Gregory Burns, Ph.d.

Greg uses a baboon model to study the establishment and progression of endometriotic lesions.


Endometriosis is a non-malignant disorder, affecting 10-15% of reproductive-age women, and associated with debilitating chronic pelvic pain and impaired fertility. Greg uses a baboon model to study the establishment and progression of endometriotic lesions. FOXC1 was identified through integrated transcriptomic analyses as a central transcription factor upregulated in endometriotic lesions that may regulate epithelial-mesenchymal and fibroblast-myofibroblast transition pathways. The long-term goal of his research is the discovery of molecular mechanisms governing the pathogenesis of endometriosis, particularly fibrosis, to contribute to the development of non-invasive diagnostics and fertility-sparing treatments.

gregory burns cellsOutreach Project

Greg plans to volunteer for the Darwin Discovery Day in February 2020 hosted by the Mid-Michigan chapter of Graduate Women in Science. This annual event is held to celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday and translate science to the public.

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