Debalina Saha
Joined Department
July 2019
- 50% Extension
- 35% Research
- 15% Teaching
- PhD University of Florida (Horticultural Sciences)
- MS (Botany) University of Calcutta, India
- BS (Botany Honors) Presidency College, University of Calcutta, India
Dr. Saha investigates different chemical and non-chemical strategies for an effective weed control in ornamental crop production. Debalina has conducted studies and published results on herbicides and mulch combinations and their effects on different weed species in nursery and greenhouse container production systems, effects of strategic fertilizer placements in weed control for container production, evaluating different herbicide efficacies, studying different allelopathic properties of mulch extracts and their effect on weed control, and evaluating effects of different herbicide formulations and their cost effect in nursery production.
Current Projects in the Saha Lab
(1) With grants from Western Greenhouse Association (WMGA) and Metro Detroit Flower Growers Association (MDFGA) Debalina and her MS student, Sushil Grewal is investigating how to control liverwort infestation of container-grown ornamentals in nurseries and greenhouses by alternative pesticides.
(2) Weeds are very resilient and can get easily adapted to the changing climate and environmental factors. Dr. Saha with her current doctoral student, Supti Saha Mou are studying the impact of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide level on C3 and C4 weed species and their impact on herbicide efficacies in ornamental crop production.
(2) With a grant from Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association (MNLA), Debalina, her cooperators, and her graduate students are determining the crop safety and phytotoxicity of different liquid formulations of herbicides (or their combinations) in coniferous and woody shrubs in field production.
(3) With the funding from USDA/MDARD Specialty Crop Block Grant 2024-26, Debalina and her MS student Shailendra are studying the new weed management technique, Chemical Mowing and how it can be applied to the Christmas tree production system in flat land of Michigan.
(4) Several ornamental crop safety trials where phytotoxicity are being tested of different new chemicals (such as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and miticides) for their registration purpose are being conducted. These trials are being funded by USDA IR4.
(5) Dr. Saha also conducts several herbicide chemical company trials and projects for their new products and writes technical reports for the industries.
Debalina gives talks to state, regional, and national conferences/meetings and associations related to green industry. She is highly involved with Michigan Christmas Tree Association (MCTA), Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association (MNLA), and Western Greenhouse Association (WMGA) in the state of Michigan. She often writes trade journal articles for Great Lakes Christmas Tree journal, The Michigan Landscape, Greenhouse Product News (GPN), and Nursery Management. In addition, to these, she publishes several MSU extension bulletins (series), newsletter, factsheets for identification and management of specific problematic weed species in nurseries, greenhouses, and Christmas tree production. Recently, Dr. Saha has become one of the team members of e-GRO (Electronic Grower Resources Online) which is a collaborative effort of floriculture specialist to create a new clearing house for alerts about disease, insect, weeds, environment, physiological and nutritional disorders being observed in commercial greenhouses.
Dr. Saha has 15% teaching appointment. She teaches PLB/HRT863 Environmental Plant Physiology (graduate level course) every odd Spring semester.
Team Personnel
Current Graduate Students
Supti Saha Mou (Ph.D. student): Spring 2024- present
Sushil Grewal (M.S. student): Spring 2025- present
Shailendra Thapa (M.S. student): Spring 2025-present
Past Graduate Students
Manjot Kaur Sidhu (Ph.D.): graduated, June 2024; current position: Assistant Extension Professor at University of Maine
Greeshmanth Alluri (M.S.): graduated, August 2024; pursuing Ph.D. at Oregon State University
Greta Gallina (M.S.): graduated, December 2022; pursuing Ph.D. at University of Georgia
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Dr. Manjot Kaur Sidhu: June 2024- January 2025
Undergraduate Researchers
Alexandra Morris, Undergraduate Research Intern, Summer 2024
Michael Lucas, IAT Research Intern, Summer 2023
Rachel Mickey, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Summer 2023
McKinleigh Cordhal, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Summer 2022
Shriya Kethireddy, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Summer 2022
Ashley Jeon, Undergraduate Research Intern, Summer 2021 & Fall 2021
Technical Assistant
Carolyn Fitzgibbon (B.S.) Research technical aide, 2020- present
Peer-reviewed publications:
Graduate student author underlined.
