Keeping Businesses Strong in Montmorency County
How does MSU Extension and the MSU Product Center help Michigan entrepreneurs?
MSU Extension and the MSU Product Center help Michigan entrepreneurs develop and commercialize high-value, consumer-responsive products and businesses in the food, agriculture, natural resources and bioeconomy sectors. When you support MSU Extension, you help participants understand the economic, environmental and social benefits of purchasing local and regional foods. You also help young people develop business skills that will help them succeed as adults and help communities capitalize on their ecological, social and cultural assets. This fuels the economy by creating and retaining jobs, and helps ensure a healthy tax base.
Building entrepreneurial spirit and skills
As the backbone of the economy, small business owners play a critical role in the prosperity of the nation. But to be a successful entrepreneur, one must have not only the ambition and moxie to take a risk, but also the business sense and skill to make a profit.
Michigan State University Product Center Assists Entrepreneurs
Mary Dunckel is specially trained as an innovation counselor to deliver business development services to local residents pursuing a business related to food, agriculture or natural resources. Free business counseling is conducted one-on-one and may take place at an MSUE office or the client’s home, farm or business location. The assistance provided is tailored to meet the needs of the client and may include developing a business plan, navigating the regulatory maze, accessing the supply chain or identifying funding options. The innovation counselor also assists clients in accessing specialized services they may need that are offered through Michigan State University such as feasibility studies, nutritional labeling, food science and packaging assistance.