Brian Nielsen
Advises undergraduate and graduate students. Advisor to the MSU Rodeo Club.
Conducts research in equine exercise physiology, horse nutrition, and management through the Spartan Equine Research (SPERE) Lab.
Teaches senior level courses including Equine Exercise Physiology, Advanced Horse Management, and Equine Science Seminar.
Honors and Awards
Animal Science Graduate Student Association Outstanding Mentorship Award 2023
Nominee, Teacher of the Year, Edinburgh University Students’ Association, University of Edinburgh 2021
Fellow, Equine Science Society 2019
American Horse Publications Equine Media Awards, Service to the Horse Industry: Honorable Mention (Good Bones by A. Boatwright) 2019
American Feed Industry Association Award in Equine Nutrition Research 2017
Legacy Award, Michigan State University Spartan Stampede 2015
Walter Adams Advisor of the Year, Michigan State University 2014
The Equine Science Society and American Society of Animal Science Equine Science Award 2010
American Horse Publications Awards, Editorial - 3rd Place (The Other Steroid) 2009
Midwest ASAS/ADSA Outstanding Young Teacher Award 2005
Outstanding Young Professional Award -- Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society 2001
Refereed Publications
Vergara-Hernandez, F.B., B.D. Nielsen, J.M. Popovich Jr., C.L. Panek, A.L. Logan, C.I. Robison, R.A. Ehrhardt, T.N. Johnson, N.J. Chargo, T.H. Welsh Jr., A.N. Bradbery, J.L. Leatherwood, and A.C. Colbath. 2024. Clodronate disodium does not produce measurable effects on bone metabolism in an exercising, juvenile, large animal model. PLoS One. 19(4):e0300360.
Pritchard, A., and B.D. Nielsen. 2024. Silicon supplementation for bone health: An umbrella review attempting to translate from animal to human. Nutrients. 16(3):339.
Vergara-Hernandez, F.B., B.D. Nielsen, C.L. Panek, C.I. Robison, and A.C. Colbath. 2023. Exercising sheep as a pre-clinical model for musculoskeletal research. Amer. J. Vet. Res.
Colbath, A., J. Fortin, C. Burglass, C. Panek, F. Vergara-Hernandez, T. Johnson, C. Robison, A. Logan, N. Nelson, B.D. Nielsen, and H.C. Schott Jr. 2023. Lumbar vertebral bone density is decreased in horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction. Equine Vet. J.
Vergara-Hernandez, F.B., B.D. Nielsen, J.J. Kottwitz, C.L. Panek, C.I. Robison, B.L. Paris, T.H. Welsh Jr., A.N. Bradbery, J.L. Leatherwood, and A.C. Colbath. 2023. Pharmacokinetics and plasma protein binding of a single dose of clodronate disodium are similar for juvenile sheep and horses. Amer. J. Vet. Res. July. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.23.03.0051
Logan, A.A., A.J. Snyder, and B.D. Nielsen. 2023. Circle diameter impacts stride frequency and forelimb stance duration at various gaits in horses. Sensors. 23(9):4232.
Nielsen, B.D. 2023. A review of three decades of research dedicated to making equine bones stronger: Implications for horses and humans. Animals. 13(5):789.
Verga-Hernandez, F.B., C.L. Panek, B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, and A.C. Colbath. 2023. Clodronate disodium is neither cytotoxic nor cytoprotective to normal and recombinant equine interleukin-1β-treated joint tissues in vitro. Vet. Surg. 52(1):146-156.
McLean, N.L., B.D. Nielsen, and N. McGilchrist. 2022. Dietary iron unlikely to cause insulin resistance in horses. Animals. 12(19):2510.
Verga-Hernandez, F.B., B.D. Nielsen, and A.C. Colbath. 2022. Is the use of bisphosphonates putting horses at risk? An osteoclast perspective. Animals. 12(13):1722.
Keller, G.A., B.D. Nielsen, F.B. Vergara-Hernandez, and C.I. Robison. 2022. Tracking the impact of weather on equine activity while pastured. J. Equine Vet. Sci.
