, OFA - An Association of Horticulture Professionals.
Veronica A. Hutchinson, 2010. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Krystyna Hyrczyk, 2010. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Ariana P. Torres. 2009. Recipient of the P. Allen Hammer Scholarship, Indiana Flower Growers Association.
Prospective Graduate and Undergraduate Students and Scientists
Welcome to the Lopez Lab at Michigan State University
We would like to thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our applied controlled environment and floriculture research and Extension team. The mission of our lab is to foster an engaging research and learning environment that promotes team-work, a community atmosphere, and camaraderie among all lab members. My approach in mentoring and advising graduate students is to invest a significant amount of my time to train each student to be plant scientists and to ensure that an appropriate level of resources, opportunities, and support are made available throughout a student's degree. Upon graduation, my goal is to have trained well-rounded individuals that have not only published their research in both grower and peer-reviewed scientific publications, but that posses the skills and knowledge necessary to be competitive and successful in the horticulture industry and academia.
What are we looking for?
Our lab accepts exceptional, hard-working, self-motivated, and energetic students that have received or are near completion of their B.S. or M.S. degree in horticulture, plant biology, ecology, or a related plant science field. As admission criteria to our program, we expect that prospective graduate students come with some level of research experience, either in a previous academic program or in the field, and have a strong interest in controlled evironment or floriculture production. Generally, students should have a GPA of 3.0 or greater, and (if applicable) TOEFL scores that exceed university minimums. As part of the Horticulture department requirements, students apply through the MSU Graduate School. All potential candidates are required to participate in a formal campus interview prior to acceptance. All graduate students must be funded prior to admission to our department, which means that students either come with their own financial support or receive a research assistantship (RA) or graduate school fellowship. Prior to beginning their graduate studies, students are highly encouraged to complete an internship or work experience at a greenhouse facility related to their field of study.
Prospective post-doctoral researchers or visiting scholars and scientists are also encouraged to contact me with your interests. I also welcome visiting international scientists with a demonstrated record of excellence in contolled environment, greenhouse and or floriculture research that may wish to conduct a research sabbatical or short-stay in our laboratory - usually these scholars are expected to attain the majority of funding from their home institutions.
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