Mogens Nielsen Lepidoptera Collection
Mogen Nielsen's private Lepidoptera collection came to the ARC on April 2, 2014.
Mogen Nielsen’s private Lepidoptera collection came to the ARC on April 2, 2014. For years Mo had donated thousands of specimens to the ARC but the integration of his private collection with the ARC remained incomplete. Several monetary donations to the ARC helped initiate this process with the hiring of a part-time collection technician, Pam Horsley.
As of July 2015, 13,173 of Mo’s specimens have been transferred to standard ARC storage comprising 100 Cornell drawers, nomenclature has been verified and updated for 1,800 species, and 5,000 specimens have been databased (SEARCH). Complete curation of the Mo’s collection is anticipated by the end of 2015. Eventually it will be incorporated into the existing Lepidoptera collection in the ARC. The Lepidoptera collection has already been named the Mogens C. Nielsen Lepidoptera collection in honor of all the years of volunteer work that Mo contributed to make it among one of the finest Lepidoptera collections in the US.
Pam Horsely
The ARC Management greatly appreciates the generous financial contributions by anonymous donors and the gift of 30 Cornell drawers by the Michigan Entomological Society to help ensure the preservation of Mo’s collection for current and future generations.
Cabinets holding some of Mo’s collection
Cabinets holding some of Mo’s collection
Insect drawers of Mo’s moths and butterflies
Insect drawers of Mo’s moths and butterflies
Insect drawers of Mo’s moths and butterflies.
Insect drawers of Mo’s moths and butterflies.
Insect drawers of Mo’s moths and butterflies.