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, K.M. Hiney, C.I. Robison, J.M. Manfredi, D.D. Buskirk, and J.M. Popovich, Jr. 2022. The impact of circular exercise diameter on bone and joint health of juvenile animals. Animals. 12(11):1379. doi:10.3390/ani12111379
Emmert, B.J., C.I. Robison, A. Pritchard, and B.D. Nielsen. 2022. Comparison of bone mineral content of the equine third metacarpal to total radiographic bone aluminum equivalents from unprocessed digital radiographs. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 110(103837).
Verga-Hernandez, F.B., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, T.A. Fabus, J.L. Kompare, R.A. LeCompte, and A. Colbath. 2022. Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse average stride rate and length during ‘Sprint’ and ‘Classic’ races. Trans. Anim. Sci. 6(1):txab233.
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, D. Hallock, C.I. Robison, and J.M. Popovich. 2021. Evaluation of within- and between- session reliability of the TekscanTM Hoof System with a glue-on shoe. J. Equine Vet. Sci.
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, D.B. Hallock, J.M. Manfredi, K.M. Hiney, D.D. Buskirk, and J.M. Popovich. 2021. Impact of gait and diameter during circular exercise on front hoof
area, force, and pressure in mature horses. Animals. 11:3581. https// 10.3390/ani11123581
Li, J., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, and H. Spooner. 2021. Adaptations of racing Thoroughbreds to a hypoxic chamber: a pilot study. J. Istanbul Vet. Sci. 5(3):123-129.
Logan, A.A., and B.D. Nielsen. 2021. Training young horses: the science behind the benefits. Animals. 11:463. (Featured Paper)
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, J.M. Manfredi, and C.I. Robison. 2021. Sprint exercise of juvenile animals does not impact cartilage glycosaminoglycan or synovial fluid neopeptide collagenase cleavage of type I and II collagen content. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 101:103405.
Pritchard, A., C. Robison, T. Nguyen, and B.D. Nielsen. 2020. Silicon supplementation affects mineral metabolism but not bone density or strength in male broilers. PLOS ONE. 15(12). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243007.
Pritchard, A., B.D. Nielsen, C. Robison, and J.M. Manfredi. 2020. Low dietary silicon supplementation may not affect bone and cartilage in mature, sedentary horses. J. Anim. Sci. 98(12):1-8.
Silvers, B.L., J.L. Leatherwood, C.E. Arnold, B.D. Nielsen, C.J. Huseman, B.J. Dominguez, K.G. Glass, R.E. Martinez, M.L. Much, and A.N. Bradbery. 2020. Effects of aquatic conditioning on cartilage and bone metabolism in young horses. J. Anim. Sci. 98:1-10.
Pritchard, A., C. Robison, and B.D. Nielsen. 2020. Bone ash from immature broilers correlates to bone mineral content calculated from quantitative computed tomography scans. Poultry Sci. 99:4162-4165.
Pritchard, A., B.D. Nielsen, C. Robison, and H. Spooner. 2020. Furosemide administration results in a transient alteration in calcium balance in mature horses. J. Anim. Phys. Anim. Nutr. 104(3):946-953. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13348.
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, J.M. Manfredi, D.D. Buskirk, H.C. Schott, and K.M. Hiney. 2019. Calves, as a model for juvenile horses, need only one sprint per week to experience increased bone strength. J. Anim. Sci. 97(8):3300-3312.
Pritchard, A., B.D. Nielsen, A. McLean, C. Robison, M. Yokoyama, S. Hengemuehle, S. Bailey, and P. Harris. 2019. Insulin resistance as a result of body condition categorized as thin, moderate, and obese in domesticated U.S. donkeys (Equus asinus). J. Equine Vet. Sci. 77:31-35.
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, R. Sehl, E. Jones, C.I. Robison, and A.P. Pease. 2019. Short-term stall housing of horses results in changes of markers of bone metabolism. Comp. Exer. Phys. 15(4): 283-290.