Sidhu, M.K., S. Chaudhari, R. Lopez, E. Patterson, and Saha. 2024. Preemergent liverwort control by organic mulching in containerized ornamental production. Horticulturae 10 (12), 1282 doi:
Sidhu, M.K., S. Chaudhari, R. Lopez, E. Patterson, and Saha. 2024. Assessing the effects of allelopathic properties of organic mulches on liverwort control in container-grown ornamentals. Frontiers in Agronomy 6, 1422292 doi:
Alluri, G. and Saha. 2024. Emerging perspectives on non-chemical weed management tactics in container ornamental production in the United States. Horticulturae 10 (3), 281 doi:
Gallina, G., B.M. Cregg, E.L. Patterson, E. Hill, and Saha. 2023. Alternative integrated weed management options for clopyralid-resistant common ragweed. Horticulturae 9 (9), 985 doi:
Gallina, G., B.M. Cregg, E.L. Patterson, and Saha. 2023. Developing integrated strategies to address emerging weed management challenges in Christmas tree production. Forests 14 (5), 881.
Gallina, G., B.M. Cregg, E.L. Patterson, and D. Saha. 2022. A review of chemical weed control practices in Christmas tree production in the United States. Forests 13 (2), 250.
Saha, D., B.M. Cregg, and M.K. Sidhu. 2020. A review of nonchemical weed control practices in Christmas tree production. Forests 11, 554; doi:10.3390/f11050554
Sidhu, M.K., R. Lopez, S. Chaudhari, and D. Saha. 2020. A review on common liverwort control in nurseries and greenhouses. HortTechnology 30(4):471-479; doi:
Saha, D., C. Marble, B.J. Pearson, H.E. Perez, G.E. MacDonald, and D.C. Odero. 2019. Short-term preemergence herbicide adsorption by mulch materials and impacts on weed control. HortTechnology 1-9 doi:
Saha, D., C. Marble, B.J. Pearson, H.E. Perez, G.E. MacDonald, and D.C. Odero. 2019. Emergence of garden spurge (Euphorbia hirta) and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) in response to different physical properties and depths of common mulch materials. Weed Technology 1-8 doi:10.1017/wet.2019.88.
Saha, D., C. Marble, N. Torres, and A. Chandler. 2019. Fertilizer placement affects growth and reproduction of three common weed species in pine bark-based soilless nursery substrates. Weed Science 1-7 doi:10.1017/wsc.2019.49.
Marble, S.C., S.T. Steed, D. Saha, and Y. Khamare. 2019. On-farm evaluations of wood-derived, waste paper, and plastic mulch materials for weed control in Florida container nurseries. HortTechnology 1-8 doi:10.21273/HORTTECH04437-19.
Saha, D., C. Marble, B.J. Pearson, H.E. Perez, G.E. MacDonald, and D.C. Odero. 2019. Influence of mulch type and depth, herbicide formulation, and post-application irrigation volume on control of common landscape weed species. HortTechnology 29:65-77.
Saha, D., C. Marble, and A. Chandler. 2018. Early postemergence control of bittercress (Cardamine flexuosa With.) and oxalis (Oxalis stricta L.) with dithiopyr and isoxaben combinations. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 36(3): 114-118.
Saha, D., C. Marble, and B.J. Pearson. 2018. Allelopathic effects of common landscape and nursery mulch materials on weed control. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1-8. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00733.
Saha, D., C. Marble, C. Stewart, and A. Chandler. 2017. Preemergence and postemergence control of Artillery weed (Pilea microphylla) in container nurseries and landscapes. Weed Technology 31(4): 574-581.
Trade Journal Publications:
Saha, D. 2025. Biology and management of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 21(1) 34-35.
Mou, S.S. and Saha. 2024. Field Horsetail: A difficult to control weed in ornamental crop production. The Michigan Landscape 67 (6) 39-41.
Mou, S.S. and Saha. 2024. Biology and management of field horsetail in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 20 (4) 33-35.
Saha, D. and B. Cregg. 2024. How to speak Christmas tree: IPM: Weed management. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 20(3) 40-44
Alluri, G. and Saha. 2024. Drones and their applications in weed control. The Michigan Landscape 67 (4) 29-32.
Saha, D. and K. Sidhu. 2024. Identifying and controlling hairy bittercress in ornamental production. The Michigan Landscape 67 (3) 41-44.
Saha, D. 2024. Biology and management of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 20(2) 36-38.
