Bekah Galang

Bekah Galang

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Partnership Specialist, Center for Regional Food Systems
Department of Community Sustainability


Bekah Galang is the Partnership Specialist for the Great Lakes Midwest Regional Food Business Center and the Network for Inclusive Farm Business Engagement (NIFBE) at the Center for Regional Food Systems. Bekah comes to CRFS after working within the city of Detroit in food businesses and in non-profit work developing leadership and creating spaces that nourish the community.

Bekah was a Keep Growing Detroit board of directors’ member and co-chair from 2020-2023, and a volunteer and GRP member since 2014. She has also served as the secretary on the founding board of Slow Food Detroit Central City and the planning committee for Make Food Not Waste. Her extensive food systems background includes working on farms and in statewide food access organizations, consulting for community food non-profits, and over 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry. Bekah has a Bachelor of Arts from Michigan State University’s Residential College of Arts and Humanities and Honors College.