Megan Andrews found a whole new world while working in an entomology lab
Undergraduate student Megan Andrews says she discovered insects are interesting and underrated. Since working in the Gut lab, she has changed her major to pursue a career in entomology.
Name: Megan Andrews
Hometown: I was born in Northampton, England, but I moved to Ann Arbor in 2009 and have called that home since.
Future study or career plans: Graduate school
Tell us about being involved in Bug Club. Bug Club is a great opportunity to not only meet other Entomology students but also learn more about insects. My favorite part is being able to handle insects and spiders that I would not be able to handle in my day-to-day life. Bug Club has helped reduce my fear of spiders, which has been very beneficial.
What is the best selling point about an entomology major that you would like others to know? It’s great because you can learn so much; entomology is a very broad subject and Michigan State University has such a wide variety of classes. I feel like in many majors, class topics are quickly narrowed down, but in entomology there are many elective options. It really lets you focus on what you are specifically interested in.

What or who inspired your interest in entomology? My job as a research assistant in the Larry Gut Lab is the reason I am an entomology major. I started that job only knowing that I wanted to study biology and I quickly learned how interesting and underrated insects are. Juan Huang and Chris Adams showed me how important agricultural entomology is to the economy. I quickly learned that entomology isn’t only about insects, but how they impact our day-to-day lives.
What has been your best experience with entomology? My research assistant position in the Gut Lab. I have learned so much about how science works and how entomology impacts our lives.
What is your favorite activity/way to spend your time outside of your studies? I enjoy painting and drawing.
What is your favorite insect? Picking one insect is very difficult, but my current favorite is an orchid mantis. They are so beautiful and have amazing behavior.
What is your favorite thing about MSU? This is kind of cheesy, mind my pun, but the MSU Dairy Store. It’s the best ice cream I have ever had.
Do you have advice for anyone interested in an entomology major? Get a summer job in entomology! There are plenty of labs who are hiring and it will give you a real experience with what you can do with the major.
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