Quotas in Events Management System

How to configure and edit quotas in the Events Management Systems.

Quotas allow your to limit the number of people allowed to register for your entire event or a specific question in your event's registration form.

Creating a Quota

  1. Quotas must be created before activation is requested. If you need to set up a quota after your event has been activated, please email events@anr.msu.edu with your event ID and quota details.
  2. On the event dashboard, click "Configure Quotas".

Configure quotas.png

3. Select the scope of the quota.

Creating a quota for your entire event means that the quota will apply for all registrations within your event, even if you have multiple registration processes (such as speakers, participants, adults, youth, etc.). If you only have one registration process, select Entire Event.

Creating a quota for one registration process means the quota will only apply for registration process within your event. For example, you may want to limit the number of volunteers if you have a volunteer registration process, but you don't want to limit the number of youth attendees in the general registration process.

4. Select how the quota will be applied, then click Next.

Configure new quota.png

"All non-cancelled registrations" means the quota will be applied to all registrations that are not cancelled. 

"Registrations for a specific user input" allows you to select which registration question you would like to apply the quota. With this option, you can add multiple quotas in the same registration form. For example, you may add quotas for individual breakout sessions, event dates or locations, t-shirt sizes, etc. After selecting "Registrations for a specific user input", a drop down menu will appear for you to select the registration question for which the quota will be applied. 

5. Edit your quota details, including the quota minimum and maximum. If you do not have a minimum number of attendees, leave the minimum as 0.

Quota details.png

No Openings Messages may be added if you would like a statement to show up on your registration form once the quota has been reached. 

Wait List Confirmation Messages can be added for quotas that are event-wide or registration process specific. Wait List Confirmation Messages can NOT be added to specific user input quotas. 

6. Make sure the quota is marked as active, then click "Create Quota".

If you need to create multiple quotas for your event, you will need to repeat this process as necessary for each quota. 


Once your event is active, you can still manage your quotas. You cannot create new quotas once your event is active; new quota requests for an active event can be sent to ANR Event Services at events@anr.msu.edu

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