FCCP Awarded Grant to Develop a Carbon Stewardship and Climate Education Program

FCCP is partnering with USDA Forest Service Office of Sustainability and Climate to develop a carbon stewardship and climate education program.

Colorful fall trees on top of a mountain.
Fall on the Monongahela National Forest. Photo: U.S. Forest Service.

FCCP is partnering with USDA Forest Service Office of Sustainability and Climate to develop a carbon stewardship and climate education program to increase capacity of Forest Service employees and other natural resources managers in the public and private sector. Funds will be used to develop materials for training which will include the development of on-demand learning modules, updated education resources, and supplementing other existing resources that have been used in various virtual formats.

This project will fill current gaps and help satisfy USDA Forest Service education needs for increasing carbon literacy of agency staff. Climate impacts on carbon within vegetation, soils, and wood products are increasingly incorporated into land management decision making and literacy on these topics is necessary for successful natural resource management. Climate literacy is one of four foundational elements of the 2022 Forest Service Climate Adaptation Plan, that are required for understanding land management contributions to achieving carbon stewardship on forests and rangelands. This project will continue to increase Forest Service employee understanding of carbon data, carbon stocks and fluxes in ecosystems, and the impacts of climate change and management on greenhouse gas mitigation of natural and working lands.


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