Using health insurance to prevent back to school illness and injury
Now is the time to schedule students for their free annual wellness visit.
Over the next few weeks, Michigan’s public schools will welcome more than 1.5 million K-12 students, as well as attendees at private and pre-schools (Michigan Department of Education 2015-16 Annual Report. When your children enter their classroom, they will inevitably be exposed to more germs from the increased physical contact with many people. August is a good time to receive the free annual wellness exam included with your health insurance coverage. Student athletes are required to have a sports physical exam.
Good health is important for student learning and academic success as well as participating in sports and various physical activities. According to Smart Choice Health Insurance from the University of Maryland Extension, there are many things we can do to maintain good health. Using your health insurance as it is intended for prevention visits, immunizations and more can lead to overall better health for everyone. If a health problem occurs the results can be costly. Use your health insurance plan coverages to help reduce that risk, especially the financial one.
Twenty-six preventative services are covered for children’s exams with the Affordable Care Act. These include vision screening, behavioral assessments, and immunizations along with physical growth checks and measurements for school-aged children. Your health insurance plan may also cover other prevention benefits such as nutrition counseling, wellness coaching, and discounted gym memberships.
Caring for sick children who must stay home from school is no fun and may have financial consequences for missed work days. Along with buying back-to-school clothing and school supplies, invest some time to schedule and attend your child’s free wellness exam this month. Save yourself money and time.