Woodward, A.D., B.D. Nielsen, A. Pritchard, and C.I. O’Connor-Robison. 2019. Determination of phosphorus and nitrogen environmental load from six different bedding types used in an equine facility. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 73:10-14.
Cully, P., B.D. Nielsen, B.E. Lancaster, J.E. Martin, and P.D. McGreevy. 2018. The laterality of the gallop gait in Thoroughbred racehorses. PLoS ONE. 13(6):e0198545. pone.0198545
Turcott White, S., B.D. Nielsen, C. Robison, C. Skelly, D. Rosenstein, A. Pritchard, and T. Herdt. 2018. Influence of various concentrate-to-roughage ratios on dietary intake and nutrient digestibilities of weanling horses. J. Anim. Phys. Anim. Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13006.
Rapson, J.L., H.C. Schott II, B.D. Nielsen, L.J. McCutcheon, P.A. Harris, and R.J. Geor. 2018. Effects of age and diet on glucose and insulin dynamics in the horse. Equine Vet. J. 50:690-696. DOI: 10.1111/evj.12812
Nowlin, C., B.D. Nielsen, J. Mills, C.I. Robison, H.C. Schott, and D. Peters. 2018. Acute and prolonged effects of vibrating platform treatment on horses: a pilot study. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 62:116-122.
Couch, S., and B.D. Nielsen. 2017. A review of dorsal metacarpal disease (bucked shins) in the flat racing horse: prevalence, diagnosis, pathogenesis, and associated factors. J. Dairy Vet. & Anim. Res. 5(166):1-10. DOI: 10.15406/jdvar.2017.05.00166
Nielsen, B.D., S.M. Eckert, C.I. Robison, J. Mills, D. Peters, A. Pease, and H.C. Schott II. 2017. Omeprazole and its impact on mineral absorption in horses. Anim. Prod. Sci. 57:2263-2269.
Nielsen, B.D., R.J. Coleman, and L.K. Warren. 2017. The Equine Science Society: From the 1st to the 25th Symposium. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:36-40.
Robison, C. I., B.D. Nielsen, R.A. LeCompte, and P. Harris. 2017. Chopping hay before feeding does not influence fecal particle size, blood variables, or water intake in three-year-old Arabians. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 54:118-122.
Bergenstrahle, A., and B.D. Nielsen. 2016. Attitude and behavior of veterinarians surrounding the use of Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine (CAVM) in the treatment of equine musculoskeletal pain. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 45:87-97.
Dougal, K., G. de la Fuente, P.A. Harris, S.E. Girdwood, E. Pinloche, R. Geor, B.D. Nielsen, H. Schott II, S. Elzinga, and C.J. Newbold. 2014. Characterisation of the feacal bacterial community in adult and elderly horses fed a high fibre, high oil or high starch diet using 454 Pyrosequencing. PLoS ONE. 9(2):e87424.
Elzinga, S., B.D. Nielsen, H.C. Schott II, J. Rapson, C.I. Robison, J. McCutcheon, P.A. Harris, and R. Geor. 2014. Comparison of nutrient digestibility between adult and aged horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 34(10):1164-1169.
Nielsen, B.D., and C.I. O’Connor-Robison. 2014. A pilot study to determine if a dietary mineral supplement can affect reactivity to stimuli by horses in training. Comp. Exer. Phys. 10(3):159-165.
Robison, C.I., and B.D. Nielsen. 2013. Comparison of two software packages for determining radiographic bone aluminum equivalent values. Comp. Exer. Phys. 9(3/4):219-222.
Spooner, H.S., B.D. Nielsen, H.C. Schott, C.I. O’Connor-Robison, and P.A. Harris. 2013. Hydration status of horses performing endurance exercise: I. Evidence for a role of diet. Comp. Exer. Phys. 9(3/4):189-197.
Spooner, H.S., B.D. Nielsen, H.C. Schott, C.I. O’Connor-Robison, and P.A. Harris. 2013. Hydration status of horses performing endurance exercise: II. Evidence for a role of dietary fibre type, not oil supplementation. Comp. Exer. Phys. 9(3/4):199-207.
