Brian E. Washburn

Brian E. Washburn

Contact Me

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

(419) 656-2030


Research Biologist, National Wildlife Research Center

Brian Washburn's USDA Profile

Biography: Dr. Brian E. Washburn is a Research Biologist with USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) Sandusky, OH, Field Station. Prior to joining NWRC in 2003, Dr. Washburn was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Missouri (MU) where he developed the Wildlife Physiology Laboratory and conducted research studies involving stress and reproductive physiology of numerous wildlife taxa.

In his current position at NWRC, Dr. Washburn works extensively with colleagues and partners from Wildlife Services research and operations, the U.S. Department of Defense, Universities, civilian airports, state wildlife agencies, nongovernment organizations, and private industry.  His research involves basic and applied wildlife ecology studies that provide a better understanding of wildlife movement patterns (e.g., migration ecology), foraging ecology, habitat management, land-use practices, and ecology of wildlife within urban ecosystems.  Findings from his research are used to reduce wildlife hazards within and near airport environments.