MFIN Gathering Story Slam: Apple Cider

MFIN Gathering Story Slam: Apple Cider

During the MFIN Gathering in November 2019, network members shared their stories to give inspiration and motivation for growing farm to institution efforts. Check out how they faced challenges but used them to find new opportunities, making their own version of Michigan’s lemonade - apple cider.

Most of us enjoy a fresh glass of apple cider on occasion, but we may not always think of how it’s made. Apple cider is made from imperfect apples that otherwise might be tossed aside and are then transformed into something delicious. These presenters were able to make something great from challenges that rose along the way. Their stories show that we are stronger when we are not afraid to be bold, and we can grow and learn in the face of mistakes.

For this story slam, we hear from Rachel Bair from the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Food Innovation Center and Brandon Seng from Michigan Farm to Freezer and the MFIN Advisory Committee. They both faced challenges in their work but used them to find new opportunities, making their own version of Michigan’s lemonade - apple cider.

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