Lavin, T.E., B.D. Nielsen, J.N. Zingsheim, C.I. O’Connor-Robison, J.E. Link, G.M. Hill, and J. Shelton. 2013. Effects of phytase supplementation in mature horses fed alfalfa hay and pelleted concentrate diets. J. Anim. Sci. 91(4):1719-1727.
Cate, R.E., B.D. Nielsen, H.S. Spooner, C.I. O’Connor-Robison, and H.C. Schott, II. 2012. Prevalence of gastric ulcers and relationship to other parameters in Standardbred racehorses. Comp. Exer. Phys. 8(1):47-51.
Nielsen, B.D., M.M. Vick, and P.M. Dennis. 2012. A potential link between insulin resistance and iron overload disorder in browsing rhinoceroses investigated through the use of an equine (Equus caballus) model. J. Zoo Wildlife Med. 43(3):S61-S65.
Clauss, M., E. Dierenfeld, J. Goff, K. Klasing, L. Koutsos, S. Lavin, S. Livingston, B. Nielson, M. Schlegel, K. Sullivan, E. Valdes, and A. Ward. 2012. IOD in rhinos – Nutrition Group report: Report from the nutrition working group of the international workshop on iron overload disorder in browsing rhinoceros (February 2011). J. Zoo Wildlife Med. 43(3):S108-S113.
Woodward, A.D., B.D. Nielsen, J. Liesman, T. Lavin, and N.L. Trottier. 2011. Protein quality and utilization of timothy, oat-supplemented timothy, and alfalfa at differing harvest maturity in exercised Arabian horses. J. Anim. Sci. 89:4081-4092.
Nielsen, B.D., C.I. O’Connor-Robison, H.S. Spooner, and J. Shelton. 2010. Glycemic and insulinemic responses are affected by age of horse and method of feed processing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 30(5):249-258.
Nielsen, B.D., R.E. Cate, and C.I. O’Connor-Robison. 2010. A marine mineral supplement alters markers of bone metabolism in yearling Arabians. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 30(8):419-424.
Spooner, H.S., B.D. Nielsen, H.C. Schott, and P.A. Harris. 2010. Sweat composition in Arabian horses performing endurance exercise on forage-based, low Na rations. Equine Vet. J. 42(Suppl. 38):382-386.
Turner, K.K., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. O’Connor-Robison, F.H. Nielsen, and M.W. Orth. 2008. Tissue response to a supplement high in aluminum and silicon. Bio. Trace Elem. Res. 121(2):134-148.
Turner, K.K., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. O’Connor-Robison, D.S. Rosenstein, B.P. Marks, F.H. Nielsen, and M.W. Orth. 2008. Sodium zeolite A supplementation and its impact on the skeleton of dairy calves. Bio. Trace Elem. Res. 121(2):149-159.
O’Connor, C.I., B.D. Nielsen, A.D. Woodward, H.S. Spooner, B.A. Ventura, and K.K. Turner. 2008. Mineral balance in horses fed two supplemental silicon sources. J. Anim. Phys. Anim. Nutr. 92:173-181.
Nielsen, B.D., and H.S. Spooner. 2008. Small changes in exercise, not nutrition, often result in measurable changes in bone. Comp. Exer. Phys. 5(1):15-20.
Spooner, H.S., B.D. Nielsen, A.D. Woodward, D.S. Rosenstein, and P.A. Harris. 2008. Endurance training has little impact on mineral content of the third metacarpus in two-year-old Arabian horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 28:359-362.
Schenck, E.L., K.A. McMunn, D.S. Rosenstein, R.L. Stroshine, B.D. Nielsen, B.T. Richert, J.N. Marchant-Forde, and D.C. Lay Jr. 2008. Exercising stall-housed gestating gilts: Effects on lameness, the musculo-skeletal system, production and behavior. J. Anim. Sci. 86(11):3166-3180.
Woodward, A.D., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. O’Connor, C.D. Skelly, S.K. Webel, and M.W. Orth. 2007. Dietary long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids increase docohexaenoic acid concentration and may increase trot stride lengths in horses. Equine Comp. Exer. Phys. 4(2):71-78.