Saha, D. 2024. Yellow woodsorrel: An important weed species to control in container-grown ornamental production. The Michigan Landscape 67(2) 51-55.
Alluri, G. and Saha. 2024. Managing herbicide resistance development among wed species. The Michigan Landscape 67(1) 27-29.
Saha, D. 2024. Biology and management of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halapense) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 20(1) 42-44.
Saha, D. 2023. Biology and management of Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 19(4) 42-43.
Saha, D. 2023. Biology and management of Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 19(3) 42-43.
Saha, D. 2023. Biology and management of Fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 19(2) 42-43.
Saha, D. 2023. Biology and management of wild carrot (Daucus carota) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 19(1) 38-39.
Saha, D. 2022. Biology and management of Eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 18(4):44-45.
Saha, D. 2022. Biology and management of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 18(3): 36-37.
Saha, D. 2022. Biology and management of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 18(2): 36-37.
Saha, D. 2022. Biology and management of hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 18(1): 40-41.
Saha, D. 2021. Biology and management of large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 17(4): 44-45.
Saha, D. 2021. Biology and management of Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 17(3):38-40.
Saha, D. 2021. Biology and management of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 17(2): 38-40.
Saha, D. 2021. Biology and management of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisifolia L.) in Christmas tree production. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 17(1): 40-42.
Saha, D. 2021. Controlling weeds in container production: Can growers control weed growth in container production? Greenhouse Product News (GPN) 31(1):30-33
Saha, D. H. Lindberg, and M.K. Sidhu. 2020. Weed ID: Learn how to manage liverwort in nurseries and greenhouses. Nursery Management
Saha, D. 2020. Top three problematic weeds of Michigan nursery container production. The Michigan Landscape 63(3):25-28.
Saha, D. 2020. Managing birdeye pearlwort in Michigan's nursery container production. The Michigan Landscape 63(2):48-51.
Saha, D., H. Lindberg, and M.K. Sidhu. 2020. Identification and management of liverwort in greenhouses. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-grow) vol 9.03.
Saha, D. 2020. Chemical weed control strategies for nurseries and landscapes: Part II. The Michigan Landscape 63(1):44-46.
Saha, D. 2019. Nonchemical weed control strategies for nurseries and landscapes: Part I. The Michigan Landscape 62(6):39-41.
Saha, D. 2019. Top three problematic weeds of Christmas tree plantations in great lake regions. Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal 15 (4): 28-30.
Other Extension Publications:
Mou, S.S. and Saha. 2024. Identification and control of Birdeye pearlwort (Sagina procumbens) in greenhouse container production. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 13. 52.
Mou, S.S. and Saha. 2024. Organic mulching: An effective non-chemical weed management strategy. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 13. 45
Smith, C. and Saha. 2024. Managing algae and moss inside greenhouses. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 13. 26
Fitzgibbon, C. and Saha. 2023. Nostoc: The slimy weed of greenhouse. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 12. 29
Saha. 2023. Common groundsel: A problematic weed species. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 12. 26
Saha, D. and K. Sidhu. 2023. Controlling spotted spurge in greenhouse container production. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 12. 19
Saha, D. Controlling yellow woodsorrel in greenhouse container production. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 11.30
Saha, D. and K. Sidhu. 2022. Identification and management of hairy bittercress in greenhouses. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 11.23
Saha, D., Lindberg, and M.K. Sidhu. 2020. Identification and management of liverwort in greenhouses. Electronic grower resources on-line (e-GRO) vol 9.03
Saha, D., C. Marble, S. Steed, and N.S. Boyd. 2019. Biology and management of Yellow (Cyperus escuelentus) and Purple Nutsedge (C. rotundus) in ornamental crop production and landscapes, ENH 1305. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences EDIS
Laughinghouse IV, H.D., D.E. Berthold, C. Marble, and D. Saha. 2019. Biology and management of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) in nurseries and greenhouses, SS-AGR-431. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences EDIS.
Saha, D., C. Marble, R.H. Stamps, S. Steed, and N.S. Boyd. 2016. Biology and management of ragweed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in ornamental crop production, ENH 1270. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences EDIS.
Saha, D., C. Marble, S. Steed, and N.S. Boyd. 2016. Biology and management of Pilea microphylla (Artillery weed) in ornamental crop production, ENH 1272. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences EDIS.
Related Work
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