Turner, K.K., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. O’Connor, and D.S. Rosenstein. 2007. Silicon supplementation and osteochondrotic lesions in two-year-old Standardbreds: a preliminary study. Equine Comp. Exer. Phys. 4(2):53-58.
O’Connor-Robison, C.I., B.D. Nielsen, and R. Morris. 2007. Cellulase supplementation does not improve the digestibility of a high forage diet in horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 27(12):535-538.
Nielsen, B.D., K.K. Turner, B.A. Ventura, A.D. Woodward, and C.I. O’Connor. 2006. Racing speeds of Quarter Horses, Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 36:128-132.
O’Connor, C.I., and B.D. Nielsen. 2006. Handling method influences equine urinary calcium and nitrogen. J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 5(2):165-167.
Turner, K.K., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. O’Connor, and J.L. Burton. 2006. Bee pollen supplementation to horses in training seems to improve feed intake: a pilot study. J. Anim. Phys. Anim. Nutr. 90(9-10):414-420.
Nielsen, B.D. 2005. What do markers of bone formation tell us in equine nutritional studies? Pferdeheilkunde 21:99-100.
Hiney, K.M., B.D. Nielsen, and D.S. Rosenstein. 2004. Short-duration exercise and confinement alters bone mineral content and shape in weanling horses. J. Anim. Sci. 82(8):2313-2320.
Hiney, K.M., B.D. Nielsen, D. Rosenstein, M.W. Orth and B.P. Marks. 2004. High-intensity exercise of short duration alters bovine bone density and shape. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1612-1620.
O’Connor, C.I., C. Ayers and B.D. Nielsen. 2004. Preference of complete pelleted feeds with differing concentrate to forage ratios in two ages of horses. J. Anim. Vet. Advances. 3(3):178-181.
Mello, D.M., B.D. Nielsen, T.L. Peters, J.P. Caron and M.W. Orth. 2004. Comparison of inhibitory effects of glucosamine and mannosamine on bovine articular cartilage degradation in vitro. Amer. J. Vet. Res. 65(10):1440-1445.
Butudom, P., D.J. Barnes, M.W. Davis, B.D. Nielsen, S.W. Eberhart and H.C. Schott. 2004. Rehydration fluid temperature affects voluntary drinking in horses dehydrated by furosemide administration and endurance exercise. Vet. J. 167:72-80.
Butudom, P., H.C. Schott II, S.M. Axiak, B.D. Nielsen and S.W. Eberhart. 2003. Effect of varying initial drink volume on rehydration of horses. Phys. Behav. 79(2):135-142.
Nielsen, B.D., C.I. O'Connor, D.S. Rosenstein, H.C. Schott and H.M. Clayton. 2002. Influence of trotting and supplemental weight on metacarpal bone development. Equine Vet. J. Suppl 34:236-240.
Lang, K.J., B.D. Nielsen, and M.W. Orth. 2002. Bone metabolism markers in Arabian horses during the first two years of life. Prof. Anim. Sci. 18:180-183.
O’Connor, C.I., B.D. Nielsen, H.C. Schott and H.M. Clayton. 2002. Effects of weight carrying, exercise and a myo-anabolic supplement on growth and muscle. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 34:178-181.
Trottier, N.L., B. D. Nielsen, K. J. Lang, P. K. Ku, and H. C. Schott. 2002. Equine endurance exercise alters serum branched-chain amino acid and alanine concentrations. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 34:168-172.
Butudom, P., H.C. Schott II, M.W. Davis, C.A. Kobe, B.D. Nielsen, and S.W. Eberhart. 2002. Drinking salt water enhances rehydration in horses dehydrated by frusemide administration and endurance exercise. Equine Vet J. Suppl. 34:513-518.
Heleski, C.R., A.C. Shelle, B.D. Nielsen and A.J. Zanella. 2002. Influence of housing on weanling horse behavior and subsequent welfare. Applied Anim. Behavior Sci. 78:291-302.
Rivera, E., S. Benjamin, B.D. Nielsen, J.E. Shelle and A.J. Zanella. 2002. Behavioral and physiological responses of horses to initial training: the comparison between pasture versus stalled horses. Applied Anim. Behav. Sci. 78:235-252.
Lang, K.J., B.D. Nielsen, K.L. Waite, G.M. Hill and M.W. Orth. 2001. Supplemental silicon increases plasma and milk silicon concentrations in horses. J. Anim. Sci. 79:2627-2633.
Bell, R.A., B.D. Nielsen, K. Waite, D. Rosenstein and M. Orth. 2001. Daily access to pasture turnout prevents loss of mineral in the third metacarpus of Arabian weanlings. J. Anim. Sci. 79:1142-1150.
Lang, K.J., B.D. Nielsen, K.L. Waite, J. Link, G.M. Hill and M.W. Orth. 2001. Increased plasma silicon concentrations and altered bone resorption in response to sodium zeolite A supplementation in yearling horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 21(11):550-555.
Waite, K.L., B.D. Nielsen and D.S. Rosenstein. 2000. Computed tomography as a method of estimating bone mineral content in horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 20(1):49-52.
Hoekstra, K.E., B.D. Nielsen, M.W. Orth, D.S. Rosenstein, H.C. Schott and J.E. Shelle. 1999. Comparison of bone mineral content and bone metabolism in stall- versus pasture-reared horses. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 30:601-604.
Fenton, J.I., M.W. Orth, K.A., Chlebek-Brown, B.D. Nielsen, C.D. Corn, K.L. Waite and J.P. Caron. 1999. Effect of longeing and glucosamine supplementation on serum markers of bone and joint metabolism in yearling Quarter Horses. Can. J. Vet. Res. 63:288-291.
Nielsen, B.D., G.D. Potter, L.W. Greene, E.L. Morris, M. Murray-Gerzik, W.B. Smith and M.T. Martin. 1998. Characterization of changes related to mineral balance and bone metabolism in the young racing Quarter Horse. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 18(3):190-200.
Nielsen, B.D., G.D. Potter, L.W. Greene, E.L. Morris, M. Murray-Gerzik, W.B. Smith and M.T. Martin. 1998. Response of young horses in training to varying concentrations of dietary calcium and phosphorus. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 18(6):397-404.
Nielsen, B.D., G.D. Potter, E.L. Morris, T.W. Odom, D.M. Senor, J.A. Reynolds, W.B. Smith and M.T. Martin. 1997. Changes in the third metacarpal bone and frequency of bone injuries in young Quarter Horses during race training -- observations and theoretical considerations. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 17(10):541-549.
Gibbs, P.G., G.D. Potter, B.D. Nielsen, D.D. Householder and W. Moyer. 1995. Scientific principles for conditioning race and performance horses. Prof. Anim. Sci. 11(4):195.
Nielsen, B.D., G.D. Potter, E.L. Morris, T.W. Odom, D.M. Senor, J.A. Reynolds, W.B. Smith, M.T. Martin and E.H. Bird. 1993. Training distance to failure in young racing Quarter Horses fed sodium zeolite A. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 13(10):562-567.
Reynolds, J.A., G.D. Potter, T.W. Odom, M.M. Vogelsang, W.B. Smith, B.D. Nielsen, D.M. Senor and E.H. Bird. 1993. Physiological responses to training and racing in two-year old Quarter Horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 13(10):543-548.
PUBLICATIONS (Book Chapters and Review Articles)
Richards, N., B.D. Nielsen, and C.J. Finno. 2021. Nutritional and Non-nutritional Aspects of Forage. In: Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice on Equine Nutrition. Edited by P. Harris and M. Shepherd. Elsevier.37(1):43-61.
Nielsen, B.D. 2014. Training the Racing Quarterhorse. In: The Athletic Horse: Principles and Practice of Equine Sports Medicine. 2nd Ed. Ed: D.R. Hodgson, K.H. McKeever, and C.M. McGowan. Elsevier Science. Pp. 354-360.
Nielsen, B.D. 2013. Practical considerations for feeding racehorses. In: Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition. Ed: R.J. Geor, P.A. Harris, and M. Coenen. Elsevier. Pp. 261-271.
Nielsen, B.D. 2011. Minerals: Macro and Micro. Horse Industry Handbook. Horse Industry Handbook. American Youth Horse Council, Inc. HIH 725:1-5
Nielsen, B.D., and C.A. Williams. 2011. Nutrition for the athletic horse. Horse Industry Handbook. American Youth Horse Council, Inc. HIH 755:1-5.
Nielsen, B.D., and C.E. Kawcak. 2010. Considerations of the optimal management of horses from birth to 2 years of age. In: Performance diagnosis and purchase examination of elite sport horses. Ed. A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 41-51.
Nielsen, B.D. 2010. Body condition scoring and on-track performance diagnosis. In: Applied Equine Nutrition and Training. Ed. A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 173-176.
Benoit, P., A. Courouce-Malblanc, C.E. Kawcak, B.D. Nielsen, E.H. Bird, and M.M. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan. 2010. Practical experience on what the good performer requires. In: Applied Equine Nutrition and Training. Ed. A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 115-139.
Nielsen, B.D. 2009. Effects of diet and feeding regimens on performance. In: Applied Equine Nutrition and Training. Ed. A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 107-116.
Nielsen, B.D. 2009. Evaluating recent equine research. In: Applied Equine Nutrition and Training. Ed. A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 117-130.
Nielsen, B.D. 2009. Chapter 18: Nutritional Factors in Developmental Orthopedic Disease. In: Current Therapy in Equine Medicine 6. Ed. N.E. Robinson and K.A. Sprayberry. Saunders. P. 79-82.
Nielsen, B.D. 2007. Evaluating recent equine research (2005-2006). In: Applied Equine Nutrition and Training. Ed: A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 35-47.
Nielsen, B.D. 2007. Noteworthy changes to the horse nutrition requirements by the National Research Council of USA. In: Applied Equine Nutrition and Training. Ed: A. Lindner. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp. 49-55.
Nielsen, B.D. 2007. Nutrition and exercise: working together to build strong bones. Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. Proc. Alltech’s 23rd Annual Symp. Ed. T.P. Lyons, K.A. Jacques, & J.M. Hower. 443-448.
Nielsen, B.D. 2005. Management and training of horses to prevent fractures and improve bone strength. Large Anim. Vet. Rounds. 5(3):1-6.
Nielsen, B.D., K.M. Hiney, K.E. Hoekstra, R.A. Bell and G.D. Potter. 2004. Nutritional and husbandry management of racehorses. The Elite Race and Endurance Horse. Ed. A. Lindner. Conf. Equine Sports Med. Sci. p. 66-74.
Nielsen, B.D. 2002. Nutraceuticals: their emerging role in equine nutrition. Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. Proc. Alltech’s 18th Annual Symp. Ed. T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques. 359-365.
Nielsen, B.D. 2001. Nutrient requirements of the young equine athlete. In: Advances in Equine Nutrition II. Eds: J.D. Pagan and R.J. Geor, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, U.K. pp. 189-197.
Hoekstra, K.E., and B.D. Nielsen. 1998. Stalling young horses alters normal bone growth. World Equine Vet. Review. 3(2):9-12.
Hoekstra, K.E., and B.D. Nielsen. 1998. Stalling young horses alters normal bone growth. Arabian Breeders Assoc. Handbook.
Nielsen, B.D. 1994. Orthopedic fatigue failure in racehorses. Texas Horse Owner's Reference Guide. TX Agri. Ext. Ser. TAMUS. College Station, TX. Section IV:4-8.
Gibbs, P.G., G.D. Potter, B.D. Nielsen, D.D. Householder and W. Moyer. 1994. Conditioning race and performance horses. Texas Horse Owner's Reference Guide. TX Agri. Ext. Ser. TAMUS. College Station, TX. Section IV:4-